
The Strength Needed: A RWBY Tale

Topaz, a lion faunus born in strange circumstances, must go through the world of Remnant along with the beloved cast of RWBY to save the world. What will his journey look like, and where will it take him? This is my first attempt at writing down the ideas that fill my head, so it's quality may not be the best, especially towards the beginning. I do not own anything related to RWBY or the cover image.

r_h_i_n_o · Anime & Comics
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124 Chs

Chapter 43:

A/N: I would like to start off by apologizing to everyone. As much as I would love to continuously release two chapters a day, I am quickly finding it harder and harder to keep up with it given the lack of time I actually have to write and type out the chapters. I will continue with the the daily chapters, and will try for more if we reach certain milestones. You guys have been showing so much support for this story that it blows my mind. Thank you all for your continuous support, and I hope you won't be too frustrated by the single chapter a day instead of two. With that being said, thank you again for the support and have a great day, Rhino out.


Walking around the lava pits, Topaz continues his search for the ancient forge. Beginning to grow frustrated from not being able to find it, Topaz decides to go for a higher vantage point to try and help. Making his way back over to the large metalian tree, Topaz jumps to the tree and climbs to the very top. Looking out over the lava pits, Topaz could see another lava pit about a quarter mile east of where he was. Jumping back out of the tree, Topaz makes his way further east to the location of the new lava pit he had discovered. Arriving at the pit, Topaz quickly notices a structure and makes his way over to it. Smiling as he sees the distant shapes of the forge, remembering the time he spent in Signal's forge those years ago. Walking up to the forge, Topaz notices how everything looks to be in working order, and clean enough to be used immediately.

Topaz: "Alright, let's get started."

Taking a deep breath, Topaz begins working on melting down the alpha deathworms tooth, shaping it into a long blade with a serrated back. Working the metal to his satisfaction, Topaz sets aside the spearhead and begins working on the base of the spear. Deciding on a simple shape for the spear, Topaz works the metallic wood into shape and smiles when he sees the finished product. Attaching the spearhead to the shaft, Topaz admires the new spear. The shaft is a bright white, with dull gray lines decorating it, and the spearhead itself was an orange color that could put a sunset to shame. Giving the spear a few test swings, Topaz smiles in satisfaction. Making his way quickly back towards the village Topaz passes by a couple of the other challengers who looked rather lost. Entering the village gate, Topaz makes his way over to where his grandfather and father are standing.

Alex: "Topaz, you're back already? Is everything alright?"

Grandfather: "Are you here to back out of the challenge Topaz? There's no shame in admitting you aren't strong enough."

Topaz: "No old man, I'm here to start the next step."

Grandfather: "Next step? There's no way you've found a material strong enough to make a decent spear already."

Alex: "I'm sorry Topaz, but it is a little hard to believe you're done so soon."

Hearing footsteps approaching from behind him and smelling the familiar scent of vanilla, Topaz smiles and turns to see Neo approaching with Emma next to her.

Emma: "If I may chief, I saw the material he used when out looking for what our scouts reported. He will be just fine, and it might even be the strongest spear to date."

Grandfather: "And what, may I ask, are the materials you used for it?"

Topaz: "Oh nothing major, just an alpha deathworm tooth and a metalian tree branch."

Alex: "You used a metalian branch?! How did you cut it?"

Topaz: "I have my ways."

Grandfather: "You will have to be specific about it boy."

Topaz: "Nah, I'm good. So what's the next step?"

Grandfather: "Boy if you don't tell me-"

Alex: "You'll do what father? Attack my son? You are not the chief so stand down and explain the next task."

Grandfather: "Fine, your next step will be to take the spirit enhancing drink that everyone takes once they get to the second stage. From there you will be guided to our spirit cave where you will commune with our ancestors."

Topaz: "Really? That sounds a little far-fetched to me."

Alex: "Just go with it, you'll be surprised."

Topaz: "Alright, if you say so."

Topaz walks over to Neo quickly and gives her a hug and kiss on her cheek, before turning back and following his father and grandfather to his next step of the task. Following after the two men, they eventually come across a large cave in the ground behind the village. Arriving at the cave, Topaz's grandfather turns and hands Topaz a small vial of blue liquid.

Grandfather: "Drink this."

Topaz: "…"

Alex: *sigh* "Father, you have to give a slight explanation beforehand. Topaz, this is the spirit enhancer that was mentioned earlier."

Topaz: "If you say so. By the way… how does one commune with one's ancestors?"

Alex: "Once you've made your way to the end of the cave, sit while holding your spear, and then meditate. That's all there is to it."

Drinking the strange liquid Topaz is caught off guard by the sweet taste of it. Waiting a few minutes before making his way alone into the 'cave'. The cool air and strange ambiance of the cave gave it an almost surreal feeling. Walking to the end of the cave, Topaz sits with spear in hand and begins to meditate as instructed. Clearing his mind of any outside thoughts, Topaz feels a minor change in the atmosphere. Opening his eyes, Topaz finds himself face to face with a woman he has never seen before. The woman has long black hair, round ears and a tail matching Topaz's own.

????: "Greetings child, I am very pleased to finally meet you face to face."

Topaz: "Um, I'm sorry for being rude, but who are you?"

????: "Forgive my rudeness, I am Tera Nemea, wife of the first chief of the Nemean tribe."

Topaz: "Pleased to meet you Tera, my name is Topaz."

Tera: "I know who you are child, and I've watched over you and your many difficulties you've had in life. I'm proud to see you face every challenge head on to protect those that you care about. That strength of mind and determination is a trait that would even make my husband show you the greatest of respect."

Topaz: "Thank you for your kind words. I'd do it all over again to see everyone happy."

Tera: "Tell me Topaz, what do you plan to do with your future?"

Topaz: "I want to take my mom to see her sister back in Patch and show my dad and little sister there's more to the world than this desert. Then I want to travel to Mistral with Neo to see Ariel again. Then I'm going to do what I can to find the group responsible for attacking my school and harming my friends."

Tera: "Your goals are simple, yet lofty in their own right. I look forward to observing your future endeavors."

Topaz: "Thank you."

Tera: "With that in mind, I will join you on your ventures."

Topaz: "What?"

Tera: "To you, what is the purpose of communing with your ancestors?"

Topaz: "I don't know, to learn some long forgotten method to become stronger, or something dumb like that."

Tera: "…"

Topaz: "I'm sorry, but also not sorry at the same time. My interactions with the tribe haven't been the greatest so far."

Tera: "I am aware, and I apologize on their behalf. But no, the whole purpose of communing with your ancestors, is to have a piece of their soul reside within the spear you made. The stronger the weapon you make, the larger portion of a soul you can hold. So, in your case, my soul will completely reside within your weapon, making it stronger and more durable than it already is."

Topaz: "That…That's actually really cool."

Tera: "Yes, it is."

Topaz: "Will we be able to communicate while your soul resides in the spear?"

Tera: "Normally no, but since my entire soul will be in your spear, we should be able to."

Topaz: "That's really cool. But wait, if your entire soul is in the spear, what happens if it were to break?"

Tera: "You have no need to fear child. If you spear would happen to break, my soul would merely return to our ancestral hunting ground."

Topaz: "Is the hunting ground like an afterlife?"

Tera: "Yes, it is. Everyone who has Nemea blood, or is married to someone with the blood resides within the hunting ground once they pass on. Now close your eyes child and I will be within your spear when you reawaken."

Topaz does as he is told and closes his eyes, feeling the atmosphere change once again he reopens his eyes and finds himself back in the cave. Looking at the spear in his hands he smiles at the noticeable change. The lines detailing the shaft of the spear are no longer the dull gray, but now have their orange glow back. Topaz gets to his feet and makes his way out of the cave, preparing to blow everyone's minds.

https://discord.gg/U4uc3a If you have any suggestions for what you would like to see in the story or have any questions about why I did things the way I did feel free to join the discord and let me know. I hope you all enjoy!

r_h_i_n_ocreators' thoughts