
Title 7: To the waterfall

So here we go, the following night Erica came to my house. This surprised me but it was her father who dropped her here. I madde sure that Erica is comfortable and good. She took some fruit juices and stuff while I was preparing the map. She looked at me in a strange way, an inexpensive way that made me stare at her back. It was strange I have never felt this before. She was like the brightest star in the night. I controlled myself and came back with the map. She stood up and asked if I got the route and I replied yes I got it. So we stopped blushing and I showed her the map. Then I went out to roam with my friends while she talked to my mother. When I came back I saw her asleep in my house and hence I also went to sleep as the next day was going to be long and tiring. " See ya:)" .

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Sumeet_Mahapatracreators' thoughts