
The Stories Come From Dream's

This collection of stories consists of various short stories that emerged from the dreams experienced by the writer. Each story has a unique and different plot, but they all share the commonality of originating from dreams

Nara_Godly · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Eternal Love (The Second Elemental)

Reza followed the old man through the portal and arrived in a city that was much larger than the previous one. The city looked more modern and crowded, but Reza felt a hidden darkness within it.

"This city is very different from before," said Reza.

"Yes, this city is ruled by a powerful group of criminals who use their elemental powers to create chaos here. We must stop them and retrieve the artifacts they have stolen," explained the old man.

Reza and the old man began to move towards the criminals' stronghold. They faced many obstacles and dangers on their journey, but with his wind element powers, Reza was able to overcome them all easily.

Reza finally arrived at the criminals' stronghold. He met a man known as a skilled strategist and fighter. He led a large army consisting of trained soldiers and fierce creatures. He was also known as a cruel person who didn't hesitate to kill anyone who stood in his way. His name was Heinrich The Ironhand.

"Did you come here just to die?" asked Heinrich arrogantly.

"No, I came here to retrieve the artifacts you've stolen. And you must stop spreading chaos in this city," replied Reza.

"Haha, you can dream if you think you can defeat me," retorted Heinrich.

They both started to fight. Reza used his wind elemental powers to avoid Heinrich's attacks and find an opening to counterattack. However, Heinrich kept attacking and easily dodging Reza's attacks.

"Your power is still far from enough to defeat me," Heinrich said while laughing.

"My wind elemental power will defeat you!" Reza shouted with determination.

Reza continued to attack Heinrich, but Heinrich kept dodging those attacks. Finally, Reza felt his power starting to weaken, and Heinrich took the opportunity to attack him.

"No!" Reza shouted as Heinrich attacked him.

Suddenly, Reza stepped on the mysterious realm, and he felt like he was thrown into another world. The calm and peaceful atmosphere around him made his heart feel peaceful, but he also felt a little awkward because he didn't know where he was.

However, Reza's confusion was soon replaced by surprise when he saw a beautiful woman sitting under a big tree in the middle of that realm. Her face radiated an aura of gentleness and peace that made Reza feel like he was in a safe place. He felt familiar with the woman.

"Who are you?" Reza asked with fear and curiosity.

"Adelia," the woman answered softly.

Upon hearing the answer, Reza immediately remembered the name. Adelia, the girlfriend who always helped and encouraged him.

"Where were you then... I was always looking for you, you suddenly disappeared after that accident," Reza said in a whispering voice.

"I can't answer that, but I'm still in your heart. I'm always by your side during your journey," Adelia said with a smile.

Upon hearing those words, Reza's heart suddenly felt shattered into pieces. He felt sad and lonely, missing the figure of Adelia who always gave him encouragement and strength.

"Don't be sad, Reza. Your journey is not over yet. You must continue to fight and against the evil that threatens this world," Adelia said while stroking Reza's head.

Reza felt the warm touch from Adelia, as if it was the strength and spirit he needed to continue his journey. He felt stronger and more motivated to continue his journey. "I'm doing this to find you."

Suddenly, the world around Reza became blurry, and he felt as though he was being thrown into another realm. He felt the hard blows of Heinrich, but managed to avoid each attack with incredible speed. However, he realized that he wouldn't be able to dodge Heinrich's attacks forever.

Rubbing his wounds, Heinrich looked at Reza with a sharp gaze and said, "Amazing. You were able to avoid my deadly blows. But unfortunately, you can't do it forever."

With quick and agile movements, Heinrich jumped into the air and prepared to crush Reza with unmatched force. However, Reza, in a difficult position, conjured up a sudden ball of fire that appeared before him.

The fireball grew larger and emitted a bright light. The flames illuminated the entire room and forced Heinrich to take a few steps back. Reza controlled the fireball with his hand and used his power to fend off Heinrich's attack.

In an instant, Reza defeated Heinrich and sent him flying backwards. Heinrich seemed surprised by Reza's unexpected power, but he didn't give up that easily. He rose up and prepared for the next attack, and Reza was ready to face him with whatever he had.

"Now, this fight will be even more exciting!" shouted Heinrich as he threw a large rock at Reza.

"With this power, I will never give up!" yelled Reza as he dodged and struck Heinrich with a powerful flame punch.

"You can't defeat me!" exclaimed Heinrich.

"Not if I fight with a heart full of spirit!" retorted Reza confidently.

Their battle became more intense as they exchanged punches and kicks. Reza tried to dodge Heinrich's attacks, but still gave back quick and precise blows and kicks.

"You're fast and tough, but I won't give up!" exclaimed Heinrich.

"Neither will I!" replied Reza firmly.

They fought each other with tireless spirit. Reza successfully avoided Heinrich's attacks with quick and agile movements. He then countered with deadly fiery punches and kicks.

Heinrich was pummeled by Reza and thrown several meters away. He remained still and unmoving. Reza stood proudly before him.

"You lost," declared Reza firmly.

this world. And the war isn't over.'

With those words, Heinrich disappeared from the scene.

Reza felt tired but also happy with his victory. He looked around, amazed by the place he had just visited.

"So, this journey isn't over yet," he muttered.

Suddenly, he remembered Adelia and the illusion he had just experienced. He felt relieved but also sad, knowing that Adelia only existed in his illusion.

"When will I be able to meet her? I will keep going on this journey to find her," he said.

He then turned to the old man who was waiting for him near the entrance of the headquarters.

"Congratulations, Mr. Reza. You have shown your perseverance and courage in finding the second Elemental. You are getting closer to becoming the new God who will lead this world towards a better direction."

"The fight against the Boss earlier was just the beginning of the greater challenges you will face in the future. But I'm confident that with your courage and strength, you will be able to face them well."

"Now, let's prepare to continue your journey to the next destination. The Elementals you have obtained are the keys to opening the gate to your destination as the new God."

"Just a reminder, to reach the third Elemental, you will need a very important ancient artifact," the old man said seriously.

Reza looked at the old man in surprise. "What artifact is needed, and where can I get it?"

"The artifact is located in the ruins in the middle of the desert," the old man answered. "But to obtain it, you must sacrifice what is considered valuable by them."

Reza pondered for a moment, trying to understand what the old man meant. "What is considered valuable by them?" he asked.

"That question will be answered on its own later," the old man replied.

Reza fell silent for a moment, thinking about the old man's words. He knew that the search for the third Elemental would be even more difficult, but he also realized that he had to take risks and decide what was truly valuable to them.