

You'll no believe me if i speak about my life but i'll do it anyway. My name is Martha and I have sixteen years old. My life is a s*it and I feel like i'll going to break in any moment. First i wake up.

-¡¡Martha,time to going school!!-says my mother.

Well, my mother wakes me. I stand up, go to the kitchen, there are my 3 sisters. One its Leah have 18, the other one is Lucy 14 and the last one Lily 9 years old, i'm the only one that It name doesn't start on "L". You'll asking you where is my father, my mother divorced him when i was 12. Now i walking to school, it's difficult to write when you're walking. I don't know what i'm doing here if i don't belong to the society, they sack me time ago. I usually look at the people, there are perfect and they don't mistake in nothing, i don't know how they do It. I feel like i'm the only one it's doesn't perfect, the only one who is diferent. I reach to school so I have to stop writting.

Okay,Now I on the History class, its so boring. I look at my classmates, some they're listening and the others writting, they're so applicated not like me. I don't wanna mean that i have bads califications, but it's not as good as the others. I really Hope that you receive this pages that i'll give to you, read It all ¿Okay? I know that it's boring and too long but you're the only one that you care about me, I really apreciate that.

This is a very boring story, i'm sorry. Martha It a suicidal Girl and she's writting some pages to one...¿Friend? let's call It like that. I'm from Spain and write in English it's dificult so if you see any mistake forgive me and let me know. Although I'm sure nobody will read my story, and whoever gets to this will not like it. I have classified it as romance because in my opinion there is love between the protagonist and the receiver of the letter.

Erikagamercreators' thoughts