
the story of the forgotten god of a forgotten universe

[note that this creation is a work in progress] (it is told similar to a recording) this story is about an experiment now a relic guardian from the peak of an advanced civilization. now in near ruins, it was given freedom and was given a name of sarmarilat (nick; sarn). although sarn was given freedom, it came at a price that left sarn stuck with a problem and barbaric solution. which lead to many things that destroyed what is left of the civilization including its mad createors. clues about what is the original names of the divine creatures. the four names are hidden, one per story. (I will mark each story) () [read the basic information for more]

Zan_Lahn · Fantasy
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23 Chs

005 freedom at a price

once the suppressing weakend engulf to suppress the hunger for a short period, I had started to think a way to get out. with time I had noticed that it was getting slightly easier to suppress the hunger over time. the only time I had extra time was the random adventuring fools that came in. at some point I gave up and swallowed the relic hole just to leave the room. the analogy here is, "putting on a very heavy ball and chain just to leave the prison cell." that is what was the price I had to pay, but the ball is a black hole.