
The story of The King Of The Death

It's just a story abut us. Story about the human nature and the way someone is built like a character in his own story.

Sen_ki · Realistic
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9 Chs

Chapter 1: The Beginning

The year was 2020, 14 years have passed since Jiro was born. His life was normal or at least he felt like it, he had a normal family, ate normal food, and wasn't poor neither rich, but there was one exception his brother was one of the biggest gangsters in the town.

It was winter around 18th December. Jiro heard a sound from his phone. It was a message. Message from his ex-girlfriend. He didn't want to admit it but he missed her. When he opened it, it was just a short message:

"Hey, how are you these days?"

He replied shortly but didn't want to finish the conversation, so it was like:

"Everything is fine and what about you?"

It felt like she was waiting for this moment, and she started texting. At the moment she had a boyfriend, a lot of friends, and everything a 14 years old teen can want. For Jiro it doesn't make any sense for her to contact him at this time, but when the conversation continued he understood what was the reality. The company in which she hang out was some trash guys, who touches her while her boyfriend wasn't around. At first, Jiro didn't feel like he can do something so he changed the plot.

4 days passed and in these days they texted each other may e around 5 hours a day, and they become really close to each other. Jiro started to feel sorry for her. From her stories, he knew it becomes worse every day. He told her:

"You must stop hanging out with these dudes."

And she replied:

"I tried but when I don't want they come to my place and me go out with them."

One week flew like nothing and one cold night his phone rang. Picking it up he heard her crying. He already knew what happened. He knew these guys make something bad to her. So he just said:

"Everything will be okay. Don't do stupid things." He knew who was the reason for that but wanted to know what exactly happened. She just said:

"I will kill myself!" and hung up the phone.

He called and called, but nothing. That was a sleepless night for him. It was 6 am when the phone rang again. It was her again:

"Let's go for a walk, please." Jiro knew she lived on the other side of the town, so he didn't know how she came here this early in the morning.

He went out and saw her crying. They started walking, he didn't know what to say or do, so just asked:

"What happened?"

After 5 minutes of silence she replied:

"They raped me!"

Jiro went silent. They sat on a bench for around 30 minutes. He was so shocked, without noticing a tear fall down from his eye. He knew he must be strong and comfort her so he tried but when he turned to her, he registered it immediately. He saw a strath on her arm and couldn't control himself. He just grabbed the sleeve and rolled it up. He saw her arm which was cut maybe to around 15 places the blood was fresh. He just said:

"I will take care for it." stood up and started walking.

She followed him.

"Now you are going to tell me their names and where they hang out."


Something in him shattered.

"It's an order, not a request." at this moment he grabbed her, and she felt scared. Maybe because of that she told him.

"Ok, now I will call someone to send you home."

They walked next to a big road and after a few minutes, a black car stopped next to them.

It looks like indeed Jiro is not exactly normal. He just said:

"Go in, forget about my existence, and don't do anything stupid! I will take care for everything!"

For some reason, she knew what is going to happen after this conversation. She saw his eyes, they were cold as ice, his green eyes looked dead. They were almost empty, the only thing you could see in them was hatred. She saw someone who she doesn't know. It made her feel scared like he was telling her:

"I'm going to kill them with my own hands, nothing more nothing less!" in reality, this was the way he felt at this moment.