
The Strongest Curse Master

Ace Lander an average high school senior was dragged into the "World of Curses" hidden beneath the surface of everyday life when he awakened as a “Curse Master” gaining an innate skill "Status Screen" and innate curse tool “Cursed Toybox” with the ability to animate and actualize action figures and adult silicone dolls into his Toy summons. ... [ — Status screen — > Cursed toybox is merging curse core 'divine form' with toy 'Goddess Athena'… > Cursed toybox is animating the toy 'Goddess Athena' as a toy summons… > Cursed toybox has animated the toy 'Goddess Athena.' > Toy summon 'Goddess Athena' added to toy space. > Toymancer can now summon Goddess Athena.] "Toy Summons, Goddess Athena!" [Name: Athena Race: Curse Tool Class: Toy summon Title: Greek Goddess (♀) Durability: (100/100) Enchantment: 1-Star Individuality: (100/100) Curse Energy Consumption: 5 units per hour Skills: Toy actualization, Wisdom of Ages, Divine Warrior, Divine Strategist, Divine Insight, Divine Counsel, Goddess’s Blessing, Forge of Innovation, Aegis Shield Note: i) Class 'Toy summon' will gain new skills with quantitative change in the Toymancer's stats. ii) Title 'Greek Goddess' will give Athena access to all her character abilities.] .. Did you say Curselings are strong? I have Toy summons that can turn Curselings into Curse spirits to aid me in combat. Am I alone in the world of curses? I have a legion of undying Toy summons and Curse spirits in my Cursed Toybox. I am never alone. You are an ancient god. So, what? I have the entire Greek and Norse pantheon goddess silicone doll collection serving in my Toy Legion. Do I want to take over the world? The world is free because I allow it. The world will submit if I demand it. ...

IGotStones · Fantasy
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76 Chs

Buick Regal Turbo-T

[— Status Screen —

> Dame Wasp: Master, it's seven in the morning, time to wake up. ]

Following Ace's instructions, Dame Wasp awakened her master like a well-oiled alarm clock. Ace had his reasons for waking up so early on a holiday, especially after sleeping in late due to his curse arts practice.

[ — Status Screen —

> Curse art 'Body Reinforcement' learned.

i) +15% proficiency

ii) +11 physical stats


i) Continued practice of curse art will increase it is proficiency.

ii) Rigorous practice of curse art will increase related stats.]

Opening his eyes, Ace summoned the status screen to check the progress he had made in practicing the modified 'Body Reinforcement' curse art the previous night, and he had made significant progress. The change was visible physically, Ace felt his body was sturdier than yesterday. Its shape was more defined and detailed, especially, the muscles of his cheek and jawbones. Models and actors would starve and dehydrate themselves to get the look that Ace now normally had. 

After completing daily toiletries and taking a shower, Ace headed downstairs for breakfast. He was famished even though he had stuffed himself with enough pizza for two last night. Practicing the curse arts has increased his metabolism, he guessed. 

Arriving downstairs, Ace saw the whole family was by the kitchen island, having a beacon and sunny-side-up eggs for breakfast. Ace loved this about his uncle's house they did not care about their carb intake. Pizza for dinner and bacon for breakfast, people in the countryside knew how to live life the best. 

"Good morning everybody," Ace greeted all, taking a seat by the edge of the kitchen island next to his cousin. 

"Good morning, you're up early," remarked Alwin, finding it odd that his son had gotten up so early of his own volition on a holiday. 

"Isn't it just me or is Ace getting handsome by day?" Mandy said aloud, gazing at Ace. Her words immediately garnered the attention of Mary who was making fresh tangerine juice for the family. She wanted to snap at Mandy, but looking at her son, she stuttered, "Mandy you— you are right."

"I used to look like that back when I was in the army," Dan suddenly said, finding that Ace looked like he could take a punch or two. 

"Dan, I was dating you back then, and trust me, you were nowhere as fit as the boy," Pam corrected her husband, as she passed Ace the plate she fixed for him.

"Do you want me to get the pictures?" Dan proposed feeling challenged. However, Pam shook her head and Mandy poked fun at him, "Tell that to your beer gut." 

"Your sister said she likes it," Dan got a glare from his wife. Ignoring her, he called on his brother for help, "AI, you remember right?" 

"Hey, how am I supposed to know what you husband and wife talk about behind closed doors?" Alwin said misunderstanding his elder brother. Dan stared disappointedly at his little brother before declaring, "That's it, I am getting the album." 

The entire family ignored Dan. Soon, Danny finishing his breakfast, grabbed his school bag and left announcing, "I am going to school." 

Ace hurriedly cleared his plate and saying, "I am going with Danny." He rushed behind his cousin before Mary or Alwin could say no. They finally knew why Ace had gotten up so early. 

Seeing Ace leave, Mandy, too, prepared to leave saying, "I will go drop Danny at the school." 

However, she wasn't quick enough. Dan rejected her, "Danny has his car and did you forget you will be joining us at the ranch?" Listening to him Mary sighed in relief. 

Following Danny to the shed, Ace arrived before an old Buick, a resto-modded 1987 Buick Regal Turbo-T to exact. Danny had shared its pics with Ace when Dan bought it for him. But this was the first time Ace was seeing it in person and he instantly fell in love with its Darth Vader black muscle body. 

"Where are you going?" Danny asked his cousin seeing him enter the passenger seat. 

"I am going to drop you off at the school," Ace indirectly asked to borrow Danny's car. 

"Fine. Just make sure you don't scratch it and remember to pick me up at four," Danny agreed to lend Ace his car. 

"Don't worry I will take utmost care of it and will pick you up at four sharp," Ace said trying to sound as sincere as possible.


Dropping Danny off at school, Ace went for a spin in the Buick and only when he was satisfied did he return home. It was past nine by the time he returned. Nobody was home, everyone had left for the ranch including his parents. The front door was locked so he entered from the back door.

'Rose, can I contact the doll makers, will they be open now?' Entering his room, Ace mentally asked Dame Waspm who was borrowing senses the whole time. 

'Yes, master. Their site says they open at nine. Do you want me to make the call?' Dame Wasp replied based on what she had learned from the site of the doll makers from whom Danny had bought his partner, Esmeralda.

'Go ahead,' Ace permitted, taking out his phone. Dame Wasp connected to it and remotely called the Doll Makers. 

"Hello, you have reached Oracle Doll Makers. How may we assist you?" the female voice answered the call. 

"Hi, I would like to place an order," Ace replied

"Sure, sir. Can we continue this over a video call? It will be easier for us to connect and understand your requirements. Rest assured sir, the privacy of our customer is our utmost priority," the staff requested, asking Ace's permission to switch the call to a video call. 

"Give me the contact info, and I will make the video call," Ace agreed to the staff's request feeling that it would indeed be easier for him to convey what he wanted to her. 

"Sure, Sir. You can make a video call to this number at your convenience," the staff replied politely.