

Xiao Jun was scare when he saw her current condition, but he couldn't possible to show it, especially not in front their Master. "I am glad to see you are fine." Xiao Jun meant it. He was truly relief to saw her smile.

Riana tilted her head and looked at the anxious man beside her, "I am fine." She said to Ye Xiu softly as she put her head on the man shoulder.

"You scared me." Ye Xiu complained and hugged her carefully so as not touch her wound.

Riana nestled in Ye Xiu embrace, "I found this place by accident." She said with the tone that she didn't want to explain it further.

A bitter smile appeared on Xiao Jun's lips. "How can we get out from here?"

"We just need to follow the origin of the sound of the river." Riana tried to sit up straight, "But, let's have a rest for a while."

If Riana have said that, Ye Xiu naturally would agree.


"Senior brother, are you awake?" Riana whispered softly to Xiao Jun who sat not too far away from them, Ye Xiu and Xiao Jun agreed to take turned watching. For now Ye Xiu was lying down beside Riana, fast sleep.

Xiao Jun chuckled. "I will not fall asleep. Don't worry."

"That is not what I mean." Riana pouted. "How are you this past year?"

"I am fine." Xiao Jun replied curtly, but then added. "So, you are with Master Ye Xiu?" It was his selfishness, he should let Riana take a rest, but he missed every moment they talked with each other like this.

Riana blushed, Xiao Jun didn't see it, but he knew she did. "Mm." Riana mumbled.

There was a sharp pain that he felt, but Xiao Jun smiled anyway, "No, wonder Master favor you more than me, even though I am better than you."

There was no replied from Riana and when Xiao Jun was about to turned his head to check on her, a small pebble was flying to his head with weak speed. He caught it effortlessly. "I am not that worse." Riana complained as another pebble approached Xiao Jun again.

"Okey, you are not that worse. Stop throwing stone at me." Xiao Jun caught the second pebble.

Riana chuckled, "How about you? I heard you had engaged with Ministry daughter. What her name?"

Smile on Xiao Jun lips gradually faded as his expression turned solemn. "Qianru."

"Oh, I have heard about her. She has a good reputation."

"Mm." Xiao Jun mumbled.

"Do you like her?" Riana asked seriously.



"Sleep. You are very noisy."

A small pebble hit his shoulder. He knew, but he let it hit him.

"You are not happy, aren't you?" Riana thought Xiao Jun would caught the pebble again, however he didn't. "Senior brother." She called him again.

Xiao Jun was sitting with his back facing her, so she didn't know how his expression now. Knowing him, Riana didn't ask question anymore she just stared at the stalactite that was hanging above her until she fell asleep.


Riana woke up when she heard Xiao Jun and Ye Xiu were in the middle of their conversation. Her body was throbbing with pain especially her left arm. She still has difficulty to sit by herself.

"Where are you going?" Riana asked, as she saw Xiao Jun who seemed to be talking to Ye Xiu with low voice.

Both of them turned their head simultaneously and Ye Xiu hastily crouched down beside her.

"How are you feeling?" Ye Xiu asked her softly.

Riana nodded and give him a dimple smile. "Where is he going?" She asked Ye Xiu instead, because Xiao Jun didn't answer her.

"If I am not going now, they will be suspicious of me." Xiao Jun said calmly.

"Let's go together then." Riana tried to make him stay for a while.

"I have found the exit from this cave and it seems we are at the back of the mountain. There is small village nearby, you can recuperate there. But, I have to go now or else they will be suspicious of me about the event last night." Xiao Jun explained it patiently.

Riana stared at him, he was more mature than himself 3 years ago. No wonder Azura's people more inclined to him as their Crown Prince rather than the arrogance Xiao Wang Wei. Sadly, when the Emperor pass away Xiao Jun was only 18 years old, the Elder thought he was too young to take over the throne. Now 3 years have passed and he has an aura of sovereign.

"But…" Riana didn't finish her word when Ye Xiu scooped her up and leapt to the other side of the cave very fast.

And in the next second a stalactite fell to the ground where she was before with a deafening noise. Ye Xiu held Riana waist to steady herself.

However, everything that has happened is very fast. Ye Xiu leapt to the higher ground when the stalactite collapsed, afterward Xiao Jun ran toward their direction and when the deafening sound from the stalactite disappeared, something slipped from Riana sleeve and fell to the ground.

It was red color stone as big as a thumb made of crystal. Instinctively, Riana reached out her hand to catch it, however due to her wound the pain hindered her movements.

Beneath them wasn't a soil but a solid rock, hence the moment it dropped and colliding with the ground the red color crystal cracked and split into two.

Riana looked at the stone in horror. Disregarding her pain, she mustered her strength to free herself from Ye Xiu embraced and crouched down, with shaking hands she take one part of it while the other part of the stone bounced a bit far from her.

Caught off guard by Riana sudden movement, his gripped on her waist loosened. "What happen?"

"Oh, no…" Riana let out a stifled scream and kept shaking her head.

"Riana, what happen?" Xiao Jun also crouched down beside her. He saw Riana fidgeting with a broken stone in her hand.

She pointed the other part of the stone near Xiao Jun with trembling finger and with heavy breathing she said. "Get me that…"

Xiao Jun didn't know what happened to her and what was that stone. In spite of his confusion, he complied without utter another word. But, when he was about to turn his back, a blinding light appear from the broken stone in Riana hand.

Both Xiao Jun and Ye Xiu petrified with panic on their faces. Meanwhile Riana scared stiff when she tilted her head to looked at Ye Xiu beside her, as her vision turned blurry and tears streaming down her face when she whispered "Find Senja to find me."

Concurrently with what Riana just said, the blinding light appeared brighter, forcing them to close their eyes. Later, the light enveloped the three of them as they gradually lost all of their senses.

When Ye Xiu eventually lost his consciousness, the last thing he could feel was Riana's body disappeared in his embrace.

That was the last memories of Riana, because after he opened his eyes Riana was nowhere to be found while Xiao Jun and he had been laid down outside the cave.

Ye Xiu eyes fluttered to open and he found himself back into the room where Senja was still sleeping on the bed. Didn't know when he fall asleep, but those memories have haunted him this past 4 years. He didn't know how or why Riana could suddenly disappear. But, her last words were very clear for him.

He shook his head again to clear his mind. That dream came almost every night over and over again and he was getting use with it.

Outside the window the sun was almost rising.

Ye Xiu stood up and staggered to Senja's bed, he looked at the tiny girl with sympathy as he still remembered the first time he saw her in Riana embraced under the plum trees, like it just happened yesterday.

Senja was an 8 years old girls from distinguish clan, on the contrary her body was so thin, like a malnourished child and despite her beautiful dress, there wasn't nothing good with her current condition. Even there were visible small cuts on her hands.

Didn't know what kind of treatment she had received from her mother sister, but it must be not good. In the past due to good relationship with Madam Dam, Riana usually would visit Black Sword Clan once every two weeks. Sometimes Ye Xiu would come along with her.

The last time he saw Senja was when before the war between Xinghe and Azura broke out, she just 1 year old at that time.

He kept staring at the little girl, trying to figure out what he had to do with her. Riana didn't say anything except to find Senja, the only person he knew named Senja was only her. Since 'Senja' was uncommon name, not many people had that name.

As far as Ye Xiu knew, Riana also didn't know someone else named 'Senja'. His head was throbbing in pain again.

There was a noise from the door and then 5 years old child appeared from the door. He ran toward Ye Xiu and hugged his leg. "Uncle." He giggled.

Ye Xiu picked him up and put his forefinger in front of the boy mouth, "Sst, she is sleeping." Ye Xiu pointed Senja with his chin.

The boy looked at Senja direction with curiosity. "Who?" He whispered.

"My friend daughter." Ye Xiu whispered back.

"Why she is sleeping?"

"Because she is sick." Ye Xiu explained simply.

"Ye Qing!" From behind the door Ye bai shouting, "Where are you!?"

Ye Xiu wanted to shout back at his little brother to shut him up, but couldn't. "What have you done?" He asked the little boy instead.

Ye Qing giggled and whispered to his uncle, "I played with father machete."

Machete was a short broad blade weapon that was less commonly used. For Ye Qing played with that dangerous weapon it must be his brother put his weapon carelessly again.

Ye Xiu eyes wide opened. He strode toward the door furiously with Ye Qing still in his arms and yanked open the door.

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