
The Stories Come From Dream's

This collection of stories consists of various short stories that emerged from the dreams experienced by the writer. Each story has a unique and different plot, but they all share the commonality of originating from dreams

Nara_Godly · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The White Flowers

She wore an elegant white dress with a round neckline and beautiful flower-patterned sleeves. Underneath the dress was a thin layer of fabric that made it look bone white. The dress fit her slim and slender body perfectly.

Her hair was long and as white as snow, neatly arranged and flowing beautifully down to her waist. It looked like hair that had rarely been colored and was very natural.

However, the most striking feature of her appearance was her bright blue eyes. The color contrasted sharply with her white dress and enhanced her natural beauty. Her eyes looked clear and beautiful, like a gently flowing river in the morning sun.

With her sweet smile and thin pink lips, the beauty and charm of this woman truly captivated and enchanted anyone who saw her.

Sadly, she had passed away due to the curse of the village. Even in death, her body looked like she was peacefully sleeping. Her previously flower-adorned white dress shone even brighter with the bright sun on the daytime. Her long white hair was softly spread over the pillow, as if adding a calm impression to her face, which no longer showed sadness or fear.

White flowers bloomed perfectly around her final resting place. There were no signs of drought or damage to the very clean and fragrant petals. Like a miracle, the flowers continued to bloom for days after her death.

The people of the village felt deeply sorry for having cursed her for no clear reason. They realized that the mistrust and suspicion they showed actually came from their own fear. However, this realization came too late. They could only mourn her departure and apologize for their cruel actions. "We cursed you for no clear reason. We regret and apologize."

After the incident, the villagers learned to appreciate and respect every individual who was different from themselves. They understood that any form of groundless suspicion and fear could cause great harm to others, even taking someone's life.

They also continued to care for this woman's final resting place with love and respect. The blooming white flowers around her grave became a symbol of the beauty and peace that always accompanied her departure.

They learned to respect and treat others well, even if they were different. They also learned to overcome their fear and not make decisions based on groundless suspicion and prejudice.

Every year, on her birthday, the villagers hold a memorial ceremony at her final resting place. They bring white flowers as a sign of respect and gratitude for the kindness she showed in her life. The flowers are placed around her grave, and prayers are said to pray for her happiness in the afterlife.

This memorial ceremony is also an opportunity for the villagers to unite and remind themselves of the importance of valuing life and good values in a person. They understand that a harmonious and peaceful life can be created through mutual respect and love.

Now, the woman's final resting place has become a revered pilgrimage site for many people. Many people from outside the village come just to see the beauty of the flowers that continue to bloom despite the passage of many years. They also come to honor the kindness and beauty of the woman who has passed away.

We must learn to respect every individual who is different from us and not make decisions that harm others because of our own fears. We should appreciate every beauty and perfection around us and let love and peace always guide us