
The Strength of 999 Heroes Empowers Me in This New World

Aster is reborn into a new world after having defeated the Demon King in his own world and unfortunately meeting his own demise. After a beautiful goddess of pure white had greeted him in the Realm of Darkness, she grants him another chance at life. He arrives in a new world, his body completely different to what he is used to- stuck with nothing but a blade of his past.

VMaru · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Going From the Slumbering World and into the Waking World

My body feels cold as if my very life was being drained. My fingers coarse through the dirt around me, feeling the very ground where I felt… no… knew would be my resting place.

Time felt infinite, yet its finite was all too present. I couldn't breathe, I opened my mouth yet not a single word could come out. Blood dripped into my vision, covering my eyes- yet I didn't feel the stinging sensation I would usually feel.

Rather, I felt nothing at all as I lay lifeless on the ground. The Sword of Heroes was the blade that had impaled me. I had suffered enough, the friends I had made- the people I loved- the people I fought for… My own family were all slain by the very sword that impales me now.

The Sword, of that of a Hero. The Sword that is sworn to protect the people…

My existence is just ironic, here, I played the role placed upon me by society… I dedicated my very existence towards it, yet- this is how it all ends? The Hero, Aster… had slain all the demons.

The Hero Aster had killed his own family, his people, his friends… and now, himself.

My own thoughts dwindled, I could barely think. Or perhaps, it was because I didn't want to think. But I'm now here. This is what my life had led up to.

A disappointing... Pathetic end.

I… Will never… forgive myself…


Darkness swarmed my vision. Everywhere I looked, the light was absent. There was nothing to see, nothing to feel. Just me, and this empty void. But, for some reason, I felt as though- or even the fact that I could feel was all too strange.

I looked down, my body feeling incredibly light. I was naked, but to make sure- I lifted my arms and began to open and close my hands. The wounds, the pain, the dirt- everything was gone. It was just me. My hands felt smooth, were they always like that?

My body felt lighter too, and it was as though the fibres of all my muscles were gone. I caressed my belly, and just as I had suspected- I bore no muscles. It was as if my body was reset- but it's not like I ever had a scrawny body as an adult. Since childhood, I've always had a well-toned body. Even this was new to me, despite having experienced such a body in childhood.

I looked around me, and there was nothing but darkness. An empty void, yet- it almost felt as though it was full. It's a rather unexpected sense, considering that it was as if I was standing on something- yet I couldn't see anything past the bottomless void below my feet.

As if the world was responding to my thoughts, emerging from beneath me was light. It surrounded my body, and even the floor, engulfing me completely in such a bright light.

As if things couldn't get any weirder, clothes appeared that I did not recognize, my muscles, my sword, even the pain was briefly there before it subsided. My wounds were still nowhere to be seen- but I didn't think about that. The floor that was covered in stained glass caught my attention more. What was more confusing, was the stairway that had suddenly appeared before me.

The floor beneath me was nothing but stained glass that was as dark as the void beneath me- yet the faint lines of each different glass were present. I began to make my way up those sets of stairs, wondering just where it would take me. Or rather, I had this impending fear of the darkness engulfing me. Going up seemed the more logical answer- and after only 8 steps, I had made it to the 10th step- which was a floor that was invisible.

I made my way to the centre- and it seemed as though my actions had caused yet another strange event to occur. Looking down once more, the light had engulfed me and had granted me another set of clothes yet unrecognizable. The stairway ahead had begun to forge, sets of stained glass that bore monochrome colours.

The floor too, was made of stained glass of different shades of green, and it was floating at that. I was suspect of it, but it seemed to be the only way forward…

But, this wasn't how it was supposed to end. My sins, they are ones that I'll be burdened with so long as I lived. Yet, this feeling…

It's as if a voice is telling me to fight on.

I took a few steps forward- but I was put to a complete halt.

'You are an anomaly…'

The voice whispered. It sounded more like wind gushing and finding its way into a crack in an enclosed area. But this sound had intelligence behind it. Though it was mere wind, its words seeped into my head, echoing and repeating.

'You carry many sins…'



The whispers continue to echo in my head, though it wasn't painful. My body felt as though it was reacting. Glimpses of light flashed when I closed my eyes as if something was trying to… no, someone was trying to show me something. But, nothing…

'You are bound… but you can be set…'

The voices abruptly were cut off, distorted and silent as they were. Suddenly before me, raging dark monsters emerged. There were only two, one resembled something akin to a dragon and the other akin to a man. Something felt familiar to them, but that didn't matter. They were coming to kill me, that much was obvious. As I held my blade up, a sudden mirage of a dragon emerged from my blade, and had fought and brought the dragon down into the endless abyss. The dark creature before me then lunged at me, but it was senseless fighting someone like me. My blade met with the dark creature's chest, effortlessly slicing through as if there was no obstruction in the first place.

Turning around, I didn't get the chance to see it fall. Rather, a simple puddle of darkness was left before it completely vanished into the air.

'What is all this…?'

I asked myself, but there was no use pondering questions when something that was so bizarre to me was happening. After all, it'd only increase the level of confusion I had felt.

My questions were quick to be dispelled, as my priorities had changed. The stained glass began to rumble, and soon- it had begun to explode in darkness. My footing was already crumbling, and so I took the leap of faith towards the stained glass pathway that led to higher grounds. At that moment, I realised just what was above me. In the sky, the void sky of pitch-black darkness- was a vortex of light. It was far, like as if I could climb for years and would never reach it. But why is that the case?

It was then that I had noticed something off about my body. Looking upon my hand once more, the signet was gone.

It was a symbol that represented my Blood of the Divine. This wasn't my body, yet its resemblance was uncanny. With this newly gained knowledge, it was apparent that my magical abilities were nowhere near as powerful. More than that, there was a notable difference with my sword when I lifted it. It felt much heavier- and it was in its dormant state.

When there were already so many questions to ask, it didn't help that there were, even more, to be asked. In the end, my answer- my intuition is telling me that it's up these sets of stairs.

As I began to walk forward and up the stained glass stairway, I felt the darkness swallow the stairway behind me. Looking back, I stepped forward- to which the step before vanished again. I took my next step slowly, and the darkness- yet again- swallowed the step behind me. It seemed as though it would only swallow the light when I had passed it.

What could that mean though…?

13 steps, and I had reached a floorless zone once more. This time, the stained glass that had emerged from the blinding light was different shades of red. It felt somewhat warm, yet…

'Fate… It tore… but you saved…. e….'

This time, instead of wind, I heard the sizzling and crackling sounds of a small fire, yet again- I could hear the voice within it.

'Destiny was set for you…'



I had begun to expect this by now, and this time- it was a singular black creature. It was dominating, a fierce outlook- yet somehow, I had hesitated to draw my blade. But why did I hesitate so? Regardless, I continued, because the answers are ahead.

I felt sorry, but for what? I did bear many sins, but… Regardless, my blade saw itself through the shadow. Just like before, I had made my way up…

Each floor, had different themes, and as I made my way up it was accompanied by a different set of stairs…

This time, it was 15 steps before I reached the next dome.

The stained glass displayed different shades of orange this time, deepening down to even shades of brown. This time, the crumbling sound of rubble and earth shook my ears.

'Despite all odds… y… hope in hum…'

'See it through…'



Before me was a giant figure who bore several arms and heads- it was as if it bore the body of a magnificent creature. But to my blade, it was nothing. I didn't understand what sort of trial this was, but the way forward was waiting to be charted.

This instance was odd, however, as suddenly- the floor had switched colours. A single platform awaited me, to which I had jumped onto it. Just like the floors before me, stained glass had emerged once more, this time it was different shades of purple. I looked around, and powerful silence was left.

'Lived too young…'

'There are two sides…'



Once more, a giant had appeared- this time it was much more muscular and its figure felt somewhat dominating- yet lifeless. It was as if it was animated- but that didn't stop me from slicing right through.

Another 48 steps this time before I had reached the next floor.

This time, the stained glass was shades of blue, and the sounds of nature had chirped into my ears.

'... bares its meaning… fulfil your…'

'Death is inevitable.'



This time, was an entity that felt extremely powerful. It floated in the sky and bore wings that resembled that of a butterfly of darkness. It fell and was grounded by my sword.

The next set of steps was awaiting- and this time, it was much longer. 119 steps, and I made it to the next zone. The stained glass once again formed, revealing a darker-toned form of colouring- akin to grey.

I felt my body grow exponentially in weight as if I was being weighted down- and this time, the monster that had shrieked before me was floating with several tentacles protruding from its somewhat circular body. Wings had spread out, and in the cloudy mist of darkness, an eye had emerged.

'Your… is weighed by none…'

'Insurpassable objects will block your path…'



It was quelled, and having counted the steps and the floors I had been to there were a total of 7 floors and 192 steps. Stepping forth, this was the final floor. At least, it had felt like it…

The floor emerged once more, and the stained glasses appeared in shades of yellow.

'Your actions…'




Before me, felt like a being that was far stronger than anything I had faced. Yet, at the same time, my power felt as though it was rising. Its body emanated a black miasma that began to seep into my body, but a faint glow of gold ultimately blocked it, quelling the miasma before disappearing. Swinging my blade down, I sliced right through it, quelling it completely.

This floor had to have been the final one- though that idea was thrown out the window the moment I had witnessed a spiral staircase appear before me. This time, it went on and on and on. The stained glass underneath me had begun to crumble, but my path forward was made. There was more to go, and so I began to scale all the steps. After only 100, I pondered how much longer I would need to walk. Were there going to be any more floors or is that it? I had no idea, but my long and arduous journey had my instincts screaming at me to move forward. I kept going and going. My legs didn't feel tired, but walking felt like an eternity. After the final floor, I made my way past 200 floors of stained glass. After that, was another 100 before I began to question if it was going to end. But before I realised it, I counted yet another 500. It kept going, but this would have made 800 in total. Would it stop if I reached 1000? Though, none of this made any sense.

Why would such a place exist? And why only after I decided to kill myself? More questions, no answers, but it only made my determination grow. I bore sins, countless, I had slain my people- and if I could find an answer- perhaps there was hope at the end of the line. Perhaps, I could go back and save them- by the Hero I was destined to be…

But, the end was finally in sight. After the 998th floor of stained glass, I reached the endpoint. The floor was only one step ahead- yet was in pure darkness, but as it had emerged into the light- there was no stained glass. I was confused, but… suddenly, as the floor began to shift- I felt a throbbing pain in my chest. As the pain grew and grew, the stained glass began to form- an empty black that shone from the vortex of light that was still infinitely far away. My chest was about to explode- and before I realised it, I was wearing the clothes I had remembered. The dirt, the stains and the blood that my body wore- it was all there… What could it have meant? More desired answers and the answer is just up ahead… The door, the door that stood right before me- it was a clear one, but the moment I touched it with my bloodied hand- everything around me disappeared.

Once again, I was engulfed in light- and upon opening my eyes- I had lost everything again. My clothes, gear, my muscles and body- everything was gone… I was standing, half bathing in the darkness after walking through the door. Before me, was yet another step. I took it, and at last- I had reached the destination. What I was looking at had blown me away, however. As I took my step, the floor shone in what seemed to be clear glass. It had reflected what was above- and taking me by surprise, the vortex of light was much closer- and significantly larger. Looking towards that view, below it was a woman who stood.

Clad in white, a single form of utmost purity was before me. Her hair was a glistening white that reflected a perfect white, and her face was as pure as it was delicate. Her eyes were a bright red, and as she turned to face me, the pale woman spoke.

"Aster, you have arrived… I must say, I was waiting for this day, for 50,000 years…"

As she said those words, I walked over to her. Her look was beautiful, somewhat akin to a Goddess. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if she was, considering what she had just said. But, my questions were infinite, all left unanswered…

"Who are you?"

I began, wondering who this was. She resembled none of the Gods that are worshipped in Jvagdril. Her lips opened, but nothing came out. She hesitated, but soon closed them, revealing a smile. She walked closer and closer to me, before holding my hands. Holding them up, she closed her eyes, as if praying with my hands. My body began to warm up, and though I had no idea who she was- I felt tranquillity for all but a moment.

"I am just a simple Goddess… I keep watch over this realm. But my identity is of no importance to you… What's important, right now, is you Aster."

"This realm is full of nothing but darkness, and I had to travel 999 floors before I could reach this one… Each major floor had terrible creatures, and if this were anyone else- they could die before making it out the first 10… I'm confused more than anything… Not too long ago, I was…"

"You killed yourself, Aster. But this isn't your end…"

"Then let's cut to the chase… I'm sorry for being impatient, but I have to know so I don't get my hopes up… Can my world be saved..?"

She gave me a look of pity, that of which told me everything I need to know. I felt despair breeching my mind as she gave me that look. It was clear… There's no bringing back the dead.

"Aster, you have displayed remarkable strength beyond anything anyone has ever shone… Now, is no time like any other…"

"Remarkable strength doesn't change what has happened… Everyone has died because of me…"

"I'm sorry Aster… The Demon King of your world was a force unlike anything any of us Gods had ever seen… his strength was almost akin to the… No, you wouldn't know of it."

I had pondered what she was going to say, but perhaps there truly was no way to save my world. But, I can't just simply say that the Demon King was too strong and there was no hope for it anyway… What kind of shitty excuse is that? The people placed their faith in me, yet they were the ones whose bodies perished by my blade.

"Sigh… There's no reason why I should continue living… After all, I'm the last human alive. No… Even I'm supposed to be dead- yet I'm here… Why am I here..?"

The goddess turned away from me before looking towards the vortex of light once more.

"999 times… This is the 1000th floor, but there used to only be 1 floor. You are the only one who has shown enough strength to defeat anything that crosses your path. That is why you're here, why you're talking to me. You're the first Incarnate, to have reached me."

I was perplexed. If there used to only be one floor, what made it so that there were now 1000? Not to mention, it felt like I returned as myself back on the 999th floor…

"Why are there so many floors? And what are those creatures of darkness that plague this realm so… They consumed everything on my way up here."

"The amount of floors is equivalent to the amount of Hero of Incarnates that have existed in this universe. You, Aster, are the 999th. If you couldn't tell, this body you have right now- it's not your body… Because it's the 1000th Hero of Incarnate's Body. He does not exist yet, but, that may be because you and only you have broken this cycle."

"I'm sorry, I really don't understand what you mean here… I'm the 999th Hero of Incarnate? What is that supposed to be anyway?"

"If I had to explain it… It would take forever, and I'm afraid my time with you is short. You will be reborn in a new world after our talks, so I'm afraid there will be not much room for such explanations."

"Reborn… You mean-"

"You will retain your memories because you have broken the cycle. Aster, you have to live as a new identity, but what you choose to do will be a path you take on your own…"

The Goddess turned away from me once more, and despite the infinite amount of questions I had- I was left with no time to speak. A cylinder of light had engulfed me- and my body felt as though a hook had dragged me from my belly, pulling me up at a blinding speed. I had braced myself, closing my eyes firmly before that feeling completely vanished.

I was laying on the ground but with no pain- no blood. My feelings- it felt as though they were back. I ran my fingers through the ground around me- this time, I felt the countless blades of grass that I had laid upon. My eyes soon shot open- but the light was blinding. Covering my eyes, I glanced around me. Tree, birds, bushes, a river- and a clear blue sky.

Raising myself up, I patted the dirt from my shoulders, sitting up and looking down at my body. I was wearing plain clothes, and my hands- my body- everything… It was all different. Looking into the river, it dawned on me. My face, it was once a stern face which was scarred by the life of battle. But now, it was one of complete innocence- one of that who was just a young man. My face structure was the same, but my skin was smooth, my eye colour was the same red, and even my hair was the same midnight black. I reached my hand into the water that was steadily flowing, feeling the water drip from my hand as I raised it back out of the water. This was all real. Everything that had happened- was real.

If what the Goddess said was true, then I'm not Aster. I'm the 1000th Hero of Incarnate… But it's not as though I could claim that title so willingly. After all, I had no idea what such a title meant. It felt as though it bared no meaning. Regardless, I stood up at last- and…


I tripped, falling down head first. This pain was surprisingly sharp… looking down at my arm, I had received a small graze which stung quite a bit. I held my arm, gripping tightly around the area that hurt the most.

When a person begins their life, they start as a baby. But, I'm already an adult. I can't tell what age I am due to how scrawny I am, but mentally I'm still 24.

I didn't have a starting point, nothing around me, no home… just me, and wildlife.

'There has to be some sort of place this river could lead me to…'

I thought, looking down the stream which went deeper into the woods. It seemed dangerous, considering that being alone anywhere defenceless would usually result in death. But- wouldn't that be okay..?

I don't know where I am, but… This world seems to be okay right now. Considering it's the case, that means the people in this world are still alive and well. Do I have any right to want to save this world too..?

I'm not sure, I'm conflicted… torn because no matter what angle I look at it at, the end was clear. The people I fought to protect, the people I loved- they all became demons who were felled by my sword. I defeated every single demon in existence, and yet… yet…

I gripped my chest, feeling a tremendous amount of pain building up. Tears began to swell in my eyes, but I held them back, trying to shake them off.

'If I couldn't save you all… Let me save this world… If not… I'll atone by dying for that cause…'

This is a complete rewrite of my current story 'Hero of One World, Gamer of A New One'!

The simpler terms would be this is more like the refined and refurbished version that I'll be updating and refining the more I write on my Khaos Strike Series, and considering the beginning of the story takes place with Aster, it only makes sense to expand a bit more on many of the things I missed out on because of how quick and full of mistakes the first draft has! Consider the Hero of One World series as a draft version of this story, which is going to be much more expansive and more focused on details that will be missed out in the draft. The first big difference is Aster's entry to the Realm of Darkness, considering I glossed over it in the draft and his being in the Realm of Darkness wasn't even in the original draft! It is in my notes.

As much as I'd love to continue explaining everything, I plan to leave all sorts of hints towards the complete story in the story itself, so consider this my first and last comment about the refined series I'm releasing!

Also, considering that this is primarily about Aster, it does mean that the entire refined version will be primarily focused on his point of view, there will be quite a bit of change in this story compared to the original draft. Things such as his chosen name might differ, and the lore of this new world will be heavily updated the further I refine it. At the moment, it's all in a messy document but I have made starts to organise everything in a sensible manner!

Regardless, I hope you like it and if you're interested, add it to your library as I'm sure to keep it all updated!

VMarucreators' thoughts