
Chapter 1: Duties Fulfilled

Princess Lenore's wedding day had finally arrived and she wanted nothing more than to run but it would do her no good. He would find her, and Lenore's family needed this union to secure their future livelihood and safety. She was always told her beauty and temperament would secure their families future, but she never imagined her family would betroth her to him. King Anthony was handsome, but ruthless and the stories of his armies and his nature in battle were known all over the lands. She heard he was unfeeling and incapable of love. They called him a monster.

Lenore's father told her that he single handedly defeated one of their allies claiming his throne before his troops had been able to surround his kingdom. Anthony had a supernatural ability in battle that no one quite understood and everyone feared him. 

When her father had made the arrangement, he was overjoyed that the king had chosen his daughter. But she was far from excited, she was terrified. It seemed conflict, pain, and death were all he knew and in just a few short hours she would be married to him. Bound to him forever and at the mercy of a merciless man. She had begged her father to reconsider numerous times but he was unwavering. This was her duty to their family. Her fate was sealed and her nightmares would become a reality. 

How could she possibly be happy with a ruthless killer? How could he possibly be loving and treat her well? 

It was common for her to hear rumors of his conquests and wild habits. She had never seen him before but Lenore knew he was handsome and his powerful disposition was what drew most women and men to him for that matter. Humanity craved strength and power so they lusted after what they would never have but she wasn't impressed or excited by those things. She knew her heart could never love a monster and she dreaded the prison of being bound to a man who terrified her. Her undeserved punishment was a life sentence of loneliness and pain. 

Her maids continued to dress her for the wedding ceremony. She had been pampered for weeks to ensure her skin was silky smooth and her body perfectly prepared. Lenore's long curly blonde hair was intricately pinned and covered by a veil. Only a few curly tendrils rested on her cream colored skin so that her deep blue eyes and sweet red lips were the focal points of her face. Her mother had chosen a tight, low cut wedding dress to reveal the tops of her breasts. She felt completely exposed and knew everyone would be watching her today in a dress that accentuated her delicate figure. At the waist it loosened and the detailed fabric expanded into a bridal train in the back. 

After she was prepared, it was time for her to fulfill her duty. She walked in silence with her father to a large set of closed doors. Lenore heard the music play and movement from the crowd standing. The doors opened as she stepped into the large sanctuary. 

Through her veil, she could not clearly see what her bride groom looked like. Her hands shook as she slowly walked to the altar with her father. Her father removed the veil from her face revealing her delicate features and gave her hand to King Anthony who stood by her side. Lenore took a deep breath and looked up from the ground at her future husband. 

He was tall and incredibly handsome. His body was chiseled and his muscles were easy to see under his expensive clothing. His dark hair would have touched his shoulders if it wasn't tied back exposing his rugged jawline and neck. His expression spoke of no tenderness but she couldn't stop staring into his stormy gray eyes, they hypnotized her. She was lost in a storm of emotions herself and it appeared his eyes told a similar tale as the gray tints and hues swirled and spun peering deep into her soul. 

She did not know who this man was, but she knew he wasn't someone who others double crossed. He was powerful and used to getting his way. He squeezed her hand firmly bringing her back to reality. Her nightmare reality. As she listened to the minister speak, she fought back the tears that desperately wanted to flow. 

Anthony's POV: 

When I entered into this arrangement her father was drunk on the power and privilege this union would allot him. He was a sick bastard who would sell what should have been his most valued possession, his daughter, to a monster. 

Yes, I was a monster and I was claiming Lenore. She was innocent and pure and I intentionally took her into my world of darkness. But, I couldn't help myself. Ever since I knew she existed I stalked her from a distance and haunted her dreams.

I approached her father to ask for her hand. He should have protected her and quickly moved her as far away from me as possible, but it would have been futile. I would have searched the earth to find her and killed anyone who tried to get in my way. I haunted her dreams and my presence transformed them into nightmares but I was too selfish to think of what was best for her. She was mine and I always got what I wanted. 

The storm inside me began to build as she approached. Her father lifted her veil and gave her hand to me as I stood beside her. Instantly when I touched her soft delicate skin, passion swelled in me like the ocean waves. With her every breath, my desires washed away any hope she may have for escape.

She didn't meet my gaze but kept her head down. Her hand was trembling from fear and she appeared like a small doe caught in a snare by a hunter she could not escape. She smelled of sweet spring flowers and I could see her tender breasts rise as she tried to breathe to keep composure. Then without warning, she looked up and met my gaze. 

Lenore was the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen but I could tell her deep blue eyes held back the tears of her impending doom. Fuck! I was a monster and was used to doing unspeakable things but claiming Lenore was my most egregious act yet. She was everything right in this world and I was everything evil. 

The minister spoke but I barely paid attention. I was too lost in her presence and refused to let her look away from me. I squeezed her hand firmly when she needed to respond. She seemed so frail but I could sense a strong soul determined to fulfill her duty even if it meant she would never be happy again. 

We exchanged vows and were pronounced man and wife. Our guests waited for us to kiss but I couldn't lose composure in front of everyone and I didn't trust myself not to if I kissed her how I intended. I needed to think clearly and allow the storm brewing inside me to calm down, so I grabbed her around the waist and kissed her lips quickly. When our lips connected the storm inside me almost knocked me over like a hurricane. Passion swelled and the sweet taste of honey on her lips hardened my cock so I could think of nothing else but claiming her. 

Fuck! I almost took her in front of everyone. I wanted to feel her naked body under me as I imagined thrusting my hard cock into her while she cried out in ecstasy. This line of thinking was dangerous and I quickly pushed those thoughts aside since my will power was hanging on by a thread. 

I released her quickly and she looked at me like the heartless bastard I was which made me curse my existence. I didn't want to hurt her but it appeared just my presence caused her pain. Well, she was right. I was good at inflicting pain on everyone around me. I truly was a monster and she was mine. This was her reality.
