
The Story Of The Black Angels

A mysterious town . Everyone knows the dangers of it . Dangers , in the form of anything and anyone . Everyone also knows that there are people to save them from the dangers . Angels , with amazing powers . However , their identities are unknown . Common people stay in their limits , don't show any unnecessary curiosity . Nothing matters as long as they are safe . It doesn't matter who is saving them . But ... Shouldn't they know the identity of their saviours .... .....or at least of their enemies ? How long will they live in legends ? Let this novel uncover the secrets of the town ..... ......... with the help of certain characters . Enilese has recently been added to the Angels group . She is always cheerful and friendly . She is the living embodiment of her Guardian Spirit . She has yet to know about their group's past , enemies and of course the secrets of the town . What would happen when she would unknowingly get involved with her group's worst enemies . Note 1 : no mature content and intense violence . Note 2 : main focus on mind , thoughts ,feelings and emotions .

Nabanita18 · Fantasy
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77 Chs

Yes , I Want Her

Before Ryan could say anything a tall and slender figure came running to them . The man stopped in front of them . The woman hurriedly hid behind Ryan . Ryan looked at the man who was also staring at him . In a few seconds , both of them broke into amused smiles . The man said , " Look who's here ! My old friend ! " saying that , he spreads his arms to hug Ryan and they hugged . ' There went my last hope .' the woman thought as she realised that these two men are friends . She was already scared of Ryan because of his actions and words from the first encounter . She couldn't anticipate whether he would help her or not , and then her tagger turned out to be friends with the one whom she was asking help from . After breaking the hug the man said , " Thanks Ryan for catching this woman . She made me run a lot . " then he glanced at the woman hiding behind Ryan and remarked , " And you , do you still think you can escape ? " She didn't respond to his words . She was hoping that in any way she just gets saved from the man .

" By the way , what's the matter ? " Ryan asked the man .

" I asked her to be my partner and she rejected me . And you know that I don't accept rejections . She didn't agree to my soft proposal now I have no other option but to force her ."

" I see ." Ryan said , " But your last partner was prettier . "

" Hahaha , that's true . But I think the third one was the best ..." he started talking about his previous partners and Ryan also was adding his comments sometimes . The woman thought that she should take this opportunity to escape . She slowly turned around but even before she could take a step , someone dragged her toward them . The next moment , she heard Ryan's lazy voice , " Hey , where are you going ? How many times I have to tell you , there are demons lurking in this area . And you know what , they are hungry , waiting for dinner like you . Do you want to be their dinner ? "

The woman looked at Ryan very helplessly . She was already scared of her tagger and above that Ryan was scaring her more by saying those things . She could take Ryan's words as teasing but she knew that even if not demons , some other harmful beings were definitely there in the area , and not just a particular area , they are present every here and there of this town . After some time she looked down . Then the man said , " Okay Ryan , I think I should be going now . It's quite late. Hey , come with me . " saying that he was going to grab the woman's hand when Ryan said , " Wait , Derek , let's make a deal . "

That man named Derek smirked a little and said , " What a surprise ! You want to make a deal ! I still remember how you rejected to help me last time . Anyway what's the deal ? "

" I'll help you with the thing you asked before and in exchange ..."

" And in exchange , you want this woman . Right ? "

" You know me so well . Yeah I want her . " Ryan said with his famous playboy smirk .

' It's my fate , I would end up with either of them . I can't escape this . I should've never taken this route at this hour . ' thinking that the woman sighed .

" Okay , deal accepted . You can keep her . I'll contact you when I finish other arrangements . Bye . Have fun .", with that he left . Ryan turned to the woman and said , " Let's go darling . "

The woman asked , " W...where ? "

" Weren't you going somewhere ? Let's go together . "

" You don't need to come with me . I can go by myself . " , she managed to say this few words avoiding looking at him .

" Darling , did I ask for your opinion ? It's a order you're bound to obey ." Ryan's voice sounded lazy still it managed to send chill through her body . Ryan continued ," I saved you from him but who said I will let you go without anything . Now you have to do whatever I say . "

" I..if I d..don't ? "

Ryan smirked at her and said , " Umm , look around you , there's not a single one except for us . Who will help you if I do something to you ? So darling , it would be the best if you co operate with me . So what's your decision ? Will you stand here forever , waiting for me to do something bad or are you ready to go together ? "

The young woman sighed and said " Let's go . "

She started walking and Ryan followed behind her .


Ryan and the woman was walking in silence . The woman was looking at her both sides the whole time while walking . Ryan couldn't take that anymore , so he said , " If you were this afraid why did you come at this hour , couldn't you come earlier ? "

" I'm very busy these days . And it was really necessary to come today . "

Ryan didn't say anything further . The woman asked in a low voice , " Umm , why do you want to come with me ? I'm here to visit my friend who is very sick . What will you do there ? "

" It's simple . I want to have fun with you . What else do you think I want you for ? Now tell me , how long we have to walk more ? Remember darling , if it turns out that you are intentionally making me wander around and wasting the time , you will see what a bad person I am ."

The woman hurriedly said , " It's not like that . We just need to enter that alleyway . I live there . And ..."

" And ?? "

" Please don't call me darling , I have a name . "

" Indeed you have . What's your name , darling ? " he teasingly asked .

She understood that it's pointless to say anything to him , still she said , " It's Melvine . "

" Well , I prefer calling you darling . Now , pass me your phone . "

Melvine looked at him questioningly but still passed him her phone . Ryan returned it after a few seconds .

By that time they already entered into the alleyway . There were very few houses around them . Ryan was walking behind Melvine . She pointed her finger towards a yellow coloured house and said , " That's my house . I live there with my friend . "

As the house was approaching she started again , " Umm , my friend is not a friendly person . And she is very sick , I need to take care of her . Do you really want to come inside . I would go wherever you ask me to but please don't do anything today . It's a request . " She waited for Ryan to say something but no reply came . She turned around only to find that there is no one behind her . She looked around but she couldn't find Ryan anywhere . She realised that Ryan has already left .

Dear readers , please comment and let me know your thoughts about my work . So that I can improve myself . Thank you .

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