

Once Upon A Time, a beautiful girl was born and truth be told with every beautiful girl, there is a handsome guy. Her equal.

The handsome guy had everything he could ever possibly want, except for one thing: a woman; a beautiful girl that he could truly and genuinely love.

The woman had been through too much heartbreak and lost her trust in the world. She believed that she was meant to live life without a partner, but all she ever wanted was a man that she could truly and genuinely love for her whole life.


One day, by some sort of twist of fate or even destiny, these two people met via internet, via Instagram. Truthfully, the guy did fall for the woman because of her looks, but once they started talking, he feel deeper and deeper in love with her. On the other hand, the woman had a hard time believing that this man was who he said he was. She had very deep trust issues, but by some sort of miracle, she trusted this man wholeheartedly. Though they haven't formally met before, the woman and the man had the notion that they loved each other so much.

Love at first sight, you might say, but no amount of love can withstand the difficulties that were to come or so says the norm.

Throughout all the difficulties, throughout everything that came their way, they still strongly loved each other and always were able to overcome all of it.

They were soon married and finally both the man and the woman were truly and genuinely happy.