
The Strongest Demon King Beginning From Kuwang Academy (DxD)

High School DxD Roy traveled to the world of Demon High School and became Grefia’s younger brother, the only heir to the Lucifergus family. And obtained the demon chess system, from then on Roy walked the road of crossing the world to conquer his family and become the strongest demon king. Saeko Poshima: I swear by the honor of the Poshima family, I am willing to be Roy’s knight. Butterfly Ninja: As long as I can save my sister, I am willing to be Roy’s soldier. Esdes: If you want me to be your queen, then defeat me! The main world is the world of Demon High School. Across the World: Apocalypse of the Academy – Blade of Demon Slayer – Pokémon – Slashing Red Eyes – Dragon Maid of the Kobayashi Family – God Eater – To be continued The Strongest Demon King Beginning From Kuwang Academy

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Chapter 84

Chapter 84 The battle between the red pupil and the black pupil

Hei Tong's pupils shrank suddenly, but she didn't wait for her to turn back.

– The hand knife fell on her neck.

With a low groan, the eyelids suddenly became heavier in the next moment, and then the black pupil passed through.

Holding Hei Tong by the waist, Roy was very helpless.

Originally, I had agreed with Chi Tong to bring Hei Tong back, but I didn't expect it to be in this way.

No way, who made Hei Tong a dead brain!

With a sigh, Roy held the black pupil, and then unfolded his demon wings and flew into the sky.

Feikema Mountain was not far from the night raid stronghold, but it was only half an hour before Roy landed at the entrance of the stronghold.

"I'm back!"

Everyone ran out of the night attack with a loud shout.

"Roy is back!!"


"Huh? Roy, who is the little girl in your arms?

"Isn't it kidnapped from somewhere?"

With his return, the night raid stronghold suddenly became lively.

However, everyone's eyes were on the little girl in his arms next.

"Cough, everyone, don't guess, this is Chi Tong's younger sister, Hei Tong."

Having said that, Roy looked at Chi Tong and said, "Chi Tong, I brought your sister back.

"So it's Akatsuki's younger sister! It really looks like it!"

Everyone looked at Chi Tong, and then at Hei Tong, and found that the two were really very similar.

Chi Tong walked to Roy's side, looked at Hei Tong in his arms, and looked a little sad.

The two who were originally dependent on each other, but because of the darkness of the empire, the two have been separated for many years and become enemies.

Now that we meet again, there is indeed a feeling that things are right and wrong.

"Black pupil what happened to her?"

Seeing that her sister didn't wake up, Chi Tong asked with some doubts.

"Eh! Well, this,

"You also know that Hei Tong is not so easy to be persuaded! So I knocked her out and brought her back directly."

Roy said a little embarrassedly.

After all, he originally planned to persuade Hei Tong to follow him back, but he did not expect to use coercion.

"Is she a member of [Hunter]?"

Chelsea on the side guessed.

"That's right, Hei Tong is indeed a member of the [hunter population, and he is very powerful."

After speaking, Roy said to Chi Tong again: "I have an idea,

If he wanted to make Hei Tong less stubborn, he had to let her die again.

Because killing her sister Chi Tong has always been Hei Tong's obsession.

In addition, Hei Tong knew that he couldn't hold on for long, so this obsession deepened.

His plan was to let Chi Tong kill Hei Tong, and let him resurrect Hei Tong.

This can not only solve the obsession between the two sisters, but also restore Hei Tong's body.

More importantly, Roy received another family member, hehe!

It's simply doing more than one thing.

After Chi Tong heard his plan, he nodded in agreement without hesitation.

Then the three came to an open space together, waiting for Hei Tong to wake up.

Soon Hei Tong woke up, and when she opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was Chi Tong's figure.


"Black pupil."

The two looked at each other and fell into deep memories.

"I really miss it! My elder sister always protected me before, but in the end she still betrayed me."

Hei Tong stared at Chi Tong and smiled.

Hearing this, Chi Tong remembered the time when the two of them depended on each other, and she narrated slowly.

"We are helpless, the only place we are taken in by people who need us, and we have become the assassins of the empire."

"Eliminate the source of evil beforehand, so that there is no confusion and people are happy.

"We have always been instilled in this idea, cultivated into adults.

"We have always followed this order and killed those who were seen as betraying the Empire."

"Because we believe that's right…"

Listening to Chi Tong's narration, Hei Tong was also excited and shouted: "But, but why did my sister betray the empire and join the night raid? Why?

"Do you know how painful it is for me to be left behind?"

"So since that day, I only think about killing my sister every day!"

"Just by killing me, will you be redeemed?"

Chi Tong looked at Hei Tong calmly and asked.

"Hehe… There is no redemption at all, just because of this, my sister will become something that only belongs to me."

Saying that, Hei Tong smiled brightly, and pulled out the Emperor's March of the Dead – Eight Houses towards Chi Tong.

At the same time, two figures appeared behind her. They were the dolls controlled by the marching army of the dead, Bafang, Natara and Doya.

"If that's the case, then let's fight!"

Chi Tong also pulled out Murasame and pointed to Hei Tong.

The next moment the two fought together.

Hei Tong's strength is very strong. In the original book, she used the eight dolls manipulated by the dead to march in the eight rooms, and immediately attacked everyone at night.

Although most of the last eight dolls were destroyed, Hei Tong also retreated.

After encountering Chelsea's assassination, he succeeded in counter-killing her, which shows how strong Hei Tong is.

And Chi Tong, who didn't understand Murasame's trick, was weaker than Hei Tong.

However, the black pupil at this time obviously did not intend to go all out.

The two women questioned each other while fighting, but unfortunately neither could persuade the other.

Suddenly, Hei Tong deliberately bought a flaw.

Seeing this, Chi Tong rushed over without hesitation.

The straight bayonets of both sides are facing each other, as if they are going to die together.

But when Hei Tong was about to stab Chi Tong, her knife shifted away and stabbed into the air.

But Chi Tong's knife pierced Hei Tong's body straight.

"Black pupil."

At this moment, Chi Tong was stunned.

Hei Tong hugged Chi Tong and said softly in her ear: "Sister, I like you the most!".

Chi Tong only felt a shock all over her body, and tears flowed involuntarily, blurring her eyes.

At this moment, the long-cherished wish of the two came to an end.

At this moment, Roy came over, looked at the dead Hei Tong, and couldn't help sighing.

Obviously, in the end, Hei Tong deliberately died under the Chi Tong knife.

This is the end of this wrong life.

If that's the case, then let him give Hei Tong a new life!

Seeing him come over, Chi Tong looked at him expectantly.

"Don't worry! Hei Tong will definitely have a new life, I promise!"

Touching Chi Tong's little head, Roy hugged Hei Tong.

Immediately use magic to wrap the darkness and float in the air.

A huge magic circle of blue light spreads out.

Then, the majestic and grand contract spell slowly spit out from Roy's mouth, majestic and grand.

"I order in the name of my Roy Lucifergus, you black pupil, become my servant devil, and be reborn as my knight!"

A knight chess piece merged into Hei Tong's body, and the demon wings unfolded.

After a long time, the black pupil slowly fell.

Opening his eyes, Hei Tong looked at Roy in front of him with some doubts.

"Hei Tong, you have been reborn, Naruto, now you only belong to me."

Roy touched Hei Tong's little head and smiled.

"Well, master!"

Seeming to understand what he said, Hei Tong showed a bright smile and threw himself into his arms.

"Black pupil just call me brother!"

"Well, brother!"

Chi Tong, who was on the side, saw that Hei Tong was resurrected, and showed a bright smile.

"elder sister!"

Hei Tong looked at Chi Tong who was beside him, and then threw himself into Chi Tong's arms.

"Well, black pupil!"

The two sisters hugged tightly, as if they had returned to their childhood when they were dependent on each other.

Finally, the black pupil problem was solved, and Roy was finally relieved.

He is very sympathetic to the two who have endured hardships since childhood.

At this moment, the two women who were hugging separated separated, and then Chi Tong walked up to Roy.

With a slightly reddish face, he said, "It's time to fulfill our promise!"

Promise? Is it?

Suddenly, Roy hugged Chi Tong with joy.

"Is my sister going to be Roy's family too? Great, so we can be together forever.

Hei Tong, who was beside him, looked at his sister with a smile on his face.

Hearing this, Chi Tong became even more shy.

Roy didn't waste any time, and started the turning ceremony directly.

"I order in the name of my Roy Lucifergus, you red eyes, become my servant devil, and be reborn as my knight!"

Another knight chess piece flew out and slowly merged into Chi Tong's body.

Both Akatsuki and Black Hitomi belong to the speed-type fighting style, so there is no problem with using knight chess pieces.

After a while, Chi Tong turned around and succeeded.

After becoming demons, the strength of the two women reached the peak of the superior demons, and they were only one step away from becoming demon kings.

However, it is not so easy to cross this door frame.

Afterwards, Roy returned to the night raid stronghold holding one hand in hand.

After everyone in Ye Xi knew the story between the two sisters, they all felt pity for Hei Tong.

In the evening, in order to celebrate Hei Tong's rebirth, everyone made a lot of delicious food together.

Chi Tong and Hei Tong, the two foodies, didn't stop until their belly was round.

the next day.

Chi Tong hurried to Roy's room, pushed open the door, and shouted, "Roy is not good, Hei Tong is gone!"


Roy, who was asleep, woke up in a daze.

"Akihito what are you talking about?"

"I said the black pupil is gone."

Chi Tong said anxiously, and even Hill, who was lying on the side of the bed, ignored it.

"Black pupil is gone?"

Roy just felt a big question mark in his head.

At this time, Roy's quilt was lifted from the inside.

A small black head popped out, it was the black pupil.

"Sister, what are you talking about?"

Kuroko rubbed his eyes and said in a daze.

Looking at the black pupil that got out of Roy's bed, the corner of Chitong's eyes couldn't help twitching a few times.

Originally last night, Chi Tong slept with Hei Tong.

But when he woke up this morning, Chi Tong found that Hei Tong was gone.

That's why I came to Roy in a hurry, but I didn't expect that Hei Tong was actually in Roy's bed.

Chi Tong only felt a sense of powerlessness in her heart at this time.

"My brother's bed is so comfortable to sleep in! Do you want my sister to come too?"

Hei Tong smiled and invited Chi Tong.

Hearing this, Chi Tong's face turned slightly red, but he still nodded and said, "Okay!"

Seeing the conversation between the two, Roy was speechless.

Why are you running here, this little bed can't sleep!

I sighed helplessly, it seems that today I have to do something to expand the bed.

After looking at Hill, who was still sleeping beside the bed, Roy couldn't help complaining: "And this idiot, I told her not to sleep by the bed, but she didn't listen.

No way, he had to carry Hill back to the bed, and then got up.

On the other hand, Estes originally said that the good thing was to make a substitution at night.

She was ready to show her strength in front of Roy.

But when the time came to night, Roy and Hei Tong did not appear.

Immediately, Esdes and Will started looking for them.

Originally, Esdes thought that the two of them had encountered an accident, so it was too late.

However, after searching to no avail, Esdes finally realized that Roy and Black pupil might have left.

This made Esders quite sad, and at the same time determined to find Roy.

[The other person in the hunter's mouth, Dr. Fashion, took his fashion team and followed the clues left by Roy.

I'm afraid even Roy didn't think that Dr. Fashion was still here. You must know that he flew back from the sky.


Night raid stronghold.

Lubbock suddenly hurried to Roy.

"The boss is not good. I found a lot of people in the enchantment that I arranged on the outer periphery, and they are heading here."


Roy looked at Lubbock in surprise, wondering how someone would come here at this time.

Not enough, he still ordered: "Gather all the night raiders and prepare for battle.


After all the members of the night raid were assembled, Roy led the crowd to set off to a mountaintop location.

They could clearly see some people with white masks, crawling forward, looking weird, approaching.


"That's Dr. Fashion!

Black pupil recognized who it was at a glance.

If Dr. Fashion came out, then Esders.

Thinking of this, Hei Tong observed again, but did not find the rest of Esdes and the [Hunter].

"Looks like Dr. Fashion is the only one here."

Roy didn't expect Dr. Fashion to still come, obviously he flew back from the sky.

However, compared to the original novel, Dr. Fashion came a day later, perhaps because it was difficult to find clues.

But it doesn't matter, the original night attack was successfully attacked by Dr. Fashion because all members of the night attack made a mistake by drinking.

But this time, they are naturally not afraid of each other when they are prepared.

Brand", Lubbock, Akatsuki, go to the left.

"Yazi, Leone, Hill, go to the right."

"Maine, Chelsea, and Hei Tong, all of you will join me in a frontal attack, and all of you will be dispatched, with the goal of completely destroying the enemy.

"Also, everyone should be careful of poison gas and the other's infantry. These people can explode themselves."

Roy commanded quickly.


The crowd answered in unison.

Afterwards, all the members of Night Raid set off, and directly surrounded Dr. Fashion and his fashion team (are you okay).

The current night attack is not comparable to the night attack in the original book.

Not only did Hill and Brand have nothing to do with the current night attack, but there were also Roy, Saeko, and Black Eyed Chelsea.

The strength can be said to be unprecedentedly powerful.

Then, the killing began.

Dr.'s fashionable ordinary infantry can't stop the three-person team of night attack.

Even its elite transformations Guima, Speed, Jiao Xing and Xiang Cha.

When facing the night attack three people at the same time, they can only be killed in seconds.

What's more, the current Chi Tong's strength is no longer under Esdes.

Dr. Stylish's fashion team collapsed at the moment of contact with them.

"No, Lord Fashion, we were attacked by the night attack, the opponent is very powerful, and the fashion team has already lost most of the casualties.

Next to Dr. Fashion, a woman with big ears kept reporting to Dr. Fashion.

This big-eared woman is the ear in the investigation trio.

It is a person whose ears have been strengthened, and its hearing is very strong.

Hearing this, Dr. Fashion took out a controller and said expressionlessly: "In this case, these research materials are not needed."

Saying that, I saw him pressing the button on the controller.

The next moment, I saw that the stomachs of these infantry soldiers suddenly swelled.


In an instant, the entire battlefield was filled with explosions.

And everyone in the night attack evaded in advance under Roy's reminder, so no one was injured.

"Master Fashion, no one of the other party was injured.

At this time, the eyes of the investigation trio had mixed reports.

Hearing this, Dr. Fashion suddenly looked a little ugly.

"How about the release of the poison gas?"

"Fashion-sama, because today's wind is against the wind, the poisonous gas cannot spread out.

Nose Hui reports from the Investigative Trio.

"There's no other way, in this case, don't force it, run first!"

Seeing that his methods were useless, Dr. Fashion decided to turn around and run away.

"Fashionable adults!!

The investigation trio and the gold and silver guards, Dr. Fashion ran away, and immediately followed, they didn't want to die.