
The Story Of Evil x MC

This Story is a lot Different from the original "The Story of Evil". This is a love story about you and Kagamine Len... The story revolves around Fantasy and historical setting Featuring: Kagamine Len & Rin, KAITO, Meiko, Hatsune Miku, Megurine Luka, Kamui Gakupo, Fukase, VY2 Yuma, Hiyama Kyoteru, Yowane Haku, Utatane Piko, Oliver, Yuezheng Longya, Lou Tianyi,Zhiyu Moke, GUMI,Akita Neru, Leon, Arsloid, Ryuto Gachapoid, 96Neko,Kohaku Merry,IA,Valshe,Yokune Ruko,Yami Ryone, Yami no Oto,Yoshi Kazune, VFlower, Mafumafu,Soraru,Amatsuki,Lily,Yohioloid *This characters shall not appear right away.Each plays a role.Can you guess what their role is?* Special Characters: Maika, Kasane Teto *The following Vocaloids, Utauloids, and Utaite still have the same physical design as what they originally have. Except for Rin and Len having green eyes *And i don't own them

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102 Chs

Chapter 49

No way!!!... This kid is really crazy!!!... Something is off… Princess Gumi told me something about King Ryuto…

Try to remember! _____!!! One of the reasons that I stayed here!... That kid reminded you of Len, that is why you told to your self to hang in there… Those eyes that looked so cold was trying to tell you something…

I tried hard to remember…Until I am able to remember the first time I talked to Princess Gumi here in the palace…

"Ryuto was actually a really good boy. Well… he talk harsh of Miku but, He was just jealous of the attention that father gave her…I was also the same... He started acting weird one day. He killed our father and took the throne… I don't know why but, This is not the real Ryuto… Please… Help me retrieve him back!!!-" Princess Gumi pleaded me and even knelt down…

Those cold eyes of Ryuto was the same look of Len back then… It was as if it is telling me:

"This not what I really want at all!... Please Save me… I don't want this… I don't want to hurt someone…" Is what those stares was trying to tell me!!!...

At a flash of moments… An unknown language was what came out of my mouth… I don't know what it mean at all… It was just an instinct that tells me that I should say these words…

"You Bruha… Mi Harap Kara, Talaw!!!" I shouted an unknown chant…

Ryuto was just there, Staring at me as tears suddenly starts to fall from his eyes…

"Do you really despise me that much?..." He said… with a very sad voice

After saying that, He suddenly screamed out of nowhere…

"GUARDS!!! TAKE THE QUUEN!!! HURRY!!! OR I'LL BE HEAD YOU ALL!!!" He shouted a very loud command…

I still don't know the meaning of the words that I spoke out… King Ryuto seemed to be angrier this time… But… at those times, it was as if that it is not really King Ryuto at all… What was that?...