
A shocking surprise

Melissa's point of view

The water pours down, it drips by my side, as my mind fades into dullness and everything is a foggy illusion. The sensation of steamy water calms me;it takes my mind off things. All the things I honestly don't care about. My mind swirls and it is like I'm standing under an everlasting waterfall. Ever so beautiful but it can never last. I know that now. After my shower was finished, I slumped into bed. I laid there. Reliving the moment over and over.


I heard a strong but feeble knock on my door. I felt scared. Who would be knocking on my door late at night? Step by step, my feet dragged itself towards the well kept door. My heart pounded like a loud African drum. Taking a deep breath, I swung the front door open.

At that moment, terror took over my facial expressions as I saw a young teenager (who was covered in fresh blood) faint at my doorstep. Her face was freezing cold and her heart was beating fairly slow. She had long, dark black hair with indigo purple highlights at the tips of her hair. She was clothed with a simple pale white t-shirt. Well it's now a depressing Ruby shade because of the stained blood. The ripped jeans she had on was probably not a fashion trend but tears made by a sharp knife. What happened to her! After taking a good look at the situation at hand, I rushed into my modern house and dialled 911 with my brand new smartphone.

"911,what is your emergency!?" asked the female dispatcher.

"There is a... young teenage girl on my doorsteps. She fainted... and she is bleeding heavily from the wound on her waist", I blurted out shakily.

Calmly the operator replied, "Okay, get a clean towel, fold it up and use the towel to put pressure where the cut is".

I followed her instructions. Quickly, I removed the young girl's shirt so I could see the cut clearly. This monstrosity on the girl's abdominal made me throw up a little in my mouth. It was a large cut, almost the size of an adult foot, starting to one side of her waist and stretching to the other. Blood was oozing out like a flash flood. Carefully, I positioned the towel on her abdominal and applied pressure. "I've done everything you have instructed me to do", I replied.

"The ambulance will be at your location in three minutes" stated the dispatcher.

I was trembling in fear. The girl I have in my hands is slowly dying and I don't even know if I am doing this correctly. 3 minutes felt like 3 hours. Finally, I heard the loud siren noise in the distance.

A few seconds later, 2 men and 1 female came out of the vehicle with a stretcher. They carefully placed the injured girl on the stretcher and positioned her on the ambulance.

I rushed inside to grab my house keys. Then abruptly shut the door leeping in the back of the ambulance. I never thought I would spend my well earned night like this.