
The Stray Path

Where am I? Land of fire? Why are my eyes so different from most people? Why does my body hurt so bad? What happens when a man from modern day earth falls between dimensions and ends up in the world of Naruto? With my special Kekkei Genkais I’ll make my way through this cruel world. I do not own the characters or items in this story. I’m doing this for the competition. Hopefully it make me want to write again as well. I took some liberties with some abilities since they aren’t defined very well in canon.

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12 Chs

Squad tryouts (2)

I don't want to kill him so I'm not going to use the main strength of my abilities. Asuma through 2 kunai at me each from both angles. I stood still as my orbs block them. Every one of the 4 kunai ended up being completely disintegrated.

"How dangerous." Sensei mumbled under his breath.

A slight stale mate occurred as we stared at each other.

"Wind release: smokescreen," he breathed out as a plume I'd smoke appeared not long afterwards. I'm startled but then smirk. I punch to my left. The Asuma clone dodged barely. Startled he jumps backwards. The real Asuma try's using this as a chance to attack me from behind. After another moment of waiting he attacks again. This time I notice something. He attacks from my left and right again. Looking up I see another him going from above as well. I send one of my orbs to attack the two on the side and prepare for the on above. The one on the left of me ends up turning into smoke after it is killed by my orbs. The one on my right dodges but gets a burn mark on him. The one on the right throws a few needle style kunai before before blending into the smoke again. I quickly shift focus to the needle and intercept them with my orbs. I quickly turn back to the one above me. I get kicked backwards once again.

"Ok that's enough." Asuma says. I slump back on the ground as Ino and Choji rush over. "You did good. In a few years I might not be able to teach you anything." He walks over and helps me up. "I was told to find your current limits by the elders. Don't blame me to much. Congrats you pass. Next thing is for each of you to hold these papers and insert your chakra." The four of us hold on to them.

"I'll go first then." She holds it and it crumbles on one side as gets wet on the other.

"Oh impressive. You have water and earth." Asuma states while pulling out another cigarette.

"Next is me then." Choji said as he focused his chakra into the paper. His paper crumbled on one side and burned on the other.

"Fire and earth for Choji." Asuma says. Shikamaru does his paper next. His did the same as Choji paper. "Oh another fire and earth."

All four of them turn to me as if waiting. I put energy into it. It split in half. One of the halves wrinkled up up and caught fire. On the other half crumble into soggy pieces. Sickened ensued. Soon Asuma sighed. Did I do something wrong?

"Woah so cool. What to go jun." Choji seemed excited. He didn't know why it happened, but he knew that it was somehow impressive.

"Enough of that. I'll try to figure out what to do next with you Jun. You guys go home for today. Meet here tomorrow." He said.

I went home and told Iruka. He had a similar reaction to sensei.

The next day we gathered back in the little clearing. Asuma was waiting there for us. I happened to be the first to arrive.

"How are you healing? I kicked you kinda hard there." He asked with concern.

"I'm good." There was a bit of silence. About 5 minutes later Choji arrive. He was the last person we were waiting for.

"Today we will climb tree with no hands." Sensei says.

"What a drag." Shikamaru looked down. He's the type that doesn't like constant training.

He shows us how to do it first. Ino seems to get it down slightly at first. She gets about 6 feet up before her running start slows down. She was able to be stationary for a few seconds before falling down. We each tried going up. Ino got it first after 3 hours of constant ups and downs. Then it was me about 15 minutes after her. Shikamaru took 4 hours, but it seemed like he was barely trading for the most part. When the sun was starting to set we pulled Choji away to go get some dinner. I pulled them along as even though I packed food it was eaten. Choji finally got it on the second day.

The finish to the fight and the affinities. I didn’t feel the affinities was that special of a deal due to the fact he has truth seeking orbs.

The burn mark is kind of like a carpet burn.

Was the end of the fight anti-climatic. I feel it is slightly.

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