
The story of shrouded nomad

Nomad who is sometimes imprisoned in the talismans of beauty, sometimes lost in the whispers of deserts, sometimes the draw of love feeds flowers and flowers in his heart, sometimes in the fire of hatred, he regrets even being consumed. It doesn't happen. Where the uncrowned kings of crime are happy to trample the helpless underfoot. Where there are beggars and players in this world of appearances. The story of kafna doosh born in the midst of these feelings and accidents.

NASEER_Khan · Fantasy
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20 Chs


It was a strange question. I got up from my seat. I came close to him, wiping the tears was a small thing, my heart wanted to decorate it in my drink. When I got close to him, he looked up at me. Such love in his eyes. Such was the purity of the emotions that suddenly I felt shivers in my being. A storm was felt in the mind that was shaking the whole being. Something was going deep inside the chest and then some sounds were ringing in the ears. Misguided, she is not one of those bad women who give every man her intimacy. She is considering you as her husband and in this regard she is showering her love on you, don't treat her like that. This will be a stain on the conscience that will not be erased until the Day of Judgment. Many have come in your life, many have come and you have enjoyed life from them through that too was a sin but this sin will be great no great wrong is being done. Prove your capacity. Prove that you are human and suddenly my whole being trembled. I took several steps back. That she said looking at me. Then hatred arose in your heart for me.

"What is your name?"

"What madness is in you, you don't know me."

"I know you by the name of Nir."

Just met you. It was a while ago. What are you? There is no way of humanity in the heart. "Unfortunately, humanity has just passed me by," I said with a faint smile. Tears formed in his eyes again were on I said.

"Nir, I don't want to hold your hand even though you are so beautiful that I feel insanity. Nir come sit if hold your hand and try to make you sit you will never be able to ignore what you will regret late. Come please sit." I turned back and sat on Mushari. She stood there for a long time. Then he slowly walked closer and dragged the chair to sit.

Nir please dry these tears, see you are a woman, a pure and noble woman, I am a man, but by taking advantage of your misunderstanding, I can fulfill all the desires of my heart, which in my chest from the first moment I saw you. I emerged. Nir, but I will finish my act and leave here, and you will be able to sit on the corpse of your femininity for the rest of your life. Don't be afraid and don't be afraid. You must have known that these people have kidnapped me. Maybe something dreamy was sniffed and then I was forcefully lifted here. I never told any of them that I was Feroze. Outwardly, my appearance will be so similar to this person that all of you will eat and drink. Nir I am a wandering person, I am wandering in life badly and tell you the truth, I don't want to die. To tell you the truth, just seeing you made me crazy. As a young man, I thought about taking advantage of you and that was the goal, but no, no, the purity that floats in your eyes, my conscience is not ready to tarnish that purity. Nir I am not a good person but from him I don't want to become a bad person, I don't know why. I am leaving all this to you, it is not difficult for me now to get a beautiful life for myself by contributing this wealth to you people but I want to build a Taj Mahal and have laid its foundation stone. If I stay with you from here, you will also remain in misunderstanding and my mind will also continue to wonder. If you insist to me, listen I am not Feroze, my name is Farid, don't ask me anything about what I am. I'm possessed by demons who don't know why they want to harm you, but at least they've taken this path. I will not cooperate with them in this. You are very good; I pray that you find your husband. Now give me permission, otherwise Faiz Ali and Hamid Ali Shah can stop me.

She was looking at me with unblinking eyes, then suddenly a strange sound came out of her throat, her eyes were raised to the left side of the bedroom. I followed his eyes and looked in that direction, and I was dumbfounded with great surprise.

An old man dressed in white, with a hat on his head, was bowing. I opened my lips to say something but at the same time the elders rose from their prostration, turned their necks to look at us and then stood up from their seats. Slowly they came to us, coming out of my mouth. Yes, daughter, I will tell you that it is not turquoise. They are certainly similar to him but not Feroze and at this time let me also tell you that Nir is coming back after only a few days Feroze will reach here. Don't lighten your heart daughter, your father and uncle have been placed in the eyes, they are worldly, they are only looking at the world. This child could have easily scarred you, but that was my dream. Yes, the test was that God has placed my house and when God has placed someone's house, who can judge him? Who can afford it? Son, let me tell you this much, don't let your mind go astray. Open minded people who have no light in their eyes can do whatever they want don't care. I'm taking it. It's not your turquoise.

Come, the old man said to me and took my hand and led me out of the room. Then I had to walk a long way to find a small room in the western corner of this magnificent building, a colorless strange room. The old man opened the door and walked in. I had no idea that the room that looked small from the outside would be so spacious inside. A small piece of furniture was placed around, with a pot no one side, containing water.


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