
The Story Of The Black Angels

A mysterious town . Everyone knows the dangers of it . Dangers , in the form of anything and anyone . Everyone also knows that there are people to save them from the dangers . Angels , with amazing powers . However , their identities are unknown . Common people stay in their limits , don't show any unnecessary curiosity . Nothing matters as long as they are safe . It doesn't matter who is saving them . But ... Shouldn't they know the identity of their saviours .... .....or at least of their enemies ? How long will they live in legends ? Let this novel uncover the secrets of the town ..... ......... with the help of certain characters . Enilese has recently been added to the Angels group . She is always cheerful and friendly . She is the living embodiment of her Guardian Spirit . She has yet to know about their group's past , enemies and of course the secrets of the town . What would happen when she would unknowingly get involved with her group's worst enemies . Note 1 : no mature content and intense violence . Note 2 : main focus on mind , thoughts ,feelings and emotions .

Nabanita18 · Fantasy
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77 Chs

The Dark Soul Is Down

Three days later .

Finally the day has come , the day of execution of the great plan . Riley had notified that he had successfully convinced the dark soul to meet him and he also informed his members about the meeting location . According to the plan , the most efficient angels including Riley and Brad were already hiding at different points of the location , patiently waiting for their prey to arrive . It was a very important day for the angels , many things depended on today's mission , all the angels were determined , they couldn't fail today .


Enilese was walking back and forth in her room . She was very stressed , she couldn't concentrate in anything she was doing , time to time some terrifying images were flashing before her eyes and making her more uncomfortable . The more she was trying not to think about those images , the more they were engulfing her thoughts .

After contemplating like that for a long time , she couldn't take it anymore and ran out of her room .


Meanwhile , somewhere in a godforsaken area , a deadly game was being played , between the determined group of the angels and a lone black hooded figure .

Everything was going according to plan of the angels . As expected , the dark soul was surrounded by different spirit powers , managed by the angels who were hiding in all directions . They were resolute to take his life today .

But it was not easy at all as countless bright red flames were swirling around the hooded figure , successfully defending all the attacks . The angels could understand , just how much power he held as the effect of the flames could be sensed even from their far hiding points . The situation was very intense as the angels were getting equally affected by the powerful flames .


When the surrounding was getting ravaged by the deadly clash between the two party , a woman appeared at the location . She stopped near a rock , far from all these chaos .

When Enilese ran out of her base she just wanted to have some fresh air , she didn't know how , out of all places , she ended up here . She gasped looking at the scene ahead of her as it was very familiar to Enilese , it was exactly the same as she had seen in her nightmare ... not just once but so many times , in the last few days .

Her heart was pounding in her chest as she knew what was going to happen next and it didn't take long before the moment came .... the moment which the angels were eagerly waiting for .... the moment when finally , even for a fraction of second , they got the upper hand ... it was the moment when a powerful blow of thunder successfully hit the dark soul . And that was it ..... because of the sudden attack the dark soul got distracted for a moment and as a result , he crashed against a nearby rock . The flames became weaker , the angels took the chance and made their final blow , using all their might .

The clash among different spirit powers ended with a huge explosion , shattering the entire area .

Enilese shuddered at the sight as she covered her mouth so that no sound could come out of her throat . Her eyes quivered a little , she couldn't see anything after that as heavy cloud of dust covered the area completely .

She leaned against the rock closing her eyes , she couldn't explain what she was feeling at the moment , a strange coldness was spreading inside her , making all her senses numb . At this point , she herself didn't know what she actually wanted . Now that she thought about it carefully , she couldn't find any proper reason for coming here either .

It was already known that the dark soul had very little chance against the combined force of the angels .... Enilese knew it too but still she couldn't accept it ..... she couldn't accept the fact that the most powerful dark soul was now down ... just like that .

She didn't know how long she was standing like that , she came to her senses hearing some faint voices from afar . Upon listening properly , she realised that those voices belonged to her members but that was not important . The thing that was more important , at the moment , was what the voices were saying .

" He is escaping .... he is escaping ..... catch him .... go after him .... " , Enilese couldn't help but peek from her hiding place and what she saw messed up her thoughts again .

The cloud of dust was slowly dispersing , amid the dispersing dust , Enilese saw him ... the hooded figure ..... running away from the deadly trap ... she stared at the running figure with mixed emotions .... but the reality hit her when she realised that he was coming towards the very rock covering where she was hiding . Immediately a wave of nervousness engulfed her . She quickly hid behind the rock .

The angels probably could not see him before because of the dust , when they finally noticed him he had already gone far . They were shouting , " Do not let him get away .... let's go after him ..... "

And from behind the rock , Enilese could hear the hurried footsteps , approaching near . She didn't have to wait much as the next moment , she saw the black hooded figure taking shelter behind another rock , just a few steps away from her . She heaved a sigh of relief as he didn't come to her side .

Enilese was looking at the person who was currently leaning against the rock . There was not a single trace of discomfort in his composure , he didn't seem to be affected by anything at all rather he seemed to be in complete peace , looking at him who would believe that he had just survived such a deadly attack .

But then something caught her eyes and almost at the same time she heard one of the angels' voice , " He had gone to that direction ..... we must not let him get away ..... follow the blood traces ..... "

A small gasp came out of Enilese's throat as she noticed it ..... the heavy droplets of blood ... flowing down the edge of his sleeve and then the fingers of his right hand , his wound was not visible because of his black outfit but it was clear that he was seriously wounded because the ground where he was standing was stained with the dark red hue . But he didn't seem to care about it at all . He stood as before without making any attempt to stop the bleeding .

Meanwhile , the angels' voices were getting closer , it was clear that they were coming for him , following the blood traces . Enilese was in a serious dilemma . On one hand , she wanted to leave this place as she knew , if her members see her here it would be very hard for her to explain anything to them . And on the other hand , no matter how much she tried she couldn't bring herself to leave , as if her feet were glued to the ground by an invisible force .

Moreover, whenever her eyes were going to his blood dripping arm she was feeling strange emotions in her heart . She didn't know what to do .

Probably , the dark soul also heard the approaching voices of the angels as Enilese saw him preparing to leave . But it was same as before , as he started walking his blood drops continued leaving traces behind him again .

Enilese looked at the newly formed traces on the ground and then at his retreating back .

A small sigh escaped her lips as she heard the voices of the angels again .

She didn't wait anymore as she knew that her members would be there in no time . She glanced over the hooded person One last time and left from there .


Angel Base .

Enilese came straight to her room and closed the door . She sat on the bed holding her head . She stayed like that for a long time before letting out a long sigh . These days , too many thoughts have been tormenting her mind , and she could feel that , day by day , her emotions were getting more disturbed .


Enilese didn't know how long she sat like that , she finally came to her senses as she heard a knock on the door . She walked to the door , as she opened the door , Selina's face came to view .

" You guys are back ? " , Enilese dryly asked .

Selina nodded as she walked in . Enilese wanted to ask her about what happened there but Selina was looking very tired . Before Enilese could ask anything she walked straight into the bathroom .

Enilese sat down again , her mind was filled with so many questions but the only thing she could do was to wait for Selina to tell her everything .

After a while , Selina finally came out , looking refreshed than before .

" How did it go ? " , Enilese couldn't help but ask as Selina settled down on a nearby couch .

" We failed . " , she replied with a sigh , " That dark soul managed to run away . "

Enilese looked up , the simple statement somehow calmed her troubling thoughts , she asked after a moment , " H.....how ? "

Selina was doing something in her phone she got a bit surprised by Enilese's tone .

She asked , " Enilese , are you okay ? "

She nodded and said , " Yeah , I was just very tensed about today . "

Selina nodded a little . Enilese said again , " Umm , would you tell me , what happened there ? "

Selina smiled and began to tell her about the events that took place between the dark soul and the angels , " .... and the blood traces disappeared after some point , so we couldn't find him . "

Selina's expression was a bit serious as she finished speaking .

" Are you upset about it ? " , Enilese asked seeing her expression .

" Honestly speaking , I'm not . From the very beginning I was against this idea , so many of us attacking one person was something , I didn't like at all . So I'm not really upset that he got away . " , she stopped for a while , Enilese felt a bit better to learn that Selina's thought was not much different than hers , Selina continued , " But I must say , that dark soul is really very powerful . Even our combined attack had no effect on him .... if the thunder blow didn't hit him we had no chance against him ... we were following his blood traces and it was pretty clear that he was seriously injured , still he ran so fast as if nothing had happened to him . "

A small silence as both of them drowned in their own thoughts .

" But I think " , Selina suddenly said , " It would've been better if we succeeded in our mission . " , Enilese looked up with a slight frown , Selina continued , " Now that he survived , the dark souls would be more aggressive than ever , there's no way that they would let today's incident aside , we can't even guess what they would do next but it's certain that whatever they would do it won't be good for us in any way . " , the temporary relief vanished from Enilese's mind as more troubling thoughts began to cloud her mind .


Somewhere in the town , in a forsaken forest , Enilese was walking along a narrow street . She knew , she needed to go a bit more to reach her destination .

After a while , she finally reached there . She looked around to explore the area , everything was looking dull , in this tired afternoon . In the fading light of the day , near the beautiful lake , under a tree , she saw him standing with his hands in his pockets .

Probably , he heard her footsteps as he turned around . His face was devoid of any kind of expression , as always . But today , looking into his green eyes she felt that something was off .

She didn't give much thought to it and continued walking towards him .

She was still a bit far from Shawn but her eyes were on him all along . After a moment , she saw him turn his head a little towards something or should we say .... someone . As Enilese also tried to see what he was looking at a cold wave ran down her spine . It was him .... the very hooded person ... the very dark soul whom she never wanted to meet again .

As usual , his face was covered with his hood , only the lower part of his face was visible , his usually pressed lips had an unseen smirk today which was looking extremely creepy , at that time .

Seeing him Enilese's emotions became bitter ..... She tried to avoid him and go towards Shawn but the dark soul blocked her way , completey covering the figure of Shawn from her sight . She frowned and said , " You ? "

" Surprise ..... " , he spoke up in an exceptionally dreary tone which sent chills through her bones .

" W....what are you d.....doing here ? " , she couldn't help but stutter a little .

He laughed for a while and then started , " These days , your emotions are pretty unstable , aren't they ? " , she looked at him with a frown , he continued , " So , I came to help you settle your thoughts . "

" What ... what are you talking about ? "

He let out a chuckle and said , " You really don't understand what I'm saying or you're just pretending to be clueless . "

An air of nervousness surged up in Enilese's heart but she took a short breath and spoke up , " Get lost from here . I don't need anything from you and I have nothing to do with you either . "

" So , you have nothing to do with me , huh ? " , he took a few steps towards her and whispered , " But you actions are quite contrary , I must say . "

Enilese took some steps back and questioned , " What actions ? "

He laughed and said , " Still playing dumb . "

Enilese was getting very angry , she spoke up , " Look , as I said before , I have nothing to do with you . You are nothing but an enemy to me . So , don't waste my time and go away . "

" So , you finally remember that I'm your enemy ? " , Enilese was going to say something but he said again , " But weren't you worrying so much for this very enemy ? Is it really natural to worry that much for someone you have nothing to do with ? "

Before Enilese could come up with an answer he spoke up again , " You didn't have anything to do there , so why did you rush there ? ... why , to see if your enemy had died or not ? ... Have you forgotten , what you have done today ? .... You knew that your members were searching for me with all their might ..... You could've stop me there .... but ..... you let me go ... you ruined their plan ..... you went against your members ... In order to help the person you hate so much ..... you betrayed your own members ! "

" No , it's not like that . I just .... just ... " , she shouted but in reality she had nothing to refute his statement . She herself had contemplated about those questions so many times but she never found an answer .

He shook his head and said , " So , you still want to deny . Well , let me tell you something , the more you try to deny those feelings the stronger they become . "

" W....what do y...you mean ?

" You know your emotions , better than anyone else . So , why don't you just accept it ? "

" Accept what ? " , she shouted in annoyance .

" The fact that you have gotten attached to this enemy of yours . "

Enilese widened her eyes as she couldn't believe his words . She spoke up , " What kind of nonsense is this ? It can never be true . You are just trying to manipulate me ..... "

" You yourself know , whether it's true or not . In your heart , you have the answers of all your questions , you just don't want to accept it .... Anyway as I said before , accepting your feelings would be the best for you . "

" There is nothing to accept .... I know very well who I have my feelings for and I also know that it's not for you .... my feelings can be only for ... " , she suddenly stopped as she realised that in the course of talking with the dark soul she almost forgot about him , she pushed the hooded figure and looked over towards Shawn , to her surprise , he was standing in the same posture ..... his eyes were cold as ice . She muttered , " Shawn .... " , he stared at her for a moment and started walking away .

Enilese shouted , " Shawn ..... it's not true .... wait for me .... don't go .... please stop .... he is lying .... Shawn , don't believe his words ..... stop .... let me explain .... please stop , for God's sake ... Shawn ..... " , Enilese was trying to go towards him but no matter how much she tried , it seemed , she was running at the same spot . She continued to call Shawn's name but he neither turned back nor stopped , the retreating figure faded into darkness shortly after .

Enilese was still struggling to go after him but the hooded figure spoke up , " Stop calling for him .... he's already gone . "

Enilese wiped her tears harshly as a wave of anger surged up in her heart .

" What do you want ? " , Enilese cried out loud .

" Me ? ....." , he laughed a little and said coldly , " It's not about me , dear .... it's what you want ... do you think , all that is happening here is happening because of me .... " , he shook his head and continued , " It's because , you want it to happen ... you want it this way ..... "

" No ... it can't be ... no .... "

" Huh ..... Look at the surrounding . Do you know this place ? Look carefully ... it's your unconscious mind . Do you think I could've enter this space if you didn't let me in ? " , Enilese continued to look at him as she didn't understand what he was saying . The man continued , " I am here .... because you want me to be here . "

" NO ... IT'S NOT TRUE ... " , she couldn't complete as she burst into tears .

He continued , " Letting me in was your decision but taking me out of your heart is not in your hands anymore . See .... it's just you and me now . " , saying that he began to laugh menacingly .

" Stop ... just stop . " , she said as she sat on the ground .

In between his laugh , he said , " What an irony .... isn't it ... "

Enilese was crying pitifully covering her ears ... his devilish laughter was echoing throughout the area , sending chills through her body .... at one point the laughter stopped a little as she heard him say , " Why are you crying so much ? ... Is it because of him ? ..... Well , don't worry ... We are not much different .... really ... you don't believe my words .... Okay , see for yourself .... "

Enilese looked up at him and found him ... lifting his hood ..... slowly .