

In the midst of the vast seas lies an island. On that very Island there was a town which covered the whole surface of the island. 

On the docs, a child laid there motionless, as the constant disturbances from the waves caused him to get up in annoyance.

'Dammit! What's with the water-' He said in a fit of rage, as people will often do if woken up with water splashed on their faces. However, that anger was short lived as he finally saw exactly where he ad ended up.

'the hell-' He says in confusion. Looking around is surroundings to confirm is whereabouts.

However, looking around did not help ease his current state any further, as he was surrounded my row-boats, caravels and even some of what looked to be battle galleon ships.

How did he know about the different types of ships? well from his favorite anime of course! But that didn't matter for right now.

What truly troubled him right now is the reason as to how he even got here in the first place.

'... Well nothing good will come from just sitting here all day.." He concluded as he finally decided to start moving.

'Huh-' The first thing he noticed as he looked down was his little distance to the ground. The last time he checked he was around 6"5! So what exactly had happened to him?

And now that he thinks about it his and seemed to have shrunk as well! What the hell is going on?

Desperately he looks at his reflection upon the water. He looked... Like himself... but younger?!? That's just-

'Hey kid! what are you doing over there? Everyone's required to attend the execution!' A random man in a blue and white uniform shouts from a distance, causing the child to turn around in a frustrated manner.

'I'm not a kid!' He says in irritation. In is defense, he was 24 the last time he checked.

'Yeah sure...' The random man says sarcastically as he gazes on the obvious 14 year old looking kid. 'Either way you still have to head to the town square for the execution. attendance is non-negotiable'

'Execution? Someone is gonna die?' The boy said curious and now slightly scared.

'It's all there's been on the news recently, I'm surprised you don't know-' The random man says concerned.

'Wh-who exactly is getting executed???' the boy asks hesitantly. This causes the random man to scratch his head with an expression which was a mix of "nervousness and fear" as he waits a few seconds before answering. 

'guess you're just gonna have to find that out yourself...' He says finally 'Come on, follow me.'