
The Strength Of Duality (Newly Edited)

There is nothing especially grand about the main character. He only wanted to live happily with his family, but this kind of life was taken away from him twice. So, with a heart set on cultivating and growing as strong as possible as fast as possible he will grow to unimaginable heights take revenge and then continue growing stronger while protecting those dear to him. All, while struggling to stay true to himself. Here is the link to the discord I made https://discord.gg/3zwyj97Phj Cover provided by gej302

NascentDude740 · Eastern
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187 Chs

Learning Wolf’s Lightning

For Yun Tian and his comprehension though, the process of learning the wolves' movements went smoothly.

It was not only his movements that slowly became much more similar to the wolves around him. The way he reacted to things and how he would go about going after prey became much more similar to a wolf's.

He wasn't adverse to using his hands and arms to push off of things before, but now his arms could act almost like a wolf's as he sometimes used his hands to even grab the ground to move faster.

His style of dodging attacks slowly changed too.

First, he learned how to be like the wind, fleeting, and using it to improve his speed. Then, he learned to move like water, fluid and constantly changing.

Now, he was like a fast beast that circled its prey looking for openings. He slowly made it harder for the wolves to even try to attack him now, as he moved around them at great speeds constantly changing location.

He thought that this was still not enough though. So, he continued to learn from the wolves and his movements became much better and more like how a beast would move. He lost his refined nature and his movements became less like a human's.

He told the wolves it was enough after going at it with them for a few hours. The wolves were exhausted from helping for hours and went to rest, while Shen Yu came over and asked, "Did you learn the skill?"

Yun Tian shook his head no and said, "It helped, but there is still more I am missing."

Shen Yu wished him luck saying, "I know you can do it. Besides, even if you can't, it just means the skill doesn't suit you. After all, with your ability what skill can't you learn if it is at least possible."

Then, she left back to her own training as she knew Yun Tian would continue to try and figure out the skill.

What she said before leaving bewildered him though. He thought, 'I haven't failed. I just haven't started yet.'

It still put a smile on his face to hear how she believed in him though.

He focused once more and thought about his progress with the skill again.

The prowess he could display with the skill had greatly increased, but he knew that he was still missing something. Fortunately, Yun Tian already knew what he was missing.

'I can move like a wolf, but I still am not incorporating the features of lightning into my movements at all. The only reason I was able to dodge the wolves so smoothly was because of my superior strength. Otherwise with my comprehension of the skill so far it is not enough. I am not displaying even fifty percent of this skill's ability so far.'

He continued on, 'I can learn skills through example or using other things as a reference, but where can I find a constant source of lightning to study?'

Suddenly he realized something, 'I don't have to witness it or wait for lightning to suddenly strike down. I still have my memories.'

He had seen lightning before in this life. Besides that though, he had his memories from back on Earth. There, not only had he also seen it in real life, but he had learned about it. He had witnessed electricity and seen it in videos.

He delved into his memories and tried to grasp the concept of lightning through them.

'Lightning is quick and contains a large amount of energy. You can only witness lighting while it is flashing toward the ground. It is almost like short lived fast bursts of energy. It destroys whatever it touches, but it can also be used as a source of power.'

He recollected all his memories about lightning and tried to figure out how to put them into use in his own movement.

He said to the others, who had left him alone at this point, "I am heading out for a while," and then left into the forest.

None of them bothered to try and stop him since they knew he was going to train his skill.

After he left, he started to display the Wolf's Lightning skill once again. At the same time though, he was recalling all the knowledge he had about lightning and trying to understand the underlying concepts behind it.

He travelled throughout the forest without any destination in mind.

He thought about lightning and slowly his movements changed. Before he was just like a fast beast that was slightly erratic in its movements.

He still resembled a beast as he moved, but now he was a beast made of lightning as he moved.

He constantly changed position and made erratic turns with each piece of ground he stepped on being completely displaced by the force he used while moving.

The movement technique was good for short bursts of speed, but he felt it was still not enough.

He continued to comprehend lightning and he started to use his qi to enhance his movement technique.

His body was already very strong, but now he was trying to transform his qi into electricity to stimulate his body. He had used his qi in attacks and changed it into different forms like a cloud with the cloud palm skill, but this felt different.

His qi wrapped around him and sparks appeared on him as his speed suddenly increased. He went much faster and looked like a lightning beast that flashed from one spot to another.

When he launched off the ground there would be a large explosion of dirt. When he kicked off a tree it would look like lightning struck it as he blasted a hole from him launching off it.

He smiled and thought, 'I wonder what level I just reached.'

He wasn't sure what level he reached with the skill at this point or if this was even the path he was supposed to take with the skill.

Still, it suited him and was indeed very fast so he liked it.