
005 Attempted suicide

The next day when I got up has been 12 o'clock, headache, and just in time for the opening ceremony of the principal of the lecture, the sun outside more than 30 degrees, the asshole principal froze to speak for more than two hours. Speaking into more than two o'clock, and almost all the collective heat stroke, I wondered, originally a few words of things, these leaders prefer to whole into a few hours.

Luckily, after finishing the speech, we were told to go back to our respective classrooms and attend classes, which was a real pain in the ass.

At that time I really do not have the strength to go to class, directly down to fall asleep, woke up has been the last class in the afternoon, immediately after class.

Then casually ate something, on the playground to wander up, Wang Rui and Zhang Xudong these two guys to the present estimate is still sleeping, noon lecture also did not arrive, the class also did not arrive, just wandering, suddenly all the security guards picked up the walkie-talkie, a face of nervousness rushed to the senior building.

As soon as I saw this situation, I immediately pulled a more familiar security guard and asked what was going on.

That security guard said somewhat anxiously, "It seems that someone has committed suicide on the third floor."After saying this, he didn't care about me, and rushed over by himself.

I'm a burst of contempt, someone suicidal you rushed so fast to do what, wait for the ambulance, suddenly, I also want to see that fellow suicide, maybe I also know.

This point has to be said that the Chinese love to see the fine tradition of watching, I followed a few security guards, ran to the senior building downstairs, see a group of people around, the security guards directly launched a road in, I also secretly squeezed in.

A look at the people on the ground I was dumbfounded, this is not a few days ago the death of Xu Jinglei's boyfriend Sun Qingjia it, although I am not familiar with them, but basically still called on the name.

Suddenly the security guard over there called up, "Not dead, quickly call an ambulance."

Surprisingly nothing? I look at the top of the instantly understand, Sun Qingjia this guy's luck is really not cover, above even a tree to drag him a bit, slowing down the impulse, so just injured, and did not hang out directly.

How could he think of suicide, is it martyrdom, I shook my head, this guy, although not philandering, but also not so infatuated. Suddenly I found that Sun Qingjia's face black silk remnants, with professional habits, I secretly wiped a little carry-on cow tears to the eyes.

I to Sun Qingjia that guy a look, almost by this strange scene scared back over the breath, Sun Qingjia back even lying on the back of a black child! This child looks like it was just born, with an evil look on its face. It seems to find me looking at him, turned his head to look at me, and I stared at me for three seconds, I feel my surrounding temperature has dropped a lot, I feel a trace of cold air.

Then Sun Qingjia was carried out of the school by an ambulance, I heard that luck was good, just a few broken bones, but the ghost baby I saw certainly will not let him live long, and sure enough, I was surprised to hear later on that Xu Jinglei and Sun Qingjia fell in love with each other, even went to an abortion, it was already 6 or 7 months old, and the child was already formed.

It seems that this is the child to retribution, would have been generally children in 4, 5 months have begun to form the soul, they 6, 7 months to go to abortion. This is not intentionally killed the child it, so the child's resentment is also very deep, this time did not kill Sun Qing family next time because of good luck, the next time you do not know will not come out of a tree to save the life of Sun Qing family.

Subsequently or so, did not continue to care about Sun Qing family things, what to do what, soon the day came to Friday, vacation, when I immediately rushed home as soon as I got out of school, the master did not see me for so long, I should be very think of me.

After returning home to help the master to take care of a bit of meditation store inadvertently mentioned the Sun Qing family things, the beginning of the master still do not care to listen to me, and then heard me and the ghost baby stared at the three seconds, and felt the chill when, on the face of the slight change, asked: "that child is really covered in black?"

Seeing that my master was a bit serious, I didn't dare to continue to be naughty and said, "Yes, wearing nothing, his body is all black."

"Not asking you this, is he surrounded by Yin Qi?"Master asked me.

Now that I think about it, it seems like there's a lot of yin qi surrounding that kid, so I nodded my head, and Master looked at me nodding with a heavy face.

"General ghosts and monsters, seven days after death, they will re-enter the cycle of reincarnation, even if they died unjustly, they are only carrying a fury, and after retaliation, they go back to reincarnation. Yin qi also known as ghost qi, general ghosts and monsters will not have, unless with a great deal of resentment, ghosts on the body of the yin qi seven days will be one point heavier, and every kill a person, the yin qi will also be one point heavier, so the longer the ghosts in the world is also the more powerful, according to your words, this child has not yet been born to die, so he should be jealous of the living people of the world, then he should be killed after his parents, he will indiscriminately open killingsnow."Master he thought for a long time before saying it.

I shit, my head got big as soon as I heard master's words, according to what he said, isn't that kid a time bomb, and the kind that is particularly fierce.

"Then the people in the vicinity of that ghost is not dead?"I asked the master.

"Not, this ghost can only kill once in seven days, and kill are for him to remember people, according to what you said, Xu Jinglei's death and Sun Qing family accident, just seven days apart, Sun Qing family accident after seven days, that is, tomorrow, the ghost will definitely come to Sun Qing family."

When I heard this, my head got big, and the master's next words even made my heart break.

"That ghost killed Sun Qing family, the next target should be you, who let him notice you, you feel the cold, it should be the ghost in your body put some kind of mark, so that he can find you."

Damn, Sun Qingjia that guy died by himself even if, but also had to bring me, fortunately I am the one who has a master, otherwise would not be dead?

I listened to the poor look at the master, the meaning is very obvious, your old man can not see your disciple so dead, master see me like this, knocked my head and said: "This thing you think of your own way to solve, I do not help you."

"Not it master, this is not let me send to death."I asked anxiously. Although I usually roar to catch countless ghosts, but every time is the master's efforts, I am a miscellaneous, although the things will be quite a lot, but the actual operation is less, this time to see the master's meaning, this ghost is quite fierce, how to let me not anxious.

"Not master said you, master also are old, some things have to learn to face yourself, you can not always hide behind me."

Hear master say so, found, master head of white hair and more some, think master also want to sharpen me a little, think here, I nodded and said: "rest assured master, this time I must destroy that ghost to show you."

Master heard my words before nodding in relief.

But said so, my heart is still very afraid, that night the master gave me a lot of things to prepare, peach wood sword, talisman, black dog blood, copper coins, and so on. I look at the hand of the equipment heart also counted a little bottom, really can not use 'call the value of the time of the gods and god generals talisman' to invite the gods is, maybe good luck to a big fairy it.

Thinking of this I put my heart down, a peaceful sleep, the next day early in the morning set off, to go to Sun Qing's home. Why did I go to Sun Qing's house? There is only one reason, to protect him, it is best to eliminate the ghost when it takes him as a target, it is better than when the ghost takes me as a target.

Sun Qingjia this guy luck is not bad, just hurt the bones, not a big deal, just in the hospital for two days, and then went home to recuperate.

Said home, in fact, is his rented house, he is also a foreign household, school run back and forth too much trouble, they rent a room near the school, I asked his classmates after his address, found his door, knocked on the door, after a while, the door is open.

Sun Qingjia this guy, or face white, other people look at most would think is caused by malnutrition, but I know, this guy, was haunted by ghosts, can face rosy only strange.

Sun Qingjia saw me flabbergasted for a moment and asked me what was wrong.

Although Sun Qingjia and I used to know each other in school, but only limited to say a few words, usually even if we meet will not greet the type.

I am also difficult, can not go up and tell him, you hit the evil, there are ghosts want to kill you, I am a heavenly master to save you what what it. To say it also need someone to believe ah, anyway, if it is me, someone said so, I directly kicked out.

I smiled awkwardly and said, can I go in to say it.

Sun Qingjia looked me up and down and said, "Come in."

When I went in, I saw that the house was quite well decorated, and there should be about 100 square feet.

After going in, Sun Qingjia invited me to sit on the sofa, handed over a cigarette and asked: "Buddy, if I'm not mistaken, you are the next class of the witch nine it, to find me what."

I did not take the cigarette, but said, "How to say to you buddy, you next must listen to me finish, also do not interrupt my words, must believe what I said."I hope this guy is not a dead brain.

Then I first from Xu Jinglei's death of speculation, and then said the reason for his accident and so on, said half a day, see Sun Qingjia did not say a word, where contemplation.

"Hey, I say buddy, you believe it or not."I looked at the silent Sun Qingjia asked. ,

Sun Qingjia saw me ask him, he said instead: "In fact, I recently also feel strange, so listen to you say, really feel fucking evil, that day when the accident, I heard someone behind me called my father, I thought, there are grandchildren called my father, I can not not say yes. So I said yes, and then my consciousness went fuzzy."

When I heard this, I almost laughed out loud, but it was the right thing to do, if someone called me dad, I guess I had to answer.