
The story of 'Era'

'Era' — A guy who doesn't know his past gets reborn in a different universe with Terraria systems. Will he survive or will he perish? (probably the first) (A.n. — Don't expect this story to be a professional level novel. I'm just doing it as a hobby)

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Day two - How to survive? (Ch. 3)

Hm... Hm.... Hm...

The sun was shining in my eyes. It was a hard one to open my eyes. Eventually, I did. Wait... It's not morning... So... Hm...

Yeah, I think I passed out. Not sleeping a whole night is surprisingly tiring. The Guide was walking near the house doing something. So I stood up, rubbed my eyes and walked outside heading to the Guide.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" — My shy voice said.

"Yeah, what do you want to know?" — Replied the crouching Guide, not even looking in my direction.

"Uhm... So you said there was the 'Natives' of this world. I have yet to see one, are you sure they are still alive?" — I asked uncomfortably.

The guide snorted — "Yes... They are still alive. You know how I said they can't really fight the monsters? Slimes too. They don't leave their villages in the first place. You can go out and find some town, but I don't know how they would react seeing a player, because there were some vicious ones".

"Oh..." — A disappointed sound came from my mouth.

I simply left to the house and crafted a furnace. I need to smelt this ore I have, ya know?

And so, I now have 16 copper and 16 iron. I decided to store it away for now, since a full set of iron armor needs around 60 bars.

I saw the guide jump from his place and run to me. I flinched a bit and grabbed my bow from inventory, ready for whatever he noticed.

"Sorry, I forgot to give you this" — Guide stuffed his hand in his pocket and gave me... A star? No, wait, multiple stars!

"Those are fallen stars, with them, you can craft mana crystals and star in a bottle. If you want to be a mage, it would be really useful for you" — The Guide said, not even letting me say something. Now I have 16 stars in my inventory.

I walked to the workbench and crafted 3 mana crystals. "And... What do I do now?" — I asked the guide. The guide chuckled.

"My god. Just crush them!" — The Guide laughed.

I did what he said. Crushing the crystals, I felt something flow in my body. A warm feeling that strengthened my body. And then I felt pain. No... A FUCKING AGONY!

I vomited with blood and strange black goop. I felt that I could faint any minute. But something pulled me from this.

"You'll get used to this. Don't worry" — I heard a distant voice. My vision blurred. I couldn't breathe. Fuck.....

Suddenly, all of my pain vanished. I saw a large pool of black mass right next to my face. I crawled to a nearby wall and rested a bit.

Oh man, I can feel my body being stronger and more mature than ever. Not only that, but I can see my developed muscles. Mere minutes ago, there were only bones and flesh!

"Already feeling better? Ha, you are a strong one. Normally, this continues for 10 or 20 minutes" - The Guide gave me a helping hand. I stood up.

"Never again..." — I said with my faint voice.

"Anyway, I recommend you building some more houses, as I am not the only one that wishes to help you" — The Guide smiled.

My body was feeling great and all charged up. So I chopped down some trees and built a couple of houses. Also, a wall surrounding the area. It took me a couple of hours to do so, but the result was great.

"Looking goddamn good" — The Guide complimented my architectural skills.

I decided to check my power on the slimes that wandered outside the walls. Surprisingly, I got hurt only a couple of times! And now I have a lot of gel from those slimy creatures.

I decided to light up the place a bit. The wall was now surrounded with torches, and the inside area was lighted with Tiki torches I crafted using normal torches and some wood.

Man, was this looking good.

And then I went exploring. God, I HATE SLIMES! THEY ARE EVERYWHERE!!!

But then, we have chests and caves. Now I have some climbing claws, a radar, some copper, and iron bars, arrows, shurikens, potions, etc.

Happily, I walked back to my town. Well, it was until I stumbled into them. The natives. Damn... This is my first time interacting with someone besides the Guide...

So there is a group, I think? Four men in heavy armor and some swords, two archers and an old man with some magic looking staff.

They were killing slimes. Oh boy, was it fun to watch. A group of seven professionals struggling to kill some slimes. Was it a show.

Until they noticed me...

I knew this was getting nowhere good, so I ran to my village. And they pursued me. I tried to shoot them with my bow, but it didn't work. Looks like I'm in a big trouble...

I stopped and got grenades out of my inventory. The group also stopped.

"W-what d-do you w-want from me!" — I yelled

"Nothing of your business. You are coming with us, or we are going to kill you!" — The group yelled back.

Well, I didn't want to do it. I threw a couple of grenades at the group. They didn't even flinch. Looks like they don't know what these are.

Then... I don't want to talk about it... Blood and guts everywhere... I quickly retired to my house.

"Hey there, you're looking like you just saw a ghost... What happened?" - The Guide approached me.

"Natives...." - I replied.

"Oh... I understand..." - The Guide stopped approaching me and turned around.

"Well, just don't think about it" - He said and then entered his house.

I killed seven people.... Seven.... No... I KILLED SEVERAL HUMANS!!!

Shit, shit, shit!

My heart was pounding, I felt like I could vomit at any moment.

And so the night fell....

Not really good at expressing emotions. The MC feeling bad about killing some people is really looking not as good as it needed to. But it's better than making him an emotionless killing machine.

KRITIK_GASMASK_creators' thoughts