
Adoption and Death

Key: (f/n) = Father's name

(y/n) had never been like most kids her age. For one she was born into the legendary Uchiha clan. A clan that is famous for having the Sharingan eyes. A clan that had so much love for their people underneath it all. A clan that had a curse of hate placed on them and was exiled from the village. This clan was (y/n) home. She was apart of the clan and at a time she loved nothing better than being apart of it. Her mother had died when she was only four resulting in her becoming the youngest Uchiha to awaken her Sharingan eyes. Leaving her only with her father. Who at this point soon became exiled from the clan not wanting to remarry. Not only that but marrying a non-Uchiha and marrying (y/n) at just eighteen. (y/n) mom giving birth to (y/n) not long after. Causing (y/n) father to be driven further from the clan than before. Unfortunately when his wife died and without the Uchiha behind him. (y/n) father had to take on more missions in the anbu. He didn't like the idea of leaving (y/n) alone. So he often tasked Kakashi (someone he had befriended on a mission) to watch over her whenever she was gone. Kakashi was happy to watch over her and the two of them growing close. Fighting like father and daughter. (y/n) was clever for her age and was always asking him questions. And things whenever she needed help. Even with (y/n) mother's death, the family survived and at times were happy. With Kakashi's help, she graduated from the academy at the top of her class at six. Everything seemed to be going up for the family well until the day everything changed.......

*A Couple Years Later*

It was supposed to be a simple easy money C-ranked mission. But it got more complicated than that and turned into an A-rank mission. In the action (y/n) father had been badly hurt, and it was doubtful that he would be alive to survive through it all. As soon as Kakashi found out he and (y/n) rushed to the hospital.

A few days had passed since then and that is where the story begins. It was silent nobody saying a word. The only sounds that were heard through the room were the sound of a (y/n) father's breaths and the sound of the pouring rain outside. Every new second, the heart monitor would beep. Leaving the sound of ringing in the young Uchiha ear. A sound that even afterward would haunt her.

(y/n) sat on the chair in the small hospital room, her feet dangling above the ground. Not saying a word not shedding a tear. Because she knew that wouldn't change anything. Crying wouldn't help her father get better.

Kakashi Hatake sat on a chair on the other side of the hospital bed, his arms in front of his head, and his head down. He's known this girl her entire life, and not once has he seen her cry. Not when she found out how her mother died. Not when her dog ran away and never came back. Not once. And seeing her on the beak of tears was something he didn't quite know how to handle. Seeing this strong girl nearing her breaking point hurt him away Kakashi couldn't describe. (y/n) was like family to him and seeing what she is going through reminded him of what he went through. He hated watching this. This poor child. In the course of five years, she had lost her family. Her mother first. And now, her father. Kakashi stared at the girl, his eyes flickering from his 'niece' to his best friend.

"No need to look so sad (y/n) that isn't the daughter I raised," Her father said to her with a chuckle. Trying to keep the mood light.

"Don't go" She begged "Don't leave me! You can't leave me to!"

Kakashi pulled his mask from his mouth, in order to breathe easier. It felt like his throat was closing like he was going to cry. But he couldn't. Kakashi could see that (y/n) was already close enough to cry. The last thing she needed was to see him cry.

"I'm not going to" he lied with a fake smile.

Kakashi knew he was lying. But those simple words seemed to calm (y/n) even if they were a lie. So he rolled with it. (y/n)'s father reached up and touched the side of her face. "Listen to me," He said. (y/n) nodded slowly. "You, are an Uchiha. You are strong. So much stronger, and smarter than any five years old, I have ever met. You've made me so proud of my child. And I know you'll do great things for our clan" He said with a tender smile.

She placed her smaller hand on her father's larger one and stayed still for a long while. She was trying to stay strong and not cry.

"And you Kakashi" He turned to the silver-haired ninja. "It will now be your job to protect my only child. My daughter. She is all I have left of her mother, so if you screw up and get my daughter killed before her time. I will haunt your dreams for the rest of your life " He teased, with a chuckle.

Kakashi smiled, leave it to (f/n) Uchiha to make a joke. Even if he was on his death bed. Kakashi nodded "Of course," He said. Despite (f/n) making a joke. Kakashi knew he was being serious. He needed to protect (y/n) for him. He knew that it would be very unlikely that (f/n) Uchiha could beat this. His friend was strong but not strong enough. Both of them when something was a losing battle and this was one of those times.

(f/n) turned back to his child. "Come here" He whispered. (y/n) jumped off her chair, and crawled into the hospital bed next to him. Her small body fit perfectly in the space (f/n) didn't take. (y/n) was careful not to hurt her dad further. Since she knew he was already in enough pain.

"Kakashi and (y/n) can you do me a favor?"

"Anything for you (f/n)", Kakashi said. (y/n) nodded in agreement.

"Well can you both sing that song", (f/n) asked as he held her hand in his?

(y/n) let out a nod. She opened her mouth and began singing. As Kakashi joined in not long after. She could remember when she first heard the song, she loved it. Yet she could feel a sense of sadness wash over her. Her father said her mother and him used to sing that song. So whenever (y/n) heard that song she would imagine that her mom was right there with her. Especially when she was down and felt needing a lift up. All she really could remember was when she died. It was a lot like this her sitting unable to do anything that could help. It was not long after that she got her Sharingan. (y/n) hated that this was happening she wanted to yell and scream. She wanted to block everything about and pretend this wasn't happening that her father wasn't near his death bed. But (y/n) knew that won't solve anything. So (y/n) composed herself the best she could and started to sing.

"Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes

Five hundred twenty-five thousand moments so dear

Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes

How do you measure? Measure a year?

In daylights,

In sunsets,

In midnights,

In cups of coffee,

In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife

In five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes

How do you measure a year in a life", (y/n) sang holding her dad's hand even tighter than before. As Kakashi joined in when needed. Both of them singing trying to hold up. Trying not to show how much this was hurting them not in front (f/n).

Once (y/n) finished the last note of the song. Her dad smiled softly at her as he held his daughter's hand for the last time. "You're going to do amazing things, (y/n). And I hope no matter what happens know this I will always love you" he whispered. And as he said this his hand went cold. As the sound of thunder clashed in the sky.

There was a moment of silence before the heart monitor beeped, flat-lining. (y/n)'s head shot up, and she looked around in panic. Kakashi jumped to his feet and stepped on the emergency button on the bottom of the hospital bed. His head down he knew that it was over. Seconds later, doctors filled the room, all trying to get a pulse or heartbeat back. Anything would have been good even if it was a small one. Kakashi knew that it was done. (f/n) was dead and nothing could bring him back. Kakashi knew what to do. (y/n) couldn't believe it she kept trying to wake her father up. Her hand still tightly in her father's hand. Kakashi grabbed (y/n), and tried to pull her out of the room. But she wouldn't go without a fight. She kicked him and screamed. She had finally reached her breaking point. Her walls torn down as she did what any normal kid would do. She clutched her dad as if her life depended on it. Refusing to let go. "NO!" She screamed kicking Kakashi. He didn't budge. He's been through worse. "NO NO NO! HE ISN'T DEAD LET ME GO" She screamed, kicking. Tears now streaming down her face as she continued to kick and scream. Until finally, Kakashi pried her away. She continued kicking and screaming. Tear still streaming down her face landing on Kakashi's clothes. Kakashi threw her over his shoulder and carried her out of the hospital room. She kicked him and screamed in his ear.

"I HATE YOU!" She screamed "I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!"

It hurt Kakashi more to hear her crying than it did to hear her say she hated him. He knew it wasn't true. She was just upset. Kakashi at this point couldn't hold it in. He collapsing on the ground. His eyes filled with tears as he started to cry out in pain in losing his friend. Causing (y/n) to stop kicking and screaming as Kakashi let her down. As she saw someone she had known to never cry break down in front of her. (y/n) hated this feeling she had. The feeling of pain overcame her. She wanted to cry when something her father said brought her back.

'You, are an Uchiha. You are strong' Her father's voice rang in her head.

Uchiha. . . Uchiha's are strong. Uchiha's don't show emotion. Uchiha's don't cry.

And (y/n) was no acceptation. She was an Uchiha. And she wouldn't cry over it not anymore. No matter how much she did nothing would change. Her father wouldn't be brought to life. He was now dead. Not only that but she was an Uchiha. And she would be strong. She would be the great person her dad said she would be.

And she wouldn't cry over it. Not ever again. And when she opened her eyes once again. Instead of showing her bright blue eyes which once showed at first would show the normal Sharingan they now showed the Mangekyou Sharingan. Kakashi had composed himself again looking up to see (y/n) had different eyes than before. He said nothing as he wrapped his hands around her body before (y/n) could say anything. "Everything is going to be okay", he reassured her even if both of them knew it was a lie. As they both stood there in silence not saying a word. The new father and the feared copy ninja and the daughter of an Uchiha wall down mourning over someone who meant their world to them. To one that was his best friend. One of the only people who really accepted him for he was. He brought him with his warmth and welcomed him in. The other man's daughter now left alone with no family. Both of them had lost something that day. Something they could never get back no matter what they tried.