
the beginning of the greatest adventure

we explained what we saw and who I was and that I gave them my most sincere apologies and then gave them some of my strongest healing options that seemed to work quite well. Duane: abraxas before you go would you wish to join us in our adventures we are going around and fighting the evil in this world to make it a better place it might take a long time and we might die doing it but we would be saving a lot of lives in the process. Your right Duane but let me take you to my home let us rest and I'll think about it overnight come I'll show you the way. Duane: wow your house is amazing I can't believe you have a house this big how can you afford it. Well that's what I get for working with the church I guess, but I dont know about that anymore what I saw is that truly what I want to be fighting for and with I need to think on this over night for now we rest I'll show you guys to your rooms. The next morning, so have you thought about my offer abraxas, yes I have and I talked it over with my wife and she has agreed that it's a good idea and I told her what the risk was but she is still insisting that I go now I'll have stories to tell my child about when I'm old.