
The Strongest Curse Master

Ace Lander an average high school senior was dragged into the "World of Curses" hidden beneath the surface of everyday life when he awakened as a “Curse Master” gaining an innate skill "Status Screen" and innate curse tool “Cursed Toybox” with the ability to animate and actualize action figures and adult silicone dolls into his Toy summons. ... [ — Status screen — > Cursed toybox is merging curse core 'divine form' with toy 'Goddess Athena'… > Cursed toybox is animating the toy 'Goddess Athena' as a toy summons… > Cursed toybox has animated the toy 'Goddess Athena.' > Toy summon 'Goddess Athena' added to toy space. > Toymancer can now summon Goddess Athena.] "Toy Summons, Goddess Athena!" [Name: Athena Race: Curse Tool Class: Toy summon Title: Greek Goddess (♀) Durability: (100/100) Enchantment: 1-Star Individuality: (100/100) Curse Energy Consumption: 5 units per hour Skills: Toy actualization, Wisdom of Ages, Divine Warrior, Divine Strategist, Divine Insight, Divine Counsel, Goddess’s Blessing, Forge of Innovation, Aegis Shield Note: i) Class 'Toy summon' will gain new skills with quantitative change in the Toymancer's stats. ii) Title 'Greek Goddess' will give Athena access to all her character abilities.] .. Did you say Curselings are strong? I have Toy summons that can turn Curselings into Curse spirits to aid me in combat. Am I alone in the world of curses? I have a legion of undying Toy summons and Curse spirits in my Cursed Toybox. I am never alone. You are an ancient god. So, what? I have the entire Greek and Norse pantheon goddess silicone doll collection serving in my Toy Legion. Do I want to take over the world? The world is free because I allow it. The world will submit if I demand it. ...

IGotStones · Fantasy
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76 Chs

Step One To Riches

Returning to his uncle's home Ace found that everyone was already aware of his big luck. His mother had shared the winning scratch-off lottery ticket image in the family IM group. $35,000 wasn't a huge amount for his uncle's family but they were happy to participate in their relative's joyous moment. The adults celebrated with their liquor and wine. Meanwhile, Danny sipped on his grape juice and whispered to Ace, "So, do you plan to use the money to buy yourself a life-size action figure?" 

Ace rolled his eyes at him and then addressed his parents, "Mom, Dad, I know you guys are planning to put the winnings in a savings account for me to use later. But I would prefer it if you guys helped me create my trading account with the bank. Don't worry I don't plan to use all the money for trading, I just need $500 seed money. I don't care about what you do with the rest, keep it in the savings account or buy me a new car, your wish, but I want $500 seed money for stock trading." 

There was a reason why Ace did not bring this up earlier but now in front of Dan and Pam. If he said this back at the mall, his parents would lecture him about how the stock market and gambling were the same without the proper resources and research that he lacked. But now in the presence of Dan and Pam, they would feel a little pressured to agree to his whim. As he expected his sudden revelation brought the whole celebration down a peck. 

"We will talk about it later, son," Alwin frowned and dismissed his son's request. But Ace was already prepared for rejection, so he added, "Dad, I know you don't mean it. Why don't you think of this as an opportunity for me to learn about money management and the daily market? If I had asked the same amount for academic courses or study camps, you would not think twice, would you? Please, just let me give this a try. I promise regardless of the outcome I will not let it affect my studies." 

Alwin stared at his son hard, and so did Mary but the one person Ace was counting on suddenly spoke up, "Al, the boy makes a good point. Besides, all he is asking is to let him learn. Speaking of which, Danny, I still haven't gotten the bill for the $10,000 online course you joined a few weeks ago."

"Dad, I shared it with your phone long ago. Didn't you see it? I will send it again, later," Danny lied as naturally as breathing air. 

Listening to the conversation Ace's eyes widened and he stared at his cousin in disbelief, figuring out how Danny had managed to save up $10,000 for the second sex doll he was planning to buy. 

Meanwhile, Alwin and Mary had shifted their stare from Ace to Dan. They looked at him in utter disbelief. Alwin sternly turned to look at Danny and inquired, "Danny Jr, $10,000 online course? What is it about?" 

"Uncle Al, you won't understand, it's about computer programming and networking," Danny tried to use the same trick he used on his parents on Alwin, however, it failed. 

"No, try me," Alwin had already guessed Danny was lying. He could have let it go had it been a small amount, but $10,000 wasn't something he could overlook. 

"Boy, go ahead and answer your uncle. Unlike me, he works with computers for a living. I am sure he will understand," Dan still had no idea what Danny had done. Though he complained a lot about him, he trusted his son. Meanwhile, Mandy snickered at fidgeting Danny and Pam had a bad feeling that her son was up to no good. 

"Al, leave the boy alone. And just think about what Ace asked, he did promise that he would not let it affect his studies," Mary suddenly spoke up, signaling Pam, who nodded and asked her son, "Danny, help me get salted nuts from the kitchen." She then headed to the kitchen and waited for Danny to join her and come clean. 

As gullible as Dan was, he had a very bad temper, if he learned what Danny had done, he might have broken his leg in rage just like how he broke the locks on Danny's door for not answering in time. This was why Mary hinted at Alwin to stop with the third degree and signaled Pam to take Danny to the side and talk about it. 

Ace shook his head unable to imagine what would happen to Danny if Dan and Pam were to learn about the elven queen mother Esmeralda he was hiding in his closet. Once again, he stared at Mandy wondering, 'What was she thinking buying Danny a sex doll?' 

"Ace, I will help you set up a trading account in your mother's name. But once you have used the $500 don't you dare ask for more and if it affects your studies I will close the account that very day. Do you understand me?" Alwin would never have agreed to Ace's request if not for Danny Jr. He was a little proud that his son was honest and upfront. He wanted to reward that behavior. 

"Yes, sir," Ace nodded vigorously, as he completed the first step in his plan to make his family rich. Then, he added, "I am heading to sleep, good night everyone." 

Without waiting for their reply Ace hurried to his room since Dame Wasp had just informed him that Mike and the 9Ks had reached their destination, their temporary safe house a remote farmhouse 10 milies south of the town. As he passed the kitchen to head upstairs, he overheard Danny confess about the money to Pam and promise to return all of it to Dan making up an excuse that the online course was canceled and his money was refunded. As for Pam, she seemed to be disappointed in her son and made sure he was aware of it.