
Starting of love interest.

Little Arkee's life continued as it was, but when she turned 13 her life had a change. For the very first time in her life she felt a different feeling when she met this boy named Edward, who was new to her neighborhood. Edward Rogers was new to their neighborhood, he was very attractive, every girl who came near him fell in love with him. Prominent brown eyes, light brown in color, tall and above all, athlete. She felt a different while being around him, she felt nervous, when they had a little touch, she felt different it couldn't be explained how, she was always excited to meet him, she was really attracted by his looks. The poor little girl never knew the feeling of Love before, so she felt this was the feeling of love. She said to herself that she was in love. Even after few days of being friends will Edward, Arkee never felt safe with him. She always was nervous, even though she said to herself that she was comfortable with him. After few days Arkee decided to tell her best friend, Steffie, about how she felt about Edward. Steffie Auczyleah, daughter of Avina Scotts' childhood friend, Eva Auczyleah and her husband Benjamin Auczyleah, was very beautiful, stunning and attractive girl. She was so beautiful that she, the 13 year old girl, could seduce anyone on her own looks and attraction. Just at the age of 13, her beauty was untouchable and she seemed to attain full maturity by that age. Arkee never told Steffie about how she felt about Edward, but then she decided that she will.

The next day she went to Steffie and said her about how she felt about Edward. Steffie was always very supportive to Arkee, she always said her she was beautiful, inside out. But when she went and said Steffie about how she felt for Edward, her reaction wasn't as supportive as always. But neither was it discouraging.

Two months passed by she carried this feeling in herself, and always told Steffie about all her feelings. Steffie always loved to hear her stories but for some reasons sometimes she laughed. Arkee didn't know what she laughed for, but she never asked her.

Steffie, after few months came to Arkee and said

Steffie: Arrrrkkkeeeeee, guess what?

Arkee: Hello to you too Miss Auczyleah, what's going on?

Steffie: Soooooooooo this year. my parents. said.....

Arkee: Gurrrllll take a breathe and then talk, I can see you are excited as hell.

Steffje: Ooohhhh yesssss I am!!!! because for the first time in my liffeeee, my parents said they will throw a parrttyyy for my biirtthdaaayyyyyyy

(Steffie had 4 younger siblings for which her parents never let her celebrate her birthday in first place, Steffie always wondered how would she dress, how would everyone treat her if she could throw a birthday party)

Arkee: Ooohhhh myyy godddd, yessssssss Miss Auczyleah will have a birthday parrttyyy yaayyy... Wel-

[Steffie doesn't let her finish]

Steffie: Soo, you're invited Miss Scotts, Saturday 11am, you will have to come others will me at 5pm, it's gonna be you and me to have a hang out timee with eaachh othheerrr and the party will give over at 11pm but YOU HAVE TO STAY THE NIGHT. No arguments I already talked to Mrs. Scotts and guess what?? SHE SAID YESS!!!

Arkee: Wooaahhh Gurrrllll MY mom said WHAAATTTT???? Ohh myy gooosssshhhh it sounds like a freaking dreaaaammm!!!!! I can't believe we are talking about MY mom as in MY MOM!!!!! i-- THAANKKSSS STEEFFIIIEEEE

Steffie: I knoowww rigghhhttttttt!!! anddddd, another surpriseeeee!!! guess who is coming? EDWARD ROGERS!!!!


Steffie: anythhiinnnggg for youuu daarlliinnggggg!!!!!!

Both the girls were screaming and both of them were really very happy.

Both of them in excitement, hugged each other tight and then started singing screaming in happiness and whatever not.

Steffie was really happy, until her mom gave her some money for shopping for her birthday to double her happiness. After getting the money, she screamed and hugged her mother and then rushed off the house and went to see Arkee.

She went in her house, and rang the bell. before anyone could open the door, she thought of a plan.

Fortunately, Arkee was the one to open the door. Seeing Arkee she immediately made a sad face. Arkee felt bad on seeing her best friend sad and asked.

Arkee: Stef, what's wrong, my dear?

Steffie;making a sad face: My mom denied to throw a party for me. I really wanted a party.

and she started crying fake-ly.

Arkee: Heyy Ste-


Arkee: I was gonna say that Mrs. Auczyleah just called my mom that you are coming to my place to take me shopping...


Arkee: woaaah calm down,, you're dressed up not me! let me dress up first, idiot!

Steffie: Whoops, yes but BE FAST!

Arkee: Yeeahh just lemme get ready and will goo!!

After 15 minutes they go out and went to the nearby Mall.

she choose a tight skin fit yellow one piece for Steffie and the left over money, Steffie bought Arkee a dress. Arkee said to Steffie that she didn't need to do this for her but Steffie didn't listen.

They come home. they show the dress and the accessories they bought for Steffie and Arkee, to everyone. Everyone loved them.

It was already Thursday, Arkee wanted to gift something special to Steffie so she took a photo of them both, and framed it by her own hands and wrote a letter for her. She knew that Steffie would love it.

On Friday, Arkee and Steffie were busy the whole day planning what they will do the next day, they didn't pay attention to anyone.

Both the girls were really very happy and they were both secretly planning surprises for each other, about which no one knew.

[To Be Continued In The Next Chap]