

bheb's POV (flash back)

I was 3yrs old back then, mom and dad were always fighting because dad is useless, he use to drunk everywhere and there. he use to get more ladies he wants, he has the so called "binata life" even though he had families out there in the "kubo". yes we don't have a house we lived in a kubo, we are not rich tho.

then he got home, drunk, with drugs in his being. the next thing i know is he pulled me from bed and chocked me to death...and then mom came out of the picture then he grab mom with "karet" in his hand trying to scare my mom with his "karet". and one thing is for sure, i hate him and i don't want to see anymore.

(end of flash back)

we lived here in manila for 4yrs since we left our hometown, we lived at my antie's house. they are willing to accommodate us because they dont have a girl child. they treated me as thier own child, they dressed me, they provide all my needs.

mom got work and she had to leaved me with them.but i don't like the thought of being far from mom coz i know she is the only one who cares and understand me..