
The Story Without A Name

In the midst of a world teetering on the brink of oblivion, Alastair's mundane existence is shattered when he's offered a chance to train for the infamous Devil Executioners Army. Suddenly thrust into a realm where regressors, and reincarnators walk among men, and devils lurk in the shadows, Alastair grapples with newfound flames of vengeance and the weight of mankind's survival on his shoulders. Amidst rising tensions, betrayals, and bloodshed, he must question whether he's truly cut out for this perilous journey or destined to be consumed by the chaos engulfing his world. [My fate lies in my own hands...but do I really need to risk it?"]

AkioOrSakura · Fantasy
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8 Chs

All Of It Changes

"Mommy, where are those little dandelions going?" The soft, sweet voice of a girl drifted through the air, her innocent curiosity piqued by the sight of fluffy white seeds dancing on the breeze.

"Dear, they are leaving to start a new life, free and happy, and to explore what lies ahead." A loving voice, filled with warmth and tenderness, replied as the mother wrapped her arms around her daughter in a comforting embrace.

"Mommy, why can't we live like that? Why aren't we allowed to go outside the walls?" The girl's innocent gaze met her mother's, her curiosity shining brightly in her eyes.

"It's too dangerous, dear," the mother sighed softly, her voice tinged with sadness at the harsh reality of their confined existence.

"But why are the dandelions going then?" The girl's questioning persisted, her thirst for understanding driving her curiosity further.

"It's not dangerous for them. They are too small and light to be noticed by the bad things out there," the mother explained gently, seeking to shield her daughter from the harsh truths of the world beyond their walls.

"Then I wish that we were also dandelions so we could fly far, far away, mommy!" The girl's voice rang out with youthful exuberance, her imagination taking flight on the wings of her innocent dreams.


In the midst of a tempestuous night in Col Chester, raindrops crackled like gunfire as they plummeted from the darkened sky, whipped into a frenzy by the ferocious winds that howled through the streets. Despite the bitter cold and biting rain, the denizens of the city hurried homeward, their figures hunched against the elements, seeking refuge within the warmth of their homes.

Amidst the chaos, a solitary figure stood beneath the shelter of an umbrella, clad in a long coat that billowed around him like a cloak. With gloved hands, he reached down to retrieve a stray newspaper that had been tossed about by the storm, its ink smudged and its pages sodden with rain.

As he glanced down at the headline, his lips curled into a small, satisfied smile. "Death Of 2 comrades outside city bounds!" the bold, black letters proclaimed, drawing his attention to the grim news that lay within.

The article detailed the tragic demise of two comrades from the DEA, their bodies discovered near the entrance of an alleyway after the agency had lost contact with them. Despite the conclusion that they had perished in battle with a devil, the mysterious marks found upon their bodies remained unexplained, shrouded in uncertainty and speculation.

A black and white photograph accompanied the sombre description, capturing the chilling scene of the crime—a haunting tableau of two figures lying beneath a white sheet, their identities concealed in death.



The shrill sound of an alarm clock shattered the early morning tranquillity, jolting Alastair from his slumber. With a groan, he buried his face beneath the sheets, determined to ignore the insistent ringing that echoed through the dormitory.

But his peaceful rebellion was short-lived, shattered by the booming voice of his friend Mika. "Alastair! Wake up! We're going to be late for breakfast!" Mika's urgent tone cut through the haze of sleep, accompanied by the sound of his frantic attempts to don his tie.

Alastair only groaned in response, turning away from Mika's persistent prodding. His defiance, however, was met with a swift and unexpected retaliation—a pillow collided with his face, courtesy of their other friend, Yu.

Rubbing his eyes, Alastair glared at Yu, who stood across the room with a mischievous smirk dancing upon his lips. "Really funny, Yu!" Alastair muttered, tossing the pillow back in his direction, but Yu effortlessly dodged the incoming projectile, his laughter filling the room.

With a resigned sigh, Alastair dragged himself out of bed and made his way to the bathroom. He stared wearily at his reflection in the mirror as he brushed his teeth, the stark contrast of his dark hair and coal-black eyes against his pale complexion reflecting the weariness that seemed to weigh heavily upon his young shoulders. At seventeen, he appeared older than his years, as if burdened by the weight of a lifetime's worth of experiences. 


I'm Alastair," I muttered to my reflection, the words heavy with the weight of my past. The Public Military School had become my refuge, a place where I trained tirelessly to become a recruit for the army. It had been almost a year since I joined, and though I had managed to forge some cool friendships, the scars of my shattered childhood remained etched deep within me, a constant reminder of the life that had been taken from me so easily.

But today is the day all of it changes

I stepped out of the bathroom, my uniform crisp and neatly pressed—a white shirt, black pants, and a grey tie, the standard attire for students at the Public Military School. Glancing around the dormitory, I took in the simple yet orderly layout. Three beds stood in a row along one wall, each adorned with a blue blanket and a white pillow. On the opposite side, three desks were arranged facing the window, allowing the soft glow of natural light to filter into the room. A handful of posters adorned the walls, injecting a splash of colour and personality into the otherwise plain space. Images of sports stars, movie characters, and motivational quotes adorned the walls, lending a sense of familiarity to the room. Yet beneath the surface, there lingered a faint scent of sweat and socks.

Before I could fully take in my surroundings, Mika grabbed my hand, pulling me out of the dormitory with an urgency that belied the early hour. Yu followed close behind, grumbling about the state of the room as he shuffled along.

As we emerged into the corridor, we were met by the sight of Kate, her light brown hair framing her emerald eyes as she waited impatiently for us. "There you guys are!" she exclaimed, her tone tinged with irritation. "I've been waiting for ages."

"Who asked you to?" Yu retorted, his arms crossed defiantly over his chest.

Ignoring her brother's grumbling, Kate took charge, leading the way with a determined stride. "Come on, let's go now. I'm really hungry!" she declared, her words punctuated by the rumble of her empty stomach.

With Kate at the helm, we made our way to the cafeteria with just enough time to spare. As we settled into our seats, the anticipation of the day ahead hung in the air, mingling with the aroma of breakfast as we savoured those precious few moments of respite before the rigours of classes and training sessions began.

We settled into our usual spot at one of the lunch tables, our trays laden with the familiar fare from the cafeteria. As I glanced around the room, a sense of unease washed over me—the cafeteria seemed different today, almost unnaturally pristine. Every surface gleamed with a meticulous cleanliness, and even the staff appeared unusually well-groomed and impeccably dressed. The scent of sanitizers and perfumes hung heavy in the air, mingling incongruously with the aroma of freshly prepared food.

"Noticing some changes?" Kate's voice broke through my reverie, drawing my attention away from my thoughts. She helped herself to a piece of freshly baked bread.

"Yeah, anyone know what's going on?" I asked, taking a bite of my cheese sandwich and furrowing my brow in confusion.

"Maybe a visit?" Mika suggested tentatively, his gaze lingering on his unappetizing breakfast with a hint of sadness.

"Kate, you know anything? Since you're the one always getting the latest news from who knows where?" Yu interjected, his eyes narrowed with suspicion.

Kate took her time to finish chewing her food before responding, a mischievous glint dancing in her emerald eyes. "Actually, I do know something," she admitted with a grin

"Well, credit goes to Mika for getting one part right," she said, her words dripping with dramatic flair. "Yes, we are going to be visited by a guest today, but not just any guest—a very important one."

"Get to the point," Yu cut in sharply, his impatience evident in his tone. I couldn't help but silently thank him, sharing his sentiment as I felt a wave of ennui wash over me. Despite being twins, Yu and Kate rarely saw eye to eye.

Kate shot Yu an angry glare before turning her attention back to me. "Well, today we are going to be visited by The Second!" she announced, her words hanging heavy in the air.

Mika and Yu's eyes widened in disbelief, their expressions mirroring my own shock. Yu dropped his spoon, his stew forgotten as he processed the unexpected revelation. I glanced between them, my curiosity piqued.

"Who?" I interjected, my confusion evident.

Their incredulous stares made me feel like I was missing something obvious, but I met their gaze with unwavering seriousness, determined to understand.

"How come you don't know about him? Have you been living under a roc—" Yu began, his irritation palpable, but Kate quickly cut him off, clamping a hand over his mouth to silence his angry muttering.

Ignoring her brother's outburst, Kate coughed delicately before addressing me with a reassuring smile. "Don't mind him! It's no doubt interesting that you don't know about 'The Second,' but that's completely fine," she reassured me.

With a nod of gratitude, I turned my attention back to Kate as she began to enlighten me about this mysterious figure. "Well, let me tell you a bit about him," she began, her voice taking on a tone of reverence. "He is known as 'The Second' because he is second only to 'The First,' the crown prince, in terms of power and influence."

As Kate delved into her explanation, Mika and Yu eagerly added their own insights."They say he's the real deal, you know? The Second's not just some big shot with a fancy title. He's earned every bit of his reputation. I heard he's faced down some of the nastiest devils out there, and he didn't break a sweat. People talk about him like he's some kind of legend, and from what I've heard, it's not far from the truth."

"They also say that he has killed 1,000,000 devils ever since becoming part of the DEA!" Mika chimed in, his eyes sparkling with awe.

"I wonder how he looks like," Kate mused wistfully, her eyes alight with curiosity. "I've only seen him in the newspaper, but sadly the quality is always horrible."

Her words seemed to cast a spell over the rest of us, drawing us into the realm of imagination as we contemplated the enigmatic figure of The Second. Yet amidst the dreamy gazes of my companions, I couldn't help but wonder if they were all thinking straight.

"And why is he coming here?" I interjected, attempting to steer the conversation back to reality.

"That's the best part!" Kate exclaimed, her enthusiasm undiminished as she continued to eat her breakfast. "He's coming here to pick one of us to train and become part of the DEA! He'll be reviewing our training, conducting tests, and all that stuff."

A whirlwind of thoughts spun through my mind at the prospect. What if I got picked? The chance to learn how to fight and protect others from the monstrous beings that had wrought havoc on my life was an opportunity I couldn't pass up. With newfound determination, I voiced my aspirations to the group, feeling a surge of confidence at the prospect.

Yu and Mika echoed my sentiments with nods of agreement, but Kate's sympathetic glance gave me pause. Sensing my confusion, I turned to her for clarification.

"Ah, I'm sorry to break it to you, but the Headmaster won't let that happen," Kate explained with a hint of frustration. "He wants his son to be picked over the other students. Selfish brute, if you ask me."

My blood boiled at the injustice of it all. "That prick?" Yu seethed, his contempt for Lawrence evident in his tone.

"But do you guys really think that he will listen to the Headmaster?" Mika interjected, his uncertainty palpable as he sought reassurance from the group.

Kate scratched her head, momentarily stumped by the question. "That's right!" she exclaimed, her eyes widening in realization. "He doesn't have any control over The Second, does he?"

Before we could dwell further on the matter, a familiar voice cut through the air, disrupting our conversation. We turned to see Lawrence, seated just behind Kate and Yu, his smirk oozing with arrogance as he issued his thinly veiled threat.

"As long as I'm here, it'll be a trouble surpassing me," he declared, his friends echoing his sentiment with raucous cheers.

"What about your friend Lawrence?" Yu asked, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Yeah, aren't you his pawn?" I taunted, unable to resist jabbing at Lawrence's expense. "You're always following him around."

"And aren't you always telling him that he's the best?" I added, the words slipping out without any real resentment, eliciting a chuckle from our group.

"I never said that!" Lawrence retorted, his irritation evident as he banged his hand on the desk, drawing the attention of everyone in the vicinity.

"Oh, really?" I challenged, a sly grin tugging at the corners of my lips. "You want me to call your friend for you?"

"Keep that shitty mouth of yours closed!" Lawrence snapped, his voice laced with frustration. "I've been known as the best student in this school, and the one getting to train in the DEA is me!"

I could feel my patience wearing thin as I stood up from my chair, mirroring Lawrence's movements. Enough was enough.

"We started arguing terribly when..."


"This is the cafeteria, sir, and my office is just after another turn," the 250-pound Headmaster said, his sweat trickling down his neck.

"Mm," the tall gentleman responded nonchalantly, paying little attention.

"I completely understand how important your time is, and yet you still came," the Headmaster babbled on, "I can't repay it, but I can offer you a bit of relief in exchange."

As they walked, the Headmaster continued to extol the virtues of his son, urging the tall gentleman to consider him for the DEA training program.

"Sigh, Mr. Principal, we've talked about this," a lady with ginger hair interjected, her voice low and commanding. She had her hair neatly tied in a braided bun, her sharp features and sly fox eyes scanning the papers in her hand.

"Every student's participation is required for the inspection," she continued, handing one of the papers to the gentleman next to her, who nodded in approval. "I'm sure your son will have no problem with the test, yes?"

"O-of course, my boy will surely qualify, no doubt," the Headmaster stammered nervously. "But what's the point in wasting time when you have the best student?"

"You take that back!" Lawrence snapped, his voice tinged with anger.

"What if I don't?" I challenged ,a smirk playing on my lips.

Before I could react, something flew past me with a loud whoosh, barely missing my head and leaving me frozen in shock. I saw Lawrence quickly duck back into his seat, his eyes wide with fear, as my friends urgently whispered for me to do the same. The sudden tension in the air was palpable as the Headmaster's voice rang out, demanding to know who had caused the disturbance. It was the beginning of everything, and I turned to see what had happened, my heart racing with anticipation.