
The Story Of The Black Angels

A mysterious town . Everyone knows the dangers of it . Dangers , in the form of anything and anyone . Everyone also knows that there are people to save them from the dangers . Angels , with amazing powers . However , their identities are unknown . Common people stay in their limits , don't show any unnecessary curiosity . Nothing matters as long as they are safe . It doesn't matter who is saving them . But ... Shouldn't they know the identity of their saviours .... .....or at least of their enemies ? How long will they live in legends ? Let this novel uncover the secrets of the town ..... ......... with the help of certain characters . Enilese has recently been added to the Angels group . She is always cheerful and friendly . She is the living embodiment of her Guardian Spirit . She has yet to know about their group's past , enemies and of course the secrets of the town . What would happen when she would unknowingly get involved with her group's worst enemies . Note 1 : no mature content and intense violence . Note 2 : main focus on mind , thoughts ,feelings and emotions .

Nabanita18 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
77 Chs

This Time , Victim Is Daisy Hospital

Next day .

Public library .

" I am really sorry miss . The authority has strictly forbidden us to let anyone enter without their membership card . I can't go against the rules . Sorry . " , the receptionist politely said .

" I am a regular reader here . I just forgot to bring my card today . Can't you manage this once ? " , Ammie said with hopeful eyes .

" I understand your point but you don't even have any identification document with you which can be matched with our records . I really can't help you . "

Ammie was very disappointed . The library was quite far from her community . Still , she often comes to this library because of its books , the library has a fine collection of classic books . Moreover she loves the ambience of the place very much . But unfortunately , she has to go back today . She forgot her card today and today itself the library appointed a new receptionist . She couldn't blame the new receptionist though , she was just doing her job . She cursed herself for not bringing the membership card .

Ammie was about to leave when someone spoke up , " Oh , isn't it the young lady ? "

Ammie turned around and found an ethereal looking man standing in front of her . The presence of the man at once brings back certain memories in her mind . It was the same man who saved Aaron , that night , a few weeks back .

" You ..... here ? " , Ammie said .

Adrian let out a smile and said , " I come here often . Do you come here too ? "

Ammie nodded .

" So , any problem ? "

" I forgot my card so I can't enter today . " , she said in a gloomy tone .

He laughed a little at her expression and said , " Oh , that's why you are looking upset ? ....Come on , that's not a problem at all ...... Be my guest . "

" Huh ? But we can't bring guests ..."

" Really ? ..... wait a minute . " , saying that Adrian placed a golden card on the desk , Ammie was amazed to see the VVIP membership card .

" Two entries , please . " , Adrian said to the receptionist but got no response .

The receptionist has been staring at him from the moment he has arrived , she was completely dazed by his charm .

Ammie looked at the woman and then to Adrian and frowned a little .

Adrian made a clicking sound with his fingers , in front of her face , the receptionist snapped out from her dream .

She hurriedly spoke up , " S..s...sorry sir . "

" Two entries , one for me and another for this young lady . " , Adrian said , pointing towards Ammie , " She is my guest . Remember her face very well . In future , if she forgets her card don't stop her . "

Seeing his card the receptionist already giessed that he was not an ordinary person . She replied , " Sure sir . "

Adrian took his card back and said to Ammie , " Come on , let's go . "

Ammie nodded and was about to follow him when the receptionist said nervously , " I'm very sorry miss no....ma'am ...I'm sorry about earlier . I didn't know that you are sir's guest . Please forgive me . "

" It's okay . " , Ammie said in an embarrassed tone and followed Adrian .


A few minutes to midnight .

Daisy Hospital .

Recently the number of attacks by the new type of creatures has increased a lot . Therefore , even at this hour the hospital was not in a relaxing state . New victims were getting admitted , every now and then . The hospital staffs were exhausted , still they were silently doing their jobs .

At such time , a dreadful announcement from the hospital's reception desk shattered the serenity of the hospital .

The announcement said , " This is the reception desk . We have an urgent announcement .....The dark souls have attacked our hospital .... I repeat , the dark souls have attacked our hospital . Our guards are eliminated by them . We cannot ensure your safety anymore . Nobody knows what would happen to the hospital . So please look after your safety , yourselves ..... "

Even before the announcement was over , the calm and quiet hospital got into a chaos .

Hurried footsteps , frightened voices and many other indistinct sounds filled the place . Everyone wanted to leave the hospital before they come face to face with the dark souls .

In a ward , a nurse nervously asked the doctor in charge , " Ma'am , what's now ? Are we going to die ? "

It was evident that the doctor who was asked the question was not very hopeful about the situation either .

The nurse asked again , " Dr. Melvine , what's going to happen to us ? "

Melvine still didn't reply , she continued stitching the patient's wound .

The nurse continued , " The dark souls .... they didn't even spare the kids of an orphanage last time . I don't think they would consider about the hospital ..... " , she got cut by a loud shattering sound at some distance which was followed by some more breaking sounds . The nurse started weeping , " My kids ..... I won't be able to see them anymore ..."

Melvine spoke up without any emotion , " His vitals aren't looking good . If the condition deteriorates a bit more , we have to change the medicine . "

The nurse looked at her in disbelief , she couldn't understand how could she stay so calm even at this situation . She was going to say something but stopped to see a group of medical staffs running past the ward .

The nurse started crying again .

Melvine spoke up , " If you want to leave , you can . I won't mind . "

" Dr. Melvine , I'm really sorry . I respect my job but my kids have noone else except for me . I can't leave them alone . Please , forgive me . " , saying that the nurse ran out of the ward .

Melvine couldn't keep her indifferent demeanor anymore , there appeared extreme anticipation on her face .


Melvine was keeping a close eye on her patient . It was a seven year old boy with a serious head injury . His condition was not very good . Melvine was done treating his wound . Now she just had to wait for his condition to get better .

At such time her eyes caught a familiar figure passing by the room . She immediately stood up and went out of the room .

In the empty corridor , a black hooded figure was walking very fast . Melvine ran after it and called out , " Ryan . "

The figure stopped for a fraction of second before advancing again . Melvine ran faster and managed to get hold of his hoodie . The person stopped . She turned him around as the person kept their head down .

" Ryan .." , she called again , " I know it's you . "

The person lifts their head slowly and from the cover of the hoodie , Ryan's face comes to sight .

Melvine stared at him for some time and then spoke up , " Ryan , what are you doing ? .....How can you guys attack a hospital ? "

Ryan remained silent .

She said again , " Please , don't do this . There are so many critical patients here , they would die . Please , consider them , don't do anything to the hospital . "

" Din't you say , you have so many critical patients ? " , Ryan spoke up finally , " Then why are you wasting your time with me ? Go treat them . Or you are also planning to run away like others ? "

" I am not running away . " , she said in a bold voice .

" Then do your job without thinking about anything else . " , saying that Ryan was about to go when Melvine held him by his shoulder and said , " How can I do my job properly when I know that I won't be able to save them ? "

" What do you mean ? "

" If the hospital is destroyed , how do you think , the patients would survive ? "

" The hospital is not destroyed yet ....." , the sounds of shattering glasses cut Ryan's words .

Melvine smiled a little and said , " Can you hear it ? Your friends are destroying everything , Ryan . Yet , you want me to assume that after all your actions the hospital would still be intact ? "

Ryan didn't answer .

Melvine held his collars and said again , " Please , don't do this . Please . "

Still he didn't say anything , he removed her hands from his collars and walked away .

Melvine stared at his retreating figure .

At one point she felt something sticky on her hand . She looked at her hand and gasped to find blood on it .

She immediately looked at the way Ryan had gone only to find that he was already out of her sight .


After a few minutes , the hospital sank into darkness . Very few people remained in the hospital by that time . In that utter darkness , they heard the roaring sound of waves , as if the waves have come to erase everything that'd come in their way . All they could do was to pray for a miracle which could save them from the tormenting situation . But the waves never touch them rather they felt a soothing cold sensation passing over them .

The tormenting situation ended with a loud sound of something collapsing .


The next day .

A newspaper cutting .

[ The Dark Souls Strike Again , This Time The Victim Is Daisy Hospital :

All these years , the dark souls have caused endless destruction throughout the town . Their cruelty has now reached to a point where even a hospital couldn't escape their deadly clutch . Last night , the dark souls attacked the Daisy Hospital and caused extreme chaos . The hospital authority informed that the dark souls have destroyed the entire west wing of the hospital . The hospital's medicine store and morgue which were part of the West wing are completely damaged . It has been known that so far nine people died including two patients . A patient's guardian who were present at the hospital during the destruction informed that the dark souls would've caused much more destruction but thankfully the angels came up and chased those dark souls away before they could do anything more . ]

Officer Phil closed the newspaper and got out of the car . In front of him , stood the hospital which has become weary just in one night .