
C25 - Growth. (Part 1)

In the past few weeks.

The Daycare became hit. As the business gained popularity and number of loyal customers increased.

Where people live around Verdanturf Town and its surrounding villages. Used the product sold in the Good's Daycare Center.

The only missing is a signature Pokemon to represent the whole Daycare Center.

The first step to conquer the world! Ehem! wrong.

The first step! to become number 1 Daycare Center.


3 Days had passed.

Aisha became the first employee of the Good's Daycare Center. She works as a cashier/ manager of the Shop. 

Despite the rigid work, she smiled frequently and was happier than before.

Ting~♪ Ting~♪

"Welcome!" Aisha standing at the counter while Lucas was helping Audino and the new Pokemon employee.

They're tasks to clean the shop, take care of the plants, check the stocks and to cook food.

Seeing everything is under control. 

Lucas felt satisfaction and pride about his achievement. He looked around and nodded, and decided to visit the Ecology Park.

"Aisha! I leave everything to you and ask Audino if you need something." Lucas called her and Aisha gave him an okay sign.


"Au~!!" (Don't worry!!)

Few Minutes later.

Lucas entered the Ecology Park and saw a new structure was built. The building was called Training Hall.

A place built to train their body and control over their elements. He entered the Training Hall and saw every Pokemon doing their own tasks. 

He saw some Pokemon using the Gravity field to maintain themselves in mid air without falling. A  group of Ralts maintain themselves, levitating while playing dodgeball. The ball contains dark energy and plays happily.

Some Pokemon saw his presence and they greeted him. He greeted them in return and roamed around.

Few Minutes later. 

Lucas saw Riolu and shiny Buneary honing their moves. Riolu only used move [Detect] and fought her with fist alone while wearing weights.

On the other hand, Buneary only used three moves [Attract], [Sweet Kiss] and [Teeter Dance] to defeat him.

He set a goal for the duo. 

Buneary must knock out Riolu within 30 Minutes while Riolu can use [Detect] and defend If any of them step outside the white line considered eliminated. He/she is considered defeat.

The Winner is the king and loser follows the King's order. 

The rules were simple, but once Riolu was defeated. He became a Buneary lackey and ordered him to do anything.

His experience became his motivation to defeat her and order her around, but unfortunately Riolu became Buneary target practice. 

As long, he can't conquer the confusion and defeat her with his fist.


Lucas smiled at the duo and called them. "Husk! Kuni!"

Riolu and Buneary looked toward their trainer. Once, they saw him bring something they ran toward his side.

Lucas spent his time asking about the duo's progress and used his status. He saw both Pokemon already in their level 30 and took two everstone.

"Wear this, you need to deepen your foundation before you evolve in your final form, okay?" Lucas explained. They took the bracelet with everstone to delay their evolution.

"Husk! You need to meditate and reflect about yourself, okay?" Lucas patted Riolu's head. "Be like a leaf and follow the wind, let your aura become water to feel everything."

"Kuni, remember this, you're beautiful, understand?" Lucas looked to Buneary. Her ears moved and she smiled happily.

Lucas saw their reaction and was thankful about the book he read before. As he learned words can change a person and they're applicable to his little friend.

Lucas spent his time with them before leaving them behind. 

He went to the other side and saw the baby Absol (shiny) sleeping under the shade of a tree. Around him were balls containing dark energy and they're floating.

He let Absol train to control and familiarize with the psychic powers. Since he already mastered the Dark energy inside him. 

He used telepathy and praised him. ("Good Job!")

Baby Absol opened his eyes and saw his trainer watching him. He nodded his head and slept.

Lucas shook his and looked at his side. The baby Larvitar is playing in the sandpit with Aron.

Larvitar controls the sand and builds a castle. On the other hand, Aron is digging in the sand and helping Larvitar create the castle.

He trained them about teamwork. Also teaches Larvitar to control sand around him and Aron how to control her strength.

"Hmm. I should visit my princess."


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