
The adventure! (8)

"You're name... It sounds... Familiar...?" Thunder said. "How so...?" I asked him while tilting my head to the side genuinely confused. "Eh! It might just be my imagination, don't worry your little head over it, ya hear?" Thunder assured me as he pet my head with his paw. I'm used to this because Hikari and Kurai like to pat my head for some reason. "Okay!" I said with a smile bright, child like smile. "Let's get you to bed, Oh! have you eaten yet? Here! Have a few apples!" Thunder offered as he placed four apples on two big leaves to serve as plates. "Thank you so much Thunder!" I said happily as I began to eat the apples as politely as I could. "Thank you so much for the meal Thunder!" I said with gratitude. "No problem! Here! I have prepared you a Rīfubeddo, just over here, get some shut eye, ya hear?" Thunder said. "Thank you, Thunder and goodnight!" I said with another bright smile as I laid down and fell asleep.

The next morning...

I woke up bright and early to see that Thunder had only just woken up as well. "Good morning Thunder!" I said happily while yawning. "Good mornin lil squirt!" Thunder said with a big smile.

After having breakfast with Thunder and thanking him for his kindness and hospitality I left. When I was out of sight from his cave I looked around. "No one's here... Good! I can try again!" I said as I focused transforming. "I did it!" I said happily as I jumped up in excitement. I then lost my footing and fall into the river. Again. I tried calling out but couldn't and took in water.


I reached the end of the waterfall. "Nothing here!" I said in anger. I then headed back. I thought I heard Hailey's voice. "I did it!" she said with joy.

I then head the sound of splashing.


Sorry it's late but its out today (more like tonight unless ur American :p) Anyways I hope you guys enjoy! See ya! (^_^)_/

Vermilion_The_Voidcreators' thoughts