
Episode 1

It's finally day for school! I'll hurry up and get there early, so I get to know everyone! O wait I haven't introduce myself yet! I know you've been waiting for it. Hi there my name is Kaito Nime. I'm a 2nd year at high school and I transferred schools since we just moved here last year, I can't wait to meet everyone at my university! I live with my dad in an apartment and we have different rooms and I never visit him. Uh-oh seems like I'm going to be late if I don't hurry g'bye home! "My god. Such a hyper kid."

Woah the school is so big! "I know right!" A beautiful girl just jumped beside me and smiled after she talked what the heck!? My heart is racing, I don't know why but I can't take it! I just gotta run away! Wait! I have to reply right?? You don't wanna leave a girl like that, don't you? "Ah yeah, is there someone you like?" Where did that come from!? What the heck am I saying? "Why ask that out of the blue? We don't even know each other. But I don't think you're a weirdo! I-I'm just saying why did you ask that! Either way, there is no one I like. Let's be friends, okay? The hell? My heart's racing again! Her personality I can't! I already fell for her! "Oh sorry, but y-yeah let's be friends!" Oh my god what am I saying? I'd definitely be friends with her but if I confess to her she'll definitely friend zone me! "Uh hey, are you okay?" "Y-yeah." "If I didn't mess up there I wouldn't know her. I'm lucky." "You just said it out loud." "WHAAAT!!!" "Oh it's okay. It's not like you want to harass me right?" I'm saved... "Yeah! Of course I wouldn't do that!" *whisper* * whisper* "those guys are total weirdos." "Yeah!" What the heck did I do to lose my reputation that instantly! "My god, what is he doing there not fighting back? What a coward!" I'll just apologise. I guess. "I'm so-" "don't be." What the heck's with this girl? "I'll just head to class." If i haven't 't got away that'll definitely turn out to be a fight. But I'm surprised no one chased me. "Hey there!" It's that beautiful girl again! "H-hi there. I gotta get to class so maybe later?" "O-okay." Okay I'll step in 3, 2, 1! Seems like she's not on the same class"Hey there you got later than expected but it's okay. Everyone this is your new classmate." "Uh h-hi my name is Kaito Nime I'm 15 years old and You can call me Kaito!" "Please sit to the right next to shirakara the one on the 2nd to the last chair on the fourth row." "Okay!" I'm next to a girl? It's okay as long as I can look at the window I can keep myself distracted! "He seems like he is distracted." "Class I want you to listen to what I have to say since it's important. From tomorrow on, you'll be living in the school dorms!" Everyones excited about it. But I don't really care. I lived alone in my room for a year now. "Let me finish! You will have roommates of the opposite gender!" "P-pardon?" "You will have roommates of the opposite gender!" I'm doomed.