
Chapter 7: First Date

Author's Note:

Hey Guys! Eeeeeeeeeeekkkkkk! It's finally here

Chapter 7: First Date

This chapter will make you fall in love and excitement;) Who do you think it will be? Just comment. And I am so excited for the upcoming Chapter 8: Prom Day! Eeeek! Is the Prom gonna be a blast or a bust? This chapter's took long to make it so hope you enjoy it:)


Marry Me By Jason Derulo*

Hope you have a wonderful day!



I was shooked. "Who's Aljon Rivera?" I asked frightenly, my Dad did not answer. Then I quickly pulled out my laptop and searched the name Aljon Rivera and before I see who's Aljon Rivera I heard a man's voice said "Henrietta" at my back and I quickly closed my laptop and I slowly turned at my back and see who it is. And I saw...

Principal Steins?! What is he doing here?

"What are you searching?" Principal Steins asked while approaching me and my laptop, I quickly got my laptop and my bag and stood up, "Just studying for the Exams" and I quickly pulled Dad's right hand and went to my mom, and my friends."Coffee?" a vendor asked me while preparing a drink for the other customer, "Yes, please" I said

And he made me coffee

"Here's your coffee miss" he said with a geniune smile, "Thanks!" I said while smiling. He looked at my Student I.D "H-henrietta..." He said and scratched his head "W-why?..." I asked, "Oh, nothing. Your name is just familiar..." He said, I felt a little curious. Who, me. Familiar? I kept thinking too much and I did'nt even notice that it was 7PM, I quickly got my backpack and my coffee, "Thanks for the coffee again!" I said while waving. And he waved back but then I realized that what's his name? "What's your name!" I shouted before going inside the hotel of the resort, "You can call me Francis!" He shouted back, "Okay, Francis!" I shouted back and I went inside I went to our room where we checked- in, I opened the door and I saw Mom and my friends eating while Dad was holding me, "Dad, you can let go of me now" I said to Dad. But he did'nt listen he keeps holding my wrist and whenever I say Dad to let go of me, the tighter he holds my wrist. "What happened to your father, Henrietta?" Mom asked, "A-alj-jon Ri-iver-ra" Dad mumbled again, Everyone was shooked of what Dad said...

Everyone tried to separate our hands, but Dad is stronger, "Ouch, that hurts!" I shouted in pain. Dad can't control his body, I could see it in his eyes, someone or something is controlling over him...

"Dad please stop, please!" I shouted in pain and I saw a ring on his left hand, it was'nt his wedding ring, it was a red shiny ring with a small gem on it. I tried to remove it with my left hand, "Okay, almost..." I whispered, then I slowly removed the ring, Dad stopped holding my wrist, "W-what h-happened..." Dad said, Mom went to the refrigerator and handed Dad a glass of water and Mom pulled Dad to the other side of the room and they talked privately, "Are you okay?" Amy asked me, "Do you need anything?" Lea asked me, "Nothing, I'm fine..." I said, "Are you sure?" They both asked, I just nod, "Henrietta, pack up your things now!" Mom shouted at us, "Now! We have to go to the hospital! Right Now!". We packed up our things right away and went to the car and mom tied Dad up in his seat at the back, "Mom, what's happening!" I shouted at Mom, "No time to explain!" She shouted back, then mom went to the driver's seat and started the engine, me and my friends we're so scared because Dad is at our back, he was kicking our seat and trying to get out of the ropes. "Ahhhhh!" we all shouted because Dad can almost get out of the ropes, but for now we are almost at the hospital, we drove to the emergency and the doctors took care of Dad, we all seated outside, we we're so worried of Dad then the doctor came "Hello, I am Doctor Charlotte. Mr Samuel Catalino has a Brain Tumor..." The doctor said sadly, "What! This can't be happening!" Mom shouted and cried a flood of tears, well also me, we all cried. "Why does he have a brain tumor?" I asked while crying, "Well, his disease came from a very dangerous liquid and drank it and we will do our best to remove it, But he has to stay here until we remove it" The doctor said then Mom nodded and Mom drove us home and I was getting sleepy now then I slowly closed my eyes...

"Henrietta..." I heard a man's voice, so sweet and lovely. I opened my eyes and saw Josh, we we're starring at each other and he was hugging me, it made my heart beat faster. His eyes were sparkling and then I saw a shadow of a man that has a gun behind him, "Nooooooo!" My voice echoed then the man shooted Josh's back while hugging me, I cried a flood of tears, then the man was approaching me. I ran as quick as I can, I did'nt look back then the man was about to shoot me...

I woke up. "Are you okay Henrietta? You look like you've had a nightmare" Amy said. "uhh it was just a dream" I said with relief and I quickly saw that it was Monday and 5AM. I quickly took a shower and dressed up and fixed my bag and we all go to school together and Amy and Lea was different with my class so they went to the other direction so I went first to the hallway to get my books from the locker and while I was about to close my locker and someone stopped me from closing it. It was Stephanie, my annoying barbie bully. "How you doin', Henrietta" Stephanie said with a plastering fake smile. "I'm fine, how about you and your plastic barbie friends?" I said naturally. "How dare you say that to me and my friends" she said with a raising eyebrow. "Well, I have to go now, bye!" I said with a smile before I walk she quickly grabbed my right hand, "Let me go!" I shouted at her, "Well, this is your punishment, stepsister" she shouted back at me. Then I quickly grabbed my right hand and ran, and she ran to follow me and while I was running she called her-so-called-barbie-plastic-friends. They followed me and I saw josh and I quickly ran to him while they are finding me, "Please help me hide" I said and he quickly pulled me inside his locker and before he close his locker door he gave me a wink and a quiet sign. Then he closed his locker. "Where's that stupid girl!" Stephanie said while finding me, "Hey, there Josh. Can you help me find Jade. Pretty, please." She asked to Josh, how dare she flirt with Josh. "Sorry, I can't..." Josh said. Hahahaha that's what you deserve, stephanie. Your REJECTED!, I just said it in my mind so noone heard it but me. "Okay, let's meet at lunch." Stephanie said and walked out. Grrrrrrr! Stephanie was really flirting with Josh, but I'm not jealous, we're just friends. Then he opened his locker and let me out, I was sweating. He pulled out the handkerchief that he handed me before in the bridge, he wiped my face to my neck. Then he pulled my right hand and ran to our first class and good thing I'm, oh I mean We, are not yet late, we went to our seats and he looked at me, smiling and I could'nt stop blushing. OMG! Why am I blushing!, "Why are you blushing, Jade?" Josh asked with a smile. It made my cheeks blush more then I quickly just slapped my own face. But before I slap myself, Josh quickly stopped me from slapping myself. "Don't do that to yourself, it's okay if you blush" he said with a laugh. And after our class. He pulled me and ran, "When will you stop pulling me?!" I shouted at him, he just smiled, "Sorry, baby girl" He said and I was so angry and annoyed. I tried to stop from running but his hand was too strong and he pulled me inside the cafeteria. "My treat!" Josh said with a smile, "Good, get me pizza, lasagña, and water" I said to him and he nodded and walked to get me my food. While I was waiting, I saw Stephanie and her friends, I quickly went to the last table where she can't find me, "Pssssss! Josh, I'm here" I whispered. "Oh, there you are" He mouthed and walked to my direction, then he sat on the seat, "Here's your food, madam" he said with a smile and I quickly grabbed my pizza and lasagña and ate it. "Wow! You are hungry" He said and laughed. "Ummm... Jade, Prom is tomorrow. Do you have a date?" He asked nervously. Oh yeah, I forgot about Prom, everyone was talking about it. "No, why?" I asked. "Well, will you be my date tomorrow?" He asked nervously again. OMG Josh C. Arnold, a guy like this, a girl like me, would date?! I was overreacting. "Is it okay Henrietta?" Josh asked nervously again. Then he calmed me down, he gave me a spoon of lasagña, "Josh, ummm... Okay..." I said. "Yes, I can't believe it!" He said excitedly. "But we're just pretending okay?" I told him. "Yes, my lady" He said and grabbed my hand and kissed it.

After school, I quickly ran to my friends, Amy and Lea. "Who's your partner for Prom tomorrow, Henrietta?" They both asked excitedly, "Josh" I said and they smiled at me and jumped and hugged me, "Your so lucky, girl" Lea told me, "Shall we buy our Prom gowns?" Amy interrupted Lea, "Sure! Let's go" Lea said and they both pulled both of my hands and called a taxi. "Taxi, Taxi!" Amy shouted at the taxi in front of her then the driver let us in. "To the Mall, please" Lea told the driver, "Okay, mam" the driver said. A few minutes later, we arrived at the mall and quickly went inside. "Henrietta! Look at this" Lea shouted at me, and I quickly went to her direction and I saw a beautiful Navy Lace Applique Off shoulder dress. You would look so beautiful in this" Lea told me. And she quickly pulled me in the store. "But this is expensive-" I told her but she cut me off, "My treat..." she told me and bought the dress. "You know, you don't need to buy that expensive dress for me. I could buy my own dress..." I told her. "I know, but this is just, perfect for you" She said and smiled and I saw Amy with 5 shopping bags, "I already bought you one, Lea" She said and smiled and Lea smiled back as a thank you. "And Henrietta's new jewelry" She said and smiled again, "Thanks, guys. I owe you guys, Big!" I told them and went home. After a few minutes, We arrived at my house, "Bye guys!" I told them and went inside. "Henrietta" My big sister shouted, "What are you doing here, Jasmine?" I asked her, "My boss let me hang out with you guys!" She said excitedly, "What's that?" She asked and pointed...