
The Strands Of Love

The strands of love causes us many emotions and causes many choices to appear, which leads to the phrase, "Sometimes love isn't for everyone."

Shmilygtic · General
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13 Chs

Story 1: Chapter 10 (First Love Is The Worst)

As Jianyu helped MiMi carry and set up things on the living room table, ZuZu would try to "help" Jianyu. But every time Jianyu would just escape and go to MiMi's side. MiMi of course noticed these interactions, but didn't say anything.

As the food was set up, MiMi awkwardly smiled, "Let's eat everyone." Jianyu sat and ZuZu sat next to him. The corner of MiMi's lip twitched but then again she didn't say anything. MiMi just silently sat down and begun to add food to her bowl.

But when ZuZu was going to put a piece of food in her mouth, she purposely touched the area she bit earlier, and she flinched. MiMi noticed this and exclaimed, "Are you okay?" Then MiMi hurriedly went to the bathroom, to find the first aid kit.

"Ah, she's too kind sometimes." ZuZu laughed and put her chopsticks down. Jianyu frowned and threw his chop sticks on the table, "Why are you here?!" ZuZu smiled and then leaned forward and pushed him down, "For you, of course." She then tried to get on top of Jianyu, but he got up in time and pushed her off before MiMi came back.

After helping ZuZu clean up the wound, they begun eating and drinking has if everything was okay again and no one hated each other. But soon later they were drunk, but MiMi stayed somehow still with a functioning brain. So she cleaned up and took Jianyu to his room, but when they got inside.

Jianyu pushed MiMi onto his bed and proceed to tell her how much she mean to him. MiMi just laughed it off and told him to got to sleep. As she left his room, she when to take care of ZuZu. Even though ZuZu supposed hated her now, MiMi couldn't just leave her ex-bestie like that so she stationed ZuZu in the guest room Jianyu had prepared for MiMi.

As MiMi went to go shower in the bathroom, Jianyu got up and slowly went towards the guest room. He looked into the room and saw a girl, he decided to take his chances. He went on top of the girl, and started kissing. It all soon ended up with them two doing the, unspeakable with some much noise.

As he was finishing up and laid with the girl. He lovingly caressed her hair and kissed the top of her head. Right when MiMi came out of the shower, she was going towards the bed to help ZuZu up, when Jianyu and she made eye contact. In that moment Jianyu's mind went blank, he shook his head, and all the alcohol he had left his body.

MiMi covered her mouth in case she screamed, she couldn't believe it. Two naked bodies, together, in supposedly her bed. Tears ran down her cheeks, feeling numb. She opened her mouth to speak but words didn't come out, she then just slowly walked away and started put on clothes. Realizing what was happening Jianyu quickly got up and tried to explain himself.

He tried and tried and even pulled MiMi into his arms. But what he got was an empty, "It's okay." MiMi walked out, ignoring Jianyu's cries for forgiveness and sorrys. The MiMi he knew was gone, never to come back.

Years Later:

ZuZu had Jianyu's kids, they moved in, families met and got married. ZuZu had the life MiMi was supposed to have, Jianyu eventually gave up and tried to love ZuZu but never could. While MiMi gave up on love and had started a new life. MiMi may have learned how to love again, but just not in that life time.

Yeah that just happened.

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