
The story of chen xiu

deepshikhavishnoi1 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Old man jin glare..

After hearing the sound of chen xiu murmuring they were sure that she is having a nightmare due to her high fever old man jin said to wu chang ," xiao chang I think her condition is not so good she certainly can't make to the hospital . take her with us to the mansion and let our doctors treat her "master I don't think it's a good idea to take a stranger girl to the mansion we should take her to the hospital and let the hospital doctors treat her " Jin yaocang stare him for some seconds and said " no we can't do this I don't think she'll be okay after one hour I don't want to take a risk with someone life " he stare at chen xiu for sometime and turn to face

wu chang and said " I know the feeling to lost someone " we will let our doctors treat her before wu chang said something he only glared at him wu chang can only swallow the words he was going to say and seeing the stubbornness in old man jin eyes he can only nod his head he take it his cellphone from his pocket and starting to dial the number of doctor to give them instructions when old man jin see this he snatched the phone from his hand and before he say something he started to scold him," Did you lost your mind , how can you trying to use your phone while driving , tell me.... how did you passed your driving test hmmm ... , why are you not answering me where was your damn mind wu chang sat stiff on his seat and only can say sorry repeatedly old man jin glared at him and dialled the doctor number himself and instruct the doctor to be ready After 15 minutes the car stopped in front of the very huge gate the stones and the tall wooden doors emanated an ancient aura , two big stone made elephant stood each side of the gate , on the archway above the wooden doors hung the jin mansion Crest. when the guards saw his master car he opens the gate and the entered in a outer yard after 5 minute drive the car entered in inner yard then the mansion butler open doors . Then the car stopped in front of a big mansion .it was luxurious mansion with a modern architecture. wu chang hastily unlock his seatbelt and went to open the door for old man jin. when the old man stepped down from the car he only glared on wu chang .wu changed stiffened seeing the glare .He can only hung his head low and went to open the backseat door he bent down to pick up fainted chen xiu but seeing her clothes are wet and become transparent. He took off his own coat and wrapped on chen xiu and pick her up when the butler saw wu chang carefull action he stood in bewilderment and can only look away . wu chang glanced at butler and without further delay entered the mansion and taking a long stride towards guest room he entered in the room and put the chen xiu on the bed he came out from the room and instruct the maid to change chen xiu wet clothes and told her to hurry up because treatment can't be delayed . The maid nod his head and went to her room to take some of her clothes for chen xiu. and hastily change the clothes for chen xiu