
The Story That Never Begin

Magnor: Alaric someone will come Alaric: Magnor no one's here don't worry Magnor: But I... Alaric: Trust me Magnor: I trust you (closes his eyes as Alaric comes closer) #Boy x Boy

Ziyat · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Feeling Of Family (Chapter 2)

"I introduced myself, 'Hi, I am Magnor, Magnor Salvatore.' He took his hoodie off his head, and that's when I first saw his face with those beautiful bluish eyes, brown hair, pink lips, and dusky skin color perfectly complementing his looks. He introduced himself, 'Hi, I am Alaric Wolfe,' and he smiled. 'Are you new in town?' he asked. 'No, I am not, but it's been a long while since I've been here,' I said.

'Alaric!' someone called him from the crew, and he shouted, 'Coming.' He turned to me again and said, 'It was nice meeting you, Magnor. I hope to see you soon,' and he left toward his crew. As he was leaving, he turned to me and smiled. Not to judge, but he is weirdly too handsome and charming, I smirked, thinking it in my head. I realized my phone was ringing, so I picked it up and said, 'Hello, who is this?'"

Pg. 4

"On the other side of the phone, Carol, my broker, greeted me, 'Hi, this is Carol, your broker. I called to ask if you're coming today, or if there's any problem, then I'll set another day to show the house.' I totally forgot that I had to go see my house today, and I replied, 'No, no. There's no problem. I am on my way. I am coming right away.' She said okay and hung up the phone.

When I arrived at my house, Carol was there to greet me. 'Hello, I am Carol,' she said. 'Hi, I am Magnor. I am really sorry I am late. I just got stuck somewhere,' I replied. She said, 'It's okay. When I return here from my college, I took me 5 hours to go home because I was so busy looking around the changes.'

She looked younger than me but talked very maturely, and she seemed polite, calm, and sweet. However, when she mentioned returning from college, I couldn't help but become curious. I asked, 'You look so much younger, so how come you are in this job? And why did you drop out from another college to come here?'"

Pg. 5

"She was a small girl with medium-length hair up to her shoulders, brown eyes, fair skin, and a heart tattoo on her wrist. She was silent for a moment, then she started to laugh so hard she almost choked. I was dumbfounded for a second, and she stopped after a while and started talking.

'I am not a poor, little teenager, and I didn't drop out of college,' she said. 'I completed my education three years ago in New York City, and I'm not an employee. My dad owns the company, and I just manage this branch because it's my hometown, and I wanted to stay here.' She laughed again at my shocked face, and I was embarrassed yet impressed by her bold side. I apologized to her. 'I'm really sorry. You look so small that I thought you were,' I smirked.

'I know I don't look my age, and it's a good thing, isn't it?' she giggled.

Pg. 6

Just then, the house owner arrived. 'Hello, Mr. Magnus Salvatore. I am Malt Williams,' he said.

'Hello, Mr. Williams. It's nice to meet you. Mom used to talk a lot about you,' I replied.

'I felt really bad when I heard about your mom. She was really the light of the town back in the day,' he unconsciously smiled as he got lost in his thoughts.

'Mom used to say that you, my dad, and my mom used to be really close friends back then,' I said, bringing him back from his thoughts.

He nodded, smiling, and said, 'They were the best friends someone could ever ask for. I didn't have much growing up, but they never made me feel lower than them. They even helped me when I had nothing, gave me this house so that I had my own place to raise my kids, and supported my business when no one believed that the business idea could make it.' A few tears rolled down from his eyes."

Pg. 7

"I am really glad for their help, support, and belief in me, so I repay a little by returning this house to you. It's yours from now on. These are the papers; I have already signed them," he said, handing me a file with the house papers.

"I can't accept this. It's your house. You've been living here for years. You don't have to return it. It's something my parents gave to their friend as a symbol of their love. How can I take this?" I said, trying to give him the papers back.

"It belongs to you, Magnor. This isn't just their house. This is the place they started their life together. I don't live here that much anyway, and my son lives in LA. I mostly live there too. I only visit Mystic Falls sometimes, and I have a guest house here. So, you don't have to worry, Magnor, my son," he said, giving the papers back to me.

Pg. 8

"I had never felt this much of a family-like feeling before from someone other than my mom. 'If you want, I'll accept this, but only if you'll live in here with me in this house whenever you're in Mystic Falls, and if I can call you Uncle Matt?'" I said. He got emotional hearing it, and tears started to fall from his eyes. He hugged me tight, and Carol, who had been silently watching, smiled while wiping her tears. She said, "So I guess it's time for celebration!" Uncle Matt also got excited and said, "Let's go to the festival happening later today. Let's freshen up and go together." We all agreed to freshen up and meet at the festival place. Uncle Matt was a fair-skinned, tall man in his forties with black eyes and brown hair. He was much younger than my mom and dad. I got ready and went to the festival. When I got there, they were already there.

Pg. 9

Carol was wearing a beautiful red dress with curly hair, and Uncle Matt was wearing a black suit, while I was wearing a maroon shirt and black pants. I had no idea what festival it was, so I asked, "What is this festival, by the way?"

"Your mom didn't tell you about this festival?" Carol asked.

"No, Mom never mentioned any kind of festival," I replied.

"This festival is called Blind Maze Festival. What kind of name is that?" I started to laugh hard.

Carol started to explain, "The Blind Maze Festival is a festival people celebrate to welcome new people to Mystic Falls every year. They play games, party all night, and mostly have one game for young people like you and me," she said, teasing Uncle Matt.

Pg. 10

"I didn't know you two knew each other to joke around like this."

"Oh, I didn't tell you, Mr. Williams and my dad are really good friends," Carol said. "So you two have known each other for a really long time then?" I asked. "Yeah, he has been seeing me since I was 5 years old," Carol replied. Uncle Williams smiled and said, "You two carry on, I have to go to a meeting so I'll leave now," and sat in his car and left. After Uncle Williams left, Carol said, "Let's go," and pulled me towards the bonfire, making me sit there. A guy sitting next to me, wearing a weird Dracula costume, said, "Hey man, introduce yourself." Everyone started looking at me, and I started getting confused about what to do. Carol barged in and said, "Cool down everyone."

Pg. 11

She continues to say, "His name is Magnor Salvatore." She puts a specific tone on "Salvatore." As I was trying to figure out what was going on, someone said, "Let's play blindly partners." Interrupt They started to explain the rules without even introducing themselves I wanted to interrupt but I let it go and carried on and they explained the rules:

Rule 1: You will be blindfolded as you pick a number. Rule 2: You have to complete the task without any excuses. Rule 3: You can't change partners. Rule 4: If you lose, you and your partner have to stay in the forest for a night. Rule 5: If you lose, you have to bring the forbidden flower.

The game is simple. You will all have numbers and will be blindfolded as you pick a paper with a number on it. Whoever has the matching number will be paired up, and only on their turn can they remove the blindfold and see their partner and task.

Pg. 12

They will have to do the task written on back of number paper they all explains the rule. They starts to blindfold everyone and when they tie blindfold they say my number 14 after that people starts to get their number and opening blindfolds finally I hear my number but from a known voice. I open my blindfold and see Alaric Wolfe right in front of me Smiling more like smirking with my number in his hand with smirk in face and having eye to eye contact making me nervous. I am just looking at him with this weird feeling. What's going to happen I don't know but what ever happens its going be intense and interesting I can tell.

Pg. 13

Now that the introduction have almost completed real deal is gonna start from 4th Chapter

Stay Tuned

I keep in between its boring somewhere and not very detailed but its my first time writing a novel so please let me know if I can make it better

Thank You

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