
The lab rat

Skye didn't know she was a lab rat but she died so they adopted another baby to become the next lab rat the foster parents was scientists.

The baby's name is Jasmine. Jasmine's parents died from a car crash she was the only one who survived she was pretty. Kio was curious what virus skye got so she searched and searched she decided to search about the foster parents and she saw that they we're rich scientists and adopt children's to become a lab rat then she told the police but the police already knew. the foster parents double crossed them so they wont spill the information The police tooked the money and kept it a secret

But kio was frustrated and told her friends about it and they we're all furious and spread it through the internet but they didn't know that the foster parents are more powerful they own the internet and shut it down. But kio put up posters and people gave their opinions so the police had nothing to do but arrest the Forster parents and kio adopted the baby with her husband