
015 Drive out Five Rampant God

I don't know why, when I always have to encounter with ghosts and monsters, the surroundings will be very quiet, now is also the same, the surroundings are so quiet that I can only hear the sound of the vehicle's tires grinding against the ground outside, as well as the sound of the car beeping.

Because the room is a double room, so Li Mingyao also occupied a bed to sleep, I was bored instead, I originally thought that Five Rampant God will come at twelve o'clock on time, it seems that I was too overestimated its concept of time, looking at the clock is now already about one o'clock, still no sign of it.

Later on, I was really bored, I walked to the window by myself and looked at the scenery outside the window, I have not been to this town, but it is not bad, at least the greenery is good, the trees outside are lush, the air is very fresh, just as I was about to take a deep breath, suddenly a cloudy wind came, and the temperature around me also dropped.

"Come back quickly, it will attach itself to people and attack."At this time, Li Mingyao's voice came from behind. I also did not think much at all, immediately retreated back, turn around and look at Li Mingyao, I do not know when, has put on a blue Taoist robe, hand-held compass, looking at the pointer above, I also ran over, it seems to be a bit, the original above the pointer even has been in high-speed rotation.

"No way, this time even broken?"I asked to Li Mingyao.

Li Mingyao was calm and said, "No, it's not broken, it's just affected by Five Rampant God."After saying that, he looked around and there was nothing, it seems that what Master told me is true, other than people born with yin and yang eyes, other people can't see Five Rampant.

Li Mingyao bit his middle finger, a drop of blood instantly appeared on his middle finger, Li Mingyao then used his middle finger to wipe it on top of the compass and read aloud, "Urgent."

The compass surprisingly a green light shot out, hit in front of us on the left, that is, Director Wang's bedside, I immediately understood, Five Rampant God in that direction, I also immediately in the back of the hand drew a palm talisman, and then a palm hit the past, but there is no reaction, I do not know whether it hit or not.

Li Mingyao, on the other hand, his eyes have been staring nervously at the compass, suddenly, I feel that there is something into the body of Director Wang, this feeling is very strange, but did not have to rush to think about it, and sure enough, Director Wang's hands to support themselves, slowly sat up, opened his eyes, but his eyes are actually the same as the eyes of a snake, looking at me and Li Mingyao two people looking at him, the corner of his mouth curved up, a bizarre smile.

Li Mingyao this time shouted and said, "Bastard, why are you disturbing the king's peace?"

"Hehehe, he worshipped me and begged me to let him find his way home, I did it, and now is the time for me to find him and ask for a reward."Only to see Director Wang's face dull sobbing, and a disgusting yellow liquid slowly had to flow out of his mouth as he spoke.

Li Mingyao frowned and said, "You want Wang to return you, you directly give him a dream to tell him is, why bother? You are also considered to have an enlightened and wise root, don't do anything stupid that will not benefit everyone."

"I dragged a dream to him long ago, but just asked him to bring me some chickens and ducks to worship me, but he didn't pay any attention to this matter, human beings are such backstabbers."Director Wang's smile got even weirder, both sides of his mouth curving upwards extremely.

Director Wang didn't move away from the two of us after he finished speaking, just when I thought it was thinking of some trick to attack me and Li Mingyao, I only saw Director Wang pick up his right hand and thrust it towards his own eyeballs .

Li Mingyao reacted very quickly and rushed up just as Director Wang's right hand moved, then grabbed Director Wang's fingers that were thrusting towards him, and with his other hand, he also stuck Director Wang's throat and yelled at me, "Find a way to get two chopsticks."Li Mingyao was worthy of being a professional with a fee, and it was just different from me, an amateur.

If I were me, I could only let Director Wang stick his own eyes out. I also know why Li Mingyao wanted me to find chopsticks, as I said earlier, if you are possessed by an evil spirit use the chopsticks to pinch a person's middle finger, you can force it out.

When I thought of this, I immediately ran to my backpack, I expected this kind of situation during today's dinner, and prepared two pairs of chopsticks.

Taking out the chopsticks, I ran to the side of Director Wang, now Director Wang's right hand was restrained by the right hand of Li Mingyao, his left hand was stepped on the bed by Li Mingyao's right leg, and his throat was still stuck, he really could not move.

As the saying goes, male left female right, clip fingers is the same, but I look at the director of the left hand of the palm of the Wang just to be Li Mingyao a foot to step on the tight, a little bit of the seam did not give me to stay, this let me how to clip ah.

Li Mingyao saw also worried, frowned and said let me quickly think of a way, he can not top for a long time, director Wang also began the crazy struggle up.

See clip fingers this trick is not useful, but also see the director of Wang struggling, no way, I pulled out the 'suppress evil spirits talisman', read the 'urgent as the law' and then to his head to shoot.

I didn't think, this shot is really useful, after shooting up, director Wang even painful wow wow yell up, and then I realized that 'suppress evil spirits talisman' on Five Rampant God is not useful because it is intangible things, but it is on the body of the director of the body of the Wang even if there is a body, so 'suppress evil spirits talisman' on Five Rampant God.Suppressing Evil Sneak Charm' can work on him.

As soon as Li Mingyao saw that the 'Suppress Evil Sneak Charms' were useful to the Wutong God, he yelled at me, "Quick, how many more are there, all of them are smashed on it, I don't believe that we can't hurt it out."

I heard, feel reasonable, I do not believe that this guy is not afraid of pain, pulled out two dozen talismans, one by one thrown in the face of the director of the king, each thrown down the director of the king will send out a pig-like screams, thrown almost ten, the door suddenly someone yelled: "inside is not something, there is no one."

Bad, if this goes on, the people outside sooner or later will come in, see now this touch, inevitably thought I and Li Mingyao is robbing money and so on.

Thinking of this I looked to Li Mingyao, unconsciously, I now make decisions with Li Mingyao as my backbone.

At this time, someone was already starting to slap the door, Director Wang was still exaggerating and yelling.

Li Mingyao also frowned, gritted his teeth and said: "Ten talismans all together smashed down, I do not believe that still smashed out of this guy."

I now can only listen to what Li Mingyao said, read 'urgent as the law' and then more than ten 'suppress evil spirits talisman' together on the face of the director of the Wang, let a person surprise, this smashed down, the director of the Wang was quiet down, I and Li Mingyao saw the WangI and Li Mingyao saw Wang finally quiet down, also sit down to rest.

At this time the door also touched a bang was smashed open, came in is the innkeeper, and a few middle-aged people, as soon as we saw a few of the situation over to ask.

Li Mingyao smilingly low a few cigarettes over, pointing to Director Wang said: "My friend first time to play, so the screaming is quite strong, everyone forgive me ah."

At that time I had not reacted to play what is the meaning of, but the innkeeper and those middle-aged people, looking at us, Director Wang has fainted and slept, Li Mingyao and I are also tired and panting.

They instantly understood, face immediately showed a disgusted us look, and then said: "Tomorrow their own early to go, the night of the call what ah call, cause us to worry about."Said the head also did not return to run out, I did not understand at that time, and afterwards also a strong cross Li Mingyao smart, to now I understand the meaning of those people.

The next day, early in the morning we checked out of the room, and then returned to Chengdu city, but Five Rampant God has not been eliminated, Li Mingyao said to let Director Wang go to buy him some chickens, ducks, fish and meat and then go to pay homage to it, and say more to recognize some of the wrong things can be.

However, I was still worried about the Five Rampant God's retaliation, but then Li Mingyao told me that the purpose of these mountain spirits and monsters had been accomplished, and this time his purpose was just to let Director Wang worship some food for him, so he would not be too careful.

Later, Director Wang went back to worship after, really Five Rampant God did not continue to patronize Director Wang there, this matter is also so resolved, to say that day is not really the most dangerous time of my life, but there is a major change in my life, that is, to know Li Mingyao, Li Mingyao from a certain point of view, also affect my future, of course, this is an afterthought.

Director Wang also in this matter after the past, find time to invite me and Li Mingyao to have a dinner, probably Five Rampant God this matter past week or so, mainly should still invite me, after all, Li Mingyao is paid to help, while I am free, although also did not get hurt, compared to the sophomore year of high school to deal with the ghost babies is considered to be very easy.

In fact, the sophomore ghost baby is also in my life encountered in the ghost, is very strong, and the world is not all the ghosts and monsters are so powerful, just at that time do not know it.

In fact, when I think about it, after the incident of the ghost baby in the second year of high school, I have not been seriously practicing the talisman and other things, originally thought that I could not meet, but I now realize that when there is nothing to practice, the so-called skills are not oppressive.

Director Wang also hinted at the banquet, this semester's scholarships and other things will help me to fight for, I heard also smiled, scholarships that thing is really not much use, because I do not lack of money, or not much use of money.

Finally left when Li Mingyao pulled me, told me, if you want to do this line of work in the future, then come to the photo studio, this time I realized that the museum is not Li Mingyao open, is a middle-aged man called Huang Zhongshan open, Li Mingyao just miscellaneous.

Li Mingyao is really a person where work is too boring, this and Li Mingyao talk quite a lot, Li Mingyao was originally Maoshan disciples, did not go to school, one day this person called Huang Zhongshan on the Maoshan, and Li Mingyao's master chatted a few words, Li Mingyao to bring down to help him whole this Buddha business.

I nodded and told Li Mingyao I think about it. Li Mingyao directly let me do not think about it, look at his posture like I want to college is not on, directly to follow him to find his so-called big money. However, thinking about the expectations of the master, or shaking his head to refuse!

In fact, their line of work is indeed very comfortable, not to mention the statue of Buddha, say ghost hunting, in fact, not every time you can meet the ghost, which has so many ghosts in the big city to you to catch, most people are just too suspicious of the heart just to go through the motions to take a few thousand on the tens of thousands.

This time this 100,000 is only occasionally to the whole big business. In the end, this money is also divided equally with Huang Zhongshan, because usually Huang Zhongshan take business and then let him do. However, this time the 100,000 he took over by himself, he can take 70%, but still have to give Huang Zhongshan 30%.

I listened to the dark nod, feel this is also very good, to know that now this society, college students out is a slag, not even a fart, not to mention that they have not studied well, people always have to live is not it?