
Chapter 8: The journey to the waterfall.

Next morning I woke up to find myself late I quickly stood up and started getting myself ready while brushing my teeth and doing other stuffs. After I was done I rushed outside to find Erica ready and red with anger. Well she looked amazing in anger though..

Erica: (taunting and teasing) "Wow you are so early. Look all the people are still asleep.."

Me: (in a apologizing manner) "I am sorry, I thought I could wake early but I was like bit tired. Sorry for the inconvenience."

Erica: (in a cheerful manner) "Well! Just laugh it off and let's go. We have to return before evening."

(Pause) "shall we?"

Me: "O yes! Come on"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Sumeet_Mahapatracreators' thoughts