
The Story of A Double Broth Hotpot

Han Bing is a good person. She is respectful towards everyone she meets. The teachers love her. Her classmates are friendly towards her. This is what her life should be. A good person. … Screeeeech. A red Ferrari came rushing at her, and within a second, she was crushed between the car and a pole. People were screaming and shouting for help. However, Han Bing just slowly closed her eyes. Finally, she can be relieved. She hated being a good person. However, instead of the peaceful silence that she anticipated, Han Bing woke up to the pain from her body. She’s alive, and she also lost her pair of legs. An arrogant and handsome man slammed into her room. No apology, many threats, and an empty check. Han Bing smiled evilly at the check after the young man left. Just once. She will indulge just once. Just once she will be the bad guy. *Warning!!! The male lead is the man who crashed his car onto the female lead. I LIKE this setting, so no changing. *Another Warning!!! There are R18 scenes but I'm not going to restrict it so read at your own risk.

ILoveDogFood · Urban
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40 Chs

Chapter 2

After a week, Han Bing requested to be released from the hospital. The doctor wanted to refuse, but Han Bing is extremely stubborn. Her leg is heavily fractured, and there are several bruises on her body that still have not healed yet.

"I'm afraid that I will fall behind on my study, and the mid semester exam is coming up soon. I need to get the notes that I falled behind." The doctor signed her out and sighed. If only his own son and daughter are as hard working as her, then they wouldn't be worrying for the rest of their life. "You can go, but make sure to come back at the end of the month for check up"

Han Bing was carried out of the bed and onto the wheel chair. The nurse that has been taking care of Han Bing for three days pushed the wheelchair behind her. "I took the day off. If there is anywhere you need to go tell me, you are still our VIP until the day is over" Nurse Yan warmly smiled.

Han Bing knows that this nurse is nice and caring ever since she was hospitalized. Even though her duty ended the moment she left the hospital, she still decided to help her out. Han Bing understands that this nurse is a good person deep down.

Han Bing asked nurse Yan to take her to the Bank of China. On the way there, Han Bing wrote 14 million yuan on the empty space. Since he gave her an empty check, then as courtesy, she should try her best to empty his bank. The nurse who was pushing the wheelchair laughed awkwardly. This young lady in the front has a stomach of mischievous water.

In the bank, Han Bing deposited 14 million yuan into her account. Finally, she doesn't have to worry about not having money. Her mission to go to college and look after her mother all needed money to back her up. With this much money, she can complete them more easily.

"Sister nurse Yan, please take me to my high school. I need to report to my teacher about my situation. The high school name is Zhong Hua Private High School located in Kong Qi street." Han Bing used her phone to show the location of her high school.

The nurse automatically recognized this high school. This high school is a famous private school known for its academic harshness and strict training of wealthy family's sons or daughters. Very few common people would get in there unless they have exceptional grades. The students who go there all would have a bright future ahead of them once they graduate.

Nurse Yan looked at Han Bing admiringly. Han Bing treated everyone amiably and calmly, but to think that she came from this private school without treating others arrogantly.

Nurse Yan ordered a taxi van to bring them to the high school. Upon their arrival, the nurse and Han Bing immediately attracted everyone's attention. Han Bing is the first place in the school as a result many students recognize her. Not only that, the sexy nurse and the cast on both of her legs signals that there is new gossip that will be born. Soon, rumors of Han Bing being hospitalized and having both of her legs broken spread throughout the school.

"Hey, did you hear that the first ranking student Han Bing came to school in a wheelchair. It's so unfortunate to see someone like her fall."

"Yeah, I heard that too. I can't believe this would happen"

"I heard that the reason behind it was that she and the nurse were doing BDSM, but the position was too complicated so she ended up cracking her legs."

"Ooo, if I can replace her to be with that sexy nurse, I would be willing to use my life to trade for it."

Many speculations for how Han Bing broke her legs spread.

Han Bing, who still has no idea of the rumors around her, wheeled into the principal's office. The principal seeing her like that was too shocking for him. "Student Han Bing, how did you end up like this?" the principal seriously asked. This student always placed first for their exams. He's afraid that the injury would affect her studies.

Han Bing lowered her eyes. Even if she told the truth to the principal, nothing would happen to him. Instead, people would start avoiding her so they would not offend Qin Shi Ran.

Han Bing sadly smiled. "I merely fell off the stairs." The principal knew that she was lying, but he could not do anything about it. He received Han Bing's signal that it's related to a powerful family.

"Go home and rest for the day. I will report to the teachers about this and tell them to give you a copy of last week's notes for you."

Han Bing nodded and took out the medical notice for last week' absence. Leaving it on the desk, she paid good-bye to the principal.

The principal looked at the medical notice's description. He is impressed by how Han Bing is handling the situation, but also saddened that such a prodigy's leg is wasted.

Han Bing directly went home right after her talk with the principal.

Nurse Yan and Han Bing engaged in the latest medical theory until they reached Han Bing's house. Han Bing's house is a very small house with white walls that looks like it will come off any second. Nurse Yan is shocked to see Han Bing living in a place like this. The house is located in a back alley and for a young girl with a single mother to be living here, it is very unsafe.

When Han Bing unlocked the door and went into the house, she heard Han Bing's mother talking to someone.

"Yes… she still hasn't come home yet… I know, I know the police station is very busy…" Han Bing's mother was crying and talking at the same time. Suddenly, she heard the door opening.

Han Bing's mother let go of the phone and ran to the doorway. She saw Han Bing come in with a nurse.

"Han Bing, where did you go off to? What happened to your legs?" Han Bing's mother started crying even harder while questioning her.

Han Bing's mother was born in a rural area. Her name is Hua Yi Xian. Her marriage with Han Bing's father was arranged, but she accepted her fate and left her town to live in the city with her father. Han Bing's mother and Han Bing's father never loved each other, but they treated each other as best friends and someone they can depend on.

Unfortunately, Han Bing's father was killed in a car accident. The driver was drunk driving, and when he realized her father was walking, it was too late.

However, even without a husband, Hua Yi Xian managed to raise Han Bing all these years into a morally upright character with her iron first. She is harsh to her daughter, but she is more harsh toward herself to provide the best for Han Bing. Hua Yi Xian works twelve hours a day in the cloth factory just so she can make enough money to send her daughter to this wealthy school.

"Tell mother who did this to you. I will break his leg" A vicious glint crossed her eyes. Years of being by herself and living in this alley gave Hua Yi Xian connections to the darkness. The gangsters living here all have to call her by "Big Sister Hua".

Han Bing helplessly shakes her head. This matter about Qin Shi Ran crashing onto her can not be told to her mother or else she will do something reckless. Han Bing wanted to laugh about the thought of this perpetrator being beaten up.

"Don't worry about it. At least, that car driver gave me compensation." Han Bing took out the account book and showed her the money.

Hua Yi Xian's eyes widened. She recounted the zero several times. "One, two, three...wait, wait, wait, one, two, three, four, ..." Hua Yi Xian is currently feeling very dizzy right now. She felt that the account book holding 14 million dollars is a dream.

Hua Yi Xian grabbed onto Han Bing's shoulder. "Do not let anyone know about this" Hua Yi Xian, who's a cautious person, immediately knows that this place can not stay for long. Although the gangsters around this area are weak, they have a strong information network. By now, they probably know that Han Bing had an injury and received an unidentified amount of compensation. Some gangsters are afraid of Hua Yi Xian, but some might just hit their ideas onto them.

Hua Yi Xian took the little items they have at home and packed them up. "Let's go. We're going to find a new home."

Han Bing agrees with this idea because this district is extremely unsafe, and she's afraid that something might happen to her mother while she's not here.

Hua Yi Xian took a look at the nurse that was standing there for a while. "You must be the hospital's nurse right. Thank you for taking care of my daughter"

The nurse politely smiled "It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Yan Mei. Han Bing mom, you can call me by Yan Mei."

Han Bing's mother likes this young nurse even more. "Yan Mei ah. Don't call me Han Bing's mother. It makes me feel old. Just call me Sister Hua"

Nurse Yan happily accepted it. The three of them went to the school district area to find a house. For the first time, Hua Yi Xian felt what it was like to have money. She went to a well known realtor and asked for a house closest to the private school. The realtor did not show an unpleasant attitude just because they dressed normally. He took out house listings and showed them the ones nearest to the school. He also specifically points out which ones have wheelchair accommodations after taking a look at Han Bing.

Hua Yi Xian flipped through the pages and picked out a house that looks the cleanest. Hua Yi Xian showed Han Bing the house and asked for her opinion. Han Bing didn't care which house they will be living in as long as it's convenient. Not even taking a look at it, she said,"I'm fine with it."

Hua Yi Xian is a little disappointed that her daughter did not show much reaction, so she flipped through some more and asked Han Bing, but only received the same response back. At the end, Hua Yi Xian still decided to pick the first house and one timely bought the whole house. The house cost 8 million yuan, but there was much money left even after buying the house.

Hua Yi Xian has excitement in her eyes, but the thought that Han Bing's legs were disabled to get this money, Hua Yi Xian's eyes dimmed again. Even if they received compensation, it didn't matter. Hua Yi Xian was determined to find the culprit and get revenge on them.

Nurse Yan who was observing them the whole time suddenly had a chill on her back. She felt that despite the huge difference in the mother and daughter's personality, there is some likeliness that even herself can not fully understand.