
The Stories Come From Dream's

This collection of stories consists of various short stories that emerged from the dreams experienced by the writer. Each story has a unique and different plot, but they all share the commonality of originating from dreams

Nara_Godly · Fantasy
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4 Chs

I can't find a suitable title for this.

Erca sat alone on the balcony of his apartment in the big city, gazing at the beautiful night sky as he remembered the happy times he had spent with Alfya. They had loved each other deeply, and every moment they spent together felt too short. But all of that ended when Alfya died in a car accident on the highway.

Erca was devastated and felt that his life no longer had any meaning. He mourned Alfya's loss every day and could never come to terms with the fact that she was truly gone. However, one day he discovered a way to go back in time and change the events that led to Alfya's death.

Erca tried to change the past in various ways, but he always got trapped in the same time loop. Every time he managed to avoid the car accident that killed Alfya, he was sent back to the beginning and had to start all over again. Erca realized that he had to change the future without causing Alfya's death if he wanted to break out of this time loop.

Erca tried to prevent the car accident in various ways, but the result was always the same. Alfya still died, and Erca was always trapped in the same time loop. However, Erca never gave up and continued to try. Every time he repeated the time loop, he tried to find a different way to change the future.

In one iteration of the time loop, Erca tried to change Alfya's route home. However, when Alfya was at the train station, she was instead caught by a group of robbers and became a victim of an unexpected robbery. Erca was deeply disappointed and felt that all his efforts always ended in failure.

Erca was desperate and almost gave up, but his true love for Alfya made him keep trying. "I will do anything for you," Erca said to Alfya in one iteration of the time loop, "even if it means I have to be trapped in this time loop forever."

Erca decided to find a new way to change the future. He learned more about the robbers who attacked Alfya and studied alternative routes that Alfya could take to avoid getting caught up in the robbery. After trying various ways, Erca finally found a safe route for Alfya.

In one iteration of the time loop, Erca tried to prevent Alfya's unfortunate fate. He walked Alfya home, and they talked and laughed all the way. But when they were almost home, they were hit by a speeding car.

Erca was okay, but Alfya lay lifeless on the road. Erca tried to hold back his tears as he saw Alfya lying dead in the middle of the road. He felt shattered and hopeless, mourning the loss of his irreplaceable love.

After burying Alfya's body, Erca returned to his apartment and sat alone on the balcony. He reflected on his past failures and regretted everything that had happened.

Erca realized that he had tried his best to change the past, but in the end, he could not avoid fate. Alfya's death was a part of his destiny, and nothing could change that. Erca felt very lonely and empty without Alfya, and he knew that he would never be able to experience happiness like that again.

Erca decided to end his life on the balcony of his apartment, the place that had always silently witnessed his sadness and despair. He gazed upon the beautiful night sky, and then made the final decision of his life. Erca ended his life by jumping from the balcony, and his world became forever dark.