
The beginning

my first life back before I learned of my father. I was born on a cold rainy day or that's what the tribe would say. as soon as I was born the tribe elders knew some thing was wrong. my eyes where a solid dark blue color and had started faintly glowing and my father who had been outside the tent was gone. the elders had no idea what to do with me and prayed to the spirits to help me. there where many residents in our tribe and many worshipped different religions. my mother prayed to the Norse Gods and they answered.

15 -16 years later and i had become a great warrior while I was a skinny twig of a man I had out fought bears and other wild creatures. that's when the one the only loki arrived. it feels like yesterday I was cutting wood for our dinner later that day to celebrate my completion of the trials. as I was cutting wood a man came out of the woods and approached camp I warned the camp and went out to meet him. the man said he was loki and he was my father that's when my mother came storming over and slapped him across the face confirming his claims. he told us he couldn't stay but that my powers would kick in soon and gave me a knife with a snake engraved in the blade. a few days later and sure enough my powers kicked in we where moving camp and where attacked by a bear taller than one of our tents and wide as a boulder. the bear charged our tribe and without knowing what I was doing I tackled it. we rolled down a hill and I hit a rock the bear kept going. when the bear finally stopped rolling it rose up and let out a roar strong enough to cause the ground to shake. it spotted my mom and charged I saw where it was heading and felt rage burning though me without thinking almost as if by habit I thrust out my hands and dark blue flames burst forth burning all in its path when the flames subsided there the skeleton of the bear stood. unknown to me at the time but there had only been one person who controlled flames of that magnitude and color and she wasn't fond of my father.

After we had finished setting up camp my mom told me about a half woman half corpse who ruled over the death of criminals and those who weren't allowed to the other after lives. she told me I would have to travel to her realm and ask her to teach me my powers. I traveled for many days and finally arrived at the gates of helheim. that's when I met my half sister hel she was a beautiful woman on one side and a half decayed corpse on the other. at first she refused to teach me but after hearing my story decided to teach me. she told me I had many powers. my powers consisted of shapeshifting, teleportation, helflames, pocket dimensions, natural knife skills, temperature resistant, super strength, and many more she taught me how to use my powers and the dangers of using them and last but not least the ability to sense the flow of magic from the 9 realms.

when I returned to my tribe I found that they had decided to move to a new location and had left me a map I followed the map and found my tribe. I talked with the elders and decided to adventure the worlds I kissed my mother good bye and before I could leave a man appeared and told me I was cursed to reincarnate every time I died and I would reincarnate till the ends of time.

I went on many adventures and saw many things found many items and married a beautiful woman. then around the age of 80 I died peacefully in my sleep