
The Strongest Avenger {Indefinite Hiatus}

An ugly guy dies and gets wishes and travels the multiverse.

Shimi1711 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

New York

In the morning dew, we can a child see a child of age five sleeping peacefully in an orphanage. When suddenly, the boy starts shaking. After half an hour, the boy jolts up and starts sweating. He starts frantically looking everywhere. After some time, he calms down.

Percy" So I have finally been reincarnated. That was painful. Okay, first, let's calm down and think. I am in an orphanage in New York. I turned five yesterday and I have the same name."

I turn left and in the mirror I see myself and I will be honest I fell in love with myself. I am not joking, I look like I was sculpted with jade by the gods, which is kinda true, but whatever. That was my best wish.

I ask telepathically,' Hello A.I?'

Someone replies in my head,'Yes, Sir.'

Percy' Yesssss. Okay, your name will be Harry.'

Harry'Thank you, Sir'

Percy' Okay then, Harry, please show me my status.'

Harry' Of Course, Sir'


Name: Percy Jackson

Age: 5

Race: Kryptonian

Vitality: 100

Strength: 10

Agility: 10

Luck: 50

Intelligence: 5000(Max)


Percy' Okay. Harry, please show me the average status of an adult.'

Harry' Here you go Sir'


Vitality: 10

Strength: 1-2

Agility: 2-3

Luck: 0-5

Intelligence: 100-150

Percy' This means I am already better than ordinary people. Hey, Harry, where is my suit?'

Harry'Sir, the suit is stored inside your watch, the watch is the arc reactor.'

Percy'Neat. Now for my eyes. How do I have activate them? Any clues, Harry.'

Harry'Sir, God, said that you shouldn't use your eyes until you reach 10 years of age as they can be harmful to you. Your inner world will also unlock at 10 years of age. Sir, I suggest the following approaches:

Leave the Orphanage

Learn Martial Arts

Learn Mystic Arts

Get Academic Certification

Explore Space

Participate in the New York War

Battle against Ultron

Percy'Fine. I will first create a clone that will go to school in my stead, and I will go to Kamar-Taj.'

I make a clone using the shadow clone technique, and damn it is tiring, half my energy is gone. I instruct my clone to stay at the orphanage in my place and go to school. I also tell it to skip as many grades as it can. Then I stand up from my bed, go to the center of my room and click my watch.

I watch in excitement as the nano-tech in my watch comes to life and starts forming the Mark-85 Iron Man suit. I tell Harry to turn on Stealth Mode, and I go invisible. I open my bedroom window and take using the repulsors.

Percy' Harry, please mark the way to the New York Sanctum.'

Harry' Here you go, Sir.'

A blue mark appears on my HUD, I follow it to the door of the New York Sanctum. I change my suit to some nice clothes and turn off my invisibility.' What? Gotta make a good first impression.'

I go up to the door and knock twice. I wait for a few second and a person opens the sliding door viewer and says

"What do you want?"

Percy" I want to meet the Ancient One"

Sanctum Master" Of Course you do. Fine, come in, she's waiting for you."

He opens the door for me and I excitedly go in.

Sanctum Master"Don't touch anything and follow me."

Percy"Yes, Sir"

I follow him as he takes through the building, probably to the portal to Kamar-Taj. While following him, I look around and see different artifacts placed in glass boxes. I also see the Cloak of Levitation, that Doctor Strange gets while fighting Kaecilius. The Sanctum Master stops walking in front of the portal and turns around

Sanctum Master"Go ahead. Someone will take you to the Ancient One."

I nod and enter the portal. The portal felt like as if I was breaking a water surface. On the other side, I see some students practicing the sling ring.

A person dressed in green robes comes towards me.

Person" Hello young one. I am Master Mordo. Follow me, I will lead you to the Ancient One."

I nod and he starts walking towards one of the buildings. I follow him quietly. After a few minutes, we reach a Japanese sliding door.

Master Mordo opens the door and tells me to go in.

After I am inside the room, Master Mordo closes the door and leaves. I walk towards the center of the room, where a bald woman and an old man are sitting. I sit in front of the bald woman.

Bald Woman"Pour a glass of tea and offer it to the Ancient One"

I nod and pour a glass of tea in one of the cups. After setting the teapot aside, I push the cup towards the bald woman. She looks surprised and says "Oh? You already know me, how curious?"

She turns towards the old man

Ancient One"Thank You, Master Hamir"

The old man gets up and leaves the room. The Ancient One turns to me

Ancient One" So tell me Mr.Jackson, how can Kamar-Taj, help you?

Here is the second chapter. Man, it is difficult. When I am writing dialogue, I mess up details and when writing details I forget dialogue. Again, open to criticism.

Have some ideas about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Give Suggestion about hero name starting with S or any other good name.


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