

We are currently in a cave. The rock is a milky gray color and stretches further than the eye can see.

Behind us, a wall can be seen. The surface of the wall is rugged and parts of the rocky surface protrude towards a patch of grass that aligns with the wall. The grass is of an emerald green color with dense amounts creating a semi-circular form around a blood-red stone that is slightly embedded in the grass.

From the top of the cave where a small fissure, caused by the unrelenting force of time is located, a light shines on the surface of the blood-red stone. Apart from the stone, the whole cave is illuminated by patches of glowing moss as it bathes the cave in a bluish color. A small field around the stone is bright like the day. A stark difference to the bluish light hiding shadows and dangers at every turn.

In the distance, the squeaking of small animals can be heard. The sound of running water adds a pleasant natural music and in the midst of the bluish light, a peaceful serenity can be felt.

But the peaceful noise is suddenly interrupted by the sound of bubbling. A sizzling sound of acid echoes weakly through the cave. Upon closer inspection, one can see that the blood red stone is losing color and is simultaneously secreting a black liquid which causes the stone to crack and melt. Shortly afterward the stone becomes slightly pale and takes on the countenance of bleak jade.

[2 Hours later]

Now there is only silence. It is as if all sound has been drained from the atmosphere. Hours pass and the stone is slowly turning paler while a thumping sound is slowly intensifying. After a whole day, a weak aura spreads towards the surroundings of the area and attract a small squirrel. The small animal, in its innocent curiosity, moves towards the stone and slowly sniffs around it. After it relaxes in the soothing and warming aura of the stone it slowly climbs the 1 meter tall stone with almost no effort and proceeds to lie down on top of it.

With every thump, the aura intensifies and sends a warm current through the body of the small squirrel. In the next seven days, the squirrel only leaves the stone to gather nuts so it doesn't starve.

During its food-based adventures, the squirrel notices a significant increase in its strength and agility.

During the nights, in which it lies atop the stone, the squirrel notices a growing sense of....anticipation. The stone is clearly getting impatient and cannot wait for something.

This saddens the squirrel as it is clear that once that something happens, it will probably not be able to lie on top of its favorite stone anymore.

In the remaining days, quite a few animals neared the stone but most were scared off by the pulsating aura and those who were not, were beaten up and scared off by the fierce and bloodthirsty squirrel that was clearly not willing to share its stony friend.

While the aura was constantly growing stronger, the grass around the stone was growing and extending further into the cave. Millimeter by millimeter and meter by meter it was slowly conquering more and more area. Soon small buds of flowers were growing. Black, purple, blue, red and yellow flowers were blooming and the aura was extracting their energy, which caused them to wilt and wither only to shortly afterward bloom anew.

Finally, after a long time, the stone started to grow quiet. The stone started to once again secrete a liquid. This time it was an almost transparent liquid. While it was almost invisible it radiated full of energy. Vitality seemed to overflow and empowered the stone, as well as the squirrel which was lucky enough to be near this phenomenon. The jade-like stone slowly dissolved into the liquid and became a gooey substance that slowly hardened into crystals.

After around 5 centimeters of the stone like object was dissolved from the top down, a pure white membrane could be seen protruding out of the stone. Underneath the membrane, one could see the shape of a head and buttocks.

Once the stone was fully dissolved, one could faintly make out a humanoid shape underneath the white membrane.

The membrane floated in the air for a few minutes under the watchful eyes of the little squirrel which desperately wanted to know what happened to Stony.

After a few minutes, the membrane suddenly fell towards the ground and marked the end of the birth process of a species not seen for eons.

The birth of a story with an unclear end.

Villian or Legend is simply the question of who won.

The only thing left is a question:

Is it a boy or a girl?

Ren0Zerocreators' thoughts