
The Strategy of washing clean a Slag Shou (QT)

All credit goes to the author and the editors , i am merely a fan and just want to share this awesome story . Introduction: Su Yang was bound to a ‘Slag Shou Redemption System’. Every world he entered as a Slag Shou who has been spurned by the Gong. In order to return home as soon as possible, he began the cautious journey of strategizing to take down the gongs who no longer love him. Later, he discovered that these mission targets who were supposed to have normal attributes were all freaking abnormal! In the face of this rabid bunch of bigshots, Su Yang was forced down the road of ‘You abuse my body, I abuse your heart, after all the abusing is done, I make a run for it’. ╮(╯▽╰)╭ This story is also known as: “I say I’m not a slag shou, do you believe me?” “The days of being a scapegoat in different worlds.” “One word out of line will trigger Hell mode.” Tentative Worlds: The President’s Unfaithful Lover The Wángye’s Runaway Fiancée The Crime Lord’s Undercover Boyfriend The Ghost King’s Cold Scholar The Emperor’s Trusted Eunuch The Marshal’s Adopted Omega Son The Lord of the Apocalypse’s Zombie Lover Only available till Arc 3 ............. NOT MY STORY!! JUST UPLOADED FOR FUN !! SUPPORT ORIGINAL TRANSLATORS AND AUTHOR !! TRANSLATOR - https://deepdreamtranlations.home.blog/the-strategy-of-washing-clean-a-slag-shou/#:~:text=Introduction%EF%BC%9A,who%20no%20longer%20love%20him.

Study_Bytes · Fantasy
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120 Chs

Ch 39

Li Menghui's legs went weak from fright, cold sweat began beading on his forehead. He bent and picked up the cellphone from the ground with trembling hands, and spoke in a thin whisper, "Zh-Zhao yé, there must be some sort of misunderstanding..."

{T/N: 爷 (Yé) – term of respect for an elder male/master/lord}

The call was cut off before he could finish. He stared blankly at the phone, willing it to be all just a dream.

The power and dominance that the Zhao family wielded far exceeds that within S city, its frightening influence could be felt beyond China, stretching all the way to Southeast Asia. As the head of the Zhao family, Zhao Feng's status was comparable to that of an Emperor's. For such a person to suddenly step in on behalf of an insignificant manager of the Imperial Court is simply inconceivable!

But there is no denying what is happening now!

Li Menghui turned his head stiffly to look at Su Yang, who had just woken up. The boy's eyes were curved as he yawned and stretched, tears forming at his lashes. He looked like a particularly indolent little cat.

In all fairness, Li Menghui had to admit that the youth's looks were truly outstanding. Even though he himself had no interest in men, he could find no flaws in the smooth, white luster of the youth's skin and the dewy eyes that glistened like precious obsidian. Like a bright, resplendent star, he was truly dazzling.

Li Menghui suddenly began trembling fitfully. The memory of a rumour he had once overheard suddenly came to mind—– the head of the Zhou family is very fond of big eyed, red lipped, rosy cheeked pretty boys!!

As he sidled a little closer for a better look, Su Yang suddenly lifted his gaze at him and flashed him a bright smile full of mischief.

He quipped, "What's the matter Uncle Li? Have you taken a fancy to me?"

There was a faint buzzing sound in Li Menghui's brain. He suddenly felt that this beautiful youth in front of him was more terrifying than the devil!

"Yo-You belong to Zhao yé!" He could hear the rising fury in his own voice.

Su Yang nodded graciously. "Yep, I belong to Zhao yé."

Li Menghui: "..."

His previous impression of Xu Yanqing had been of a lively, cheerful and forthright young man, whom he found interesting to chat with. But right now he hated the youth's seeming naivete. Even the voice which had once sounded so sweet to his ears now seemed full of malice.

He was too infuriated for words, but his lips were trembling. Only three words spun around in his mind—- he is finished.

At the sight of his uncontrollable shivering, Su Yan was moved to a rare moment of pity. He said, "Don't be afraid, Zhao yé doesn't eat people."

{T/N: Yes he does, especially if they're crybaby rabbits}

Li Menghui's forced grimace of a smile was more unsightly than his crying face. He clutched a glass of water with shaking hands, but placed it back on the table without taking a single sip. "Yanqing my boy, in fact, this matter between Manager Gao and I ought not have involved you. Why would you help her retaliate against me..."

Su Yang said innocently, "Uncle Li, I don't understand what you're saying. Wasn't it your bodyguard who kidnapped me and brought me here? Since when did I retaliate against you?"

Li Menghui scowled. "But you should have told me the truth, why did you lie to me by saying Gao Min was your distant cousin! If you had told me that you were Zhao yé's man, I would not have kept you here for so long!"

But Su Yang shook his head and said, deadly earnest, "You dared to attack someone within the Imperial Court, it was clear that you held no respect for Zhao yé's authority. What if you had been Zhao yé's enemy? One can never be too careful, right?"

Li Menghui could not refute his words, and resentfully tossed back a mouthful of water. Before he could swallow, the door to his room was kicked open.

The sound of the slam echoed resoundingly. Before the occupants of the room realized what had happened, they found themselves surrounded by a group of people who did not look to be of the law-abiding sort.

Zhao Feng was at the forefront. He was dressed smartly in a black business suit with a black overcoat but had gone without a tie, and the top two buttons of his dress shirt were left undone. The slice of chest exposed was a healthy wheat colour, but his expression was as dark as a storm-cloud.

He slowly strolled into the room with his hands in his pockets. His steady footsteps sounded particularly jarring amidst the stifling silence within the room.

Li Menghui had fallen to his knees in fright, and Su Yang wasn't much better off either. The door, which had clearly been made of some kind of metal, was now sporting a huge concave dent where Zhao Feng had kicked it in.

Su Yang watched those long, powerful legs tread their way towards him, and his own two legs which have always failed him in times of need began trembling shamefully. What if his schemes have all been seen through by Zhao Feng? Would Boss Zhao also ruthlessly punt him in a fit of pique?

Su Yang's eyes kept flitting towards the battered metal door. In his heart he thought, I can't just sit and wait for death!

When he lifted his eyes again, they were red and full of tears. With a sniffle, he ran towards Zhao Feng and threw himself straight into the man's arms.

Bandit Zhao's gloomy expression froze.

{T/N: Su Yang has been likening Zhao Feng to a bandit (I used 'thug' in previous chapters, this has been changed) all this while. Now he just upfront pins the label of bandit to him.}

"What took you so long, I was so afraid..." Su Yang blurted with a panic-stricken expression

Li Menghui: "..."

Do you have some kind of multiple-personality disorder!!

But bandit Zhao seemed to be receptive to this sort of behaviour. He immediately rested a large palm on Su Yang's little head and gave it a rub. The action wasn't particularly gentle, but it was clearly meant to be a comforting gesture.

He turned an indifferent gaze towards Li Menghui, who was shivering while bathed in cold sweat. When he spoke, his voice was low and unhurried. "I know it was a misunderstanding, but it doesn't change the fact that you dared touch what is mine. Breaking one of your legs should be reasonable, right?"

Li Menghui's eyes grew wide as dinner plates. He began to plead, "Zhao yé, I really didn't touch young master Xu. I only treated him to two cups of tea, really Zhao yé! If you don't believe me, ask young master Xu..." Before he could finish, his mouth was gagged.

{T/N: 少爷 (shàoyé) – son of the boss or young master of the house}

Zhao Feng did not spare him a second glance. He pulled Su Yang, who had been stunned stupid, out with him.

Su Yang was in a fluster. He had only meant to teach Li Menghui a lesson. After all, this man really did use underhanded means. But he would never have guessed that Zhao Feng would immediately order his leg to be broken.

He swallowed nervously several times, then whispered timidly, "Fe-Feng gē, he really didn't..."

Zhao Feng made a soft, scoffing sound. "I know. No one would dare lie to my face."

Su Yang who had spouted countless lies to his face, lowered his head even further. He spoke haltingly, "If you knew, then why would you break his leg."

Zhao Feng turned around, gripped his jaw and chuckled darkly. "His leg is broken because of you, understand?"

Su Yang turned rigid, his face ashen.

Zhao Feng narrowed his eyes, and pressed his forehead against Su Yang's. His voice dipped in a whisper, "I've witnessed your capabilities that night. Your skills may not be the best, but at the very least you would not have been coerced so easily. Did you allow yourself to be taken away just to see how I would worry over you? Foolish child, for one so small, your head is really full of crafty schemes."

Su Yang's mouth fell open, at a loss as to how to refute him.

Zhao Feng added, "In the future, if there's something you want, just say it. If you dare play these mind games again, the next person whose leg will be broken is you, understand?"

Su Yang nodded dumbly. The boss's mind works in strange ways, he really couldn't keep up!

Zhao Feng looked at his foolishly blank expression, and felt an unbearable itch in his heart. He pulled the youth into his arms and lifted him up in a princess carry, his arm supporting the soft buttocks. A fervent heat grew within him.

His voice was husky as he said, "Since you like gē so much, gē will give you want you want."

With long strides, he carried Su Yang into the elevator and pressed the button for the topmost floor. Then he greedily pressed Su Yang against the wall and kissed him fiercely. Unlike the previous kiss, this one fully involved the lips and tongue.

Su Yang found himself tightly encircled within Zhao Feng's arms, his back pressed against the cold wall with no way to escape. He could only passively allow his neck to tilt back as his mouth was plundered and sucked dry. After a short while, he felt a sting on his lips and the taste of iron flooded his mouth.

This damn bandit must really have been descended from a wolfdog, being kissed felt more like being eaten alive. Su Yang morbidly speculated on his chances of surviving the night.

{T/N: Wolfdog – hybrid of the domestic dog and the wolf}

Zhao Feng really wanted to gobble up the boy in his arms. It was but a kiss, but the sweetness of it stirred something in the depths of his heart. It felt soul-stirringly wonderful, and he seemed to hear a voice in his ear saying:

—–he's the one!!

It seemed that his long and painful search for the past few decades had all been for this treasure in his arms. In addition to the unspeakable joy, he also felt a strange sense of unbearable pain.

His arms tightened reflexively with a mounting desire to knead this boy into his very flesh, so that they would never be apart.

Before Su Yang could collect his scattered wits, he has been carried to his room and pressed down on the bed which was large enough to fit four people.

He brushed a finger over his lips. Sure enough, the skin had been bitten through, and the wound stung.

Su Yang looked at Zhao Feng, eyes brimming with tears. He whispered, "I don't want to..."

Zhao Feng had already tossed his coat aside, and shucked his suit and shirt, revealing a sculpted upper body and defined abdominal muscles. A gorgeous eight pack shone stark under the light, drawing the eye. Su Yang swallowed unconsciously as his eyes roamed over Zhao Feng's body. He thought, I want such beautiful muscles too.

Zhao Feng's lips curved with barely suppressed laughter. "Your mouth says no, but your eyes tell the truth."

Su Yang: "..."

He licked his lips nervously, feeling aggrieved. In the end, he spread himself out on the bed and said lifelessly, "Forget it. Do whatever you want." Fighting against this would lead to the same outcome anyway, it's not like he hasn't tried.

Zhao Feng leaned over and kissed the corner of his mouth. "Relax, gē will be very gentle."


Facts have proven that what a man says before lovemaking holds no credibility at all. Su Yang was tossed and tormented until he finally lost consciousness. By the time he woke up, they were no longer in the Imperial Court, but in the Zhao family's home.

The first thing Su Yang did upon opening his eyes was to check the mission's progress bar. It showed a 38% completion. He sighed softly.

Compared with the previous world, the rate of progress was pretty fast. It seems that it won't be long before the mission is complete. Otherwise, according to that brute Zhou's sexual appetite, Su Yang is likely to die in a very humiliating way.

While engrossed in his thoughts, he suddenly noticed a kid had 'sneakily' crept in, and was inching along on the floor towards his bed.

Su Yang blinked. "Yo. You're Zhao Feng's kid?" Bastard, he already has a kid but he still keeps an illicit lover outside. How utterly shameless!

The child froze, then tilted his head up. "You talking to me?"

He looked to be about five years old, give or take. White and plump and tender, the little steamed bun was staring at Su Yang with curious eyes.

Su Yang nodded.

The child's eyes darted around, then he eagerly pronounced in a clear, crisp voice, "Yea, Zhao Feng is my dad."

Su Yang frowned. The kid clambered up from the ground, patting the dust from his knees with his chubby paws. "Who are you? Are you my dad's boyfr... argh! Lemme go lemme go!"

Before he could finish speaking, he had been bodily lifted up. Zhao Feng scowled at him ferociously. "Your dad is in America. If you miss him so much, I'll send you there on an express plane today."

The kid struggled and flailed in his grasp. "Zhao Feng, you dare bully me! I'll tell dad, he'll teach you a lesson!"

Zhao Feng gave a cold sneer. "Then let's have the plane explode in midair, shall we. Dad has so many sons anyway, one less wouldn't matter to him."

The child immediately wilted, but his eyes glowered with an unwillingness to concede defeat, just like a little wolf cub. He grasped at the chance to claw his way up, attempting to sink his teeth into Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng tossed him aside without batting an eyelid. The child clambered up from the ground and quickly scampered away on his short little legs. As he fled through the door, he taunted, "Just wait till I've grown up, I'll definitely take my revenge!"

Zhao Feng shut the door indifferently. He strode over to the bedside and leaned down to give Su Yang a heavy kiss on the cheek. Having eaten his fill of Su Yang, he looked fully sated.

He asked softly, "Hungry yet?"

Su Yang shook his head. He was too tired out from last night, and lacked an appetite for food.

"But I'm hungry." Zhao Feng took his hand and placed it on a certain area below his abdomen and asked, "Can you feel it?"

Su Yang: "..."

Are you even human?!