
Chapter 36: Visions and Guilt

Clare POV

Dark trees surrounded me on every side, but I had to keep pushing. I had to keep moving.

A cry left my lips as I tripped over an unseen root or branch and fell to my knees, but there was no time to stop. I jumped back up and started to run again, with a little bit of a limp now.

There was the sound of howls from behind me, and I tried to shift for what felt like the millionth time.

No luck.

What had happened to me? Why couldn't I shift? Was I poisoned?

My breathing was becoming labored now as I tried to push myself to go faster. Push myself past the pain.

The howls were getting louder, along with my breathing, as I struggled forward. There was no light in sight, and I wasn't even 100% sure where I was. It appeared that my shifting wasn't the only wolf quality that I couldn't use at the moment.

True, genuine fear started to grip me as I felt like there was no way out.

How did this happen? How did I get here?

Then, there was a break.