
The Stereotype And The Truth

Addison is all fun and games...and honesty which doesn't tend to earn her any brownie points from...well...anyone. But after agreeing to a deal with the supposed devil of her school, she realizes she doesn't have to be who everyone expects her to be. She realizes she isn't just her shallow jokes that she spews out on a daily basis. And she realizes that stereotypes are wrong at least 99% of the time.

Isabel_Gannon · Teen
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2 Chs

Chapter 002

I looked over my watch. Am I early? No one is at form yet.

Correction: You missed the whole of form and are 10 minutes late to your English class. My eyes widen as I read the digital numbers mocking me.

Well duh, what was I expecting after the child lock fit and the Neutral Dear incident.

I ran as fast as I could to the other end of the building, hoping that I haven't missed any of my favourite lesson yet!

2 minutes and 37 seconds later, I found myself knocking on my English door uncertainly. I had never been late before. ESPECIALLY not for English.

I don't even know how Mrs Briggs will react!.

I awkwardly tapped my shoe repeatedly on the slippery linoleum flooring, that surrounded the entire school corridor, as I waited to be let in. It's really easy to slide on the floor so I can't complain....unless sliding isn't my intention obviously, then I can 100% complain!

Soon, the door creaked open to a smiling Mrs Briggs. God, who was I kidding, she loves me, i'm like her daughter! She would never give me a Consequence. Call it favoritism but i'm not complaining about the special treatment.

"Hello Mrs Briggs", I beamed at my favourite teacher.

"Come sit down", She gave me a warm smile and pointed to an empty seat.

"He won't show up anyway.", I heard her mumble.

I smiled at her and walked over to my new desk.

I unzipped my backpack and pulled out my hedgehog pencil case.

I sat on the uncomfortable plastic chair and continued to shift uncomfortably in my seat for a minute or so before Mrs Briggs interrupts my sad attempt at getting comfortable in the stupid plastic chairs, "I have a cushion you can use." She directed it at me so I smiled, thanked her and took her offer, standing up to collect the rose patterned cushion that she was aiming towards me.

"Thank you", I said, walking back to my seat.

I plonked the cushion onto my seat and shortly after, I copied the pillows movements, taking a comfy seat on my new and improved chair.

"Miss, that is well unfair. Favoritism is against the law!" A boy who was well known for his childlike temper tantrums fumed at the teacher, "Give me a pillow this instant!"

I scoffed at his behavior and started the work on the board that I am assuming he hasn't even acknowledged yet.

"Tell me one time you have given me any homework!" She challenged.

In response, the boy pouted and crossed his arms around his chest whilst whispering to his desk mate that: "It just isn't fair bro!"

"Life's not fair, get over it, I won't be getting arse ache and you will. That's life, sucker!", I whispered to him because frankly, I am as unfiltered as a person can get. It gets me in trouble sometimes but if parents didn't want 100% honesty then why tell their children 'honesty is the best policy' huh? "Also, you sound like a girl when you whine like that" I waved a goodbye to them to end the conversation and continued my work.

"I don't do I?" I heard him ask in a purposely lower voice.

"I never noticed that before" His desk mate said in surprise. He then turned to me, "Who else can you insult? I'm all ears!" He said as if he's never heard anybody insult anybody. That's literally what he did for the whole of lunch every day so I look at him in confusion.

"I am not insulting anybody. I just simply can't be bothered to fabricate the truth." I explained to the halfwit.

"Yeah...I really don't see a difference. Do your worst!" He goaded.

"Fine" I smirked, "You asked for it, remember that!" I warned. He nodded eagerly "I think you're a lowlife who thinks too much of yourself just because of a chiseled jaw line and a whole bucket of gel in your hair. I also think that you don't have the capability to try which is why you have always been one of the students at the bottom of the barrel when really you could actually get somewhere if you just started..being productive with your time instead of wasting it on beating up 12 years old who have a higher IQ than you!" 

When I finished, I heard tantrum boy whisper "Karma's a bitch" With a warped smile.

When I turned to Ethan: the most recent guy I had insulted, well let's just say he didn't look like a pacifist in that moment with a red face, clenched fists and a vein popping out of his forehead.

"I know you aren't familiar with the concept of work but some of us actually do it so can you stop glaring at me please" I asked after 5 minutes of feeling his angry gaze on me.

"You're a little fucking bitch!" He yelled suddenly and stood up with so much force that his table fell sideways and unlucky for tantrum boy, the table caught his left foot underneath.

I heard "Mummy help me!" Being called distantly in the background but decided to tune it out and focus on Ethan

"You said 'who else can you insult?' and I had this urge to insult you. You gave me an opening. You only have yourself to blame!" I smiled at his angry face which of course made him angrier.

I rolled my eyes, not bothering to conceal it. Sadly I can't keep anything in whether that's eye rolls or words so I don't even try anymore.

"Did. You. Just. ROLL. YOUR. DAMN. EYES. AT. ME?" The volume of his voice escalated as he continued. "I have no code against who I can and can't punch." He threatened.

"I'm never one to back down from a challenge!" I said looking into his eyes.

I still sat in my chair unaffected by what he was intending to do. See...my mum (Knowing that i'm a big mouth) has made me take self defense lessons for around 9 years now knowing that i'll most likely need to used it to get myself out of situations that I create. In fact, i'm almost black belt in karate and I once beat my own self defense instructor in a battle of wits so Ethan didn't frighten me in the slightest. He fought with his fists (as most boys do in my school) whereas I have the advantage of having something he wasn't blessed with: A brain.

Honestly, I am surprised that Mrs Briggs hasn't stopped him from killing me yet. God forbid anything would happen to her favourite. I turned around to find her giggling at her phone. She picks now to text her side piece? Ugh, she's lucky she's my favourite teacher.

I stood up as Ethan neared me. 

"I'll let you get a head start" I said, crossing my arms around my chest for emphasis.

He grinned at this, aiming straight for my perfect teeth with his fist. He pulled back his arm to make the impact of the punch hurt even more when he finally attempted to.

"You chicken?" I gestured to his statue like position.

As if to prove a point, his fist came at me. I lifted my hands up and quickly grabbed his fist before they got to damage my perfect teeth. Using his fist to put his arm behind his back to restrain him and mirroring that move as he tried to hit me with his other fist, I smirked at the realization that I had another fight to add to my list of wins.

I came close to his ear and whispered "Amateur." with an innocent smile on my face.

"Bitch" He muttered.

"I prefer the term 'honest'. I tell people what they need to hear, i'm not just a bully for no reason unlike you. Believe it or not, i'm trying to help you by doing this, you need a reality check, i'll be the one to shed away your narcissistic personality! You wanna know why? Because you asked for it!" I let him go and repositioned myself in my 'throne', watching him walk back to his seat looking down at his shoes.

"Right kids," The teacher abruptly called out to the class, "I hope you did all of the work on the board. Here's some more" She turned to a new slide and pointed towards it.

I nodded my head once to let her know that I finished the other work because i'm sure that if i'm really good today, I might get a lollipop out of her. 

She smiled at me.

God, how is she oblivious to the fight that just happened? Teachers. I couldn't contain yet another eye roll from coming out. I wished subtlety was my strong suit but sadly it isn't and Mrs Briggs knows me too well (for some reason) and when I roll my eyes, it can only mean one thing.

"What happened?" She asked me. I wished I could lie but:

"Ethan over there" I said pointing at the egotistical bastard. He looked back over at me when he heard my name. When he saw the teacher looking my way, he noticeably starts to panic "Was asking for my help in his own little way. Weren't you Ethan?" I asked him.

His eyes widened in shock and surprise, and the slightest bit of humiliation that he had to get someone to lie for him, that I didn't just rat his malicious intentions out. He knows I'm a big mouth so he was most likely confused as to why I lied for him. But what he didn't seem to comprehend was that it was the truth. He just hadn't realised it yet. The truth is: No one wants to be an arsehole, no matter how good they are at pretending.  At least the secretly good ones don't. He  frantically nods his head at my excuse, not allowing Mrs Briggs to jump to the right conclusion.

Suddenly, the door opened, hitting the wall because of the impact the person behind it pushed . They must have guts not knocking. Teachers hate that.

"SO nice of you to join us Blake" She glanced at her watch "30 minutes late." 

Soon, a figure emerged from the doorway and- just- ewww. He was so perfect looking that it sickened me. I am going to have to constantly eye rape him now. Why god, why?

His emotionless lips were stuck in a firmly straight line. I'll laugh when he gets frown lines.....although it would be a complete waste of an amazing looking specimen. Priorities Addison! Frown lines first, worrying for the human races inability to use anti aging face cream later. Anyways....He had midnight black hair and steel grey eyes that were glaring into his crossed arms.

"Why is SHE in my seat?" He asked the teacher in a deadly tone.

"Well your seat was the only one available so I offered it to Addison" She explained timidly. God, even Mrs Briggs was afraid of him.

"WHY DOES SHE HAVE A FUCKING THRONE!?!" He yelled, causing me to ever so slightly flinch, clearly referring to my pillow.

"Look....Blake is it?" He nodded hotheadedly "Right....Blake.....to answer your question...I have a 'throne' because the teacher favors me." I said bluntly. It was true. So true that I could have sworn I saw miss nod her head.

"GET. OUT. OF. MY SEAT." He yelled. I'd be dead right now if I had a heart condition, i swear.

"And what if I don't?" I asked because I can not shut up and must subconsciously want to die.

"Then i'll make you!" He practically growled.

"How do you plan on doing that? Enlighten me.", I replied smugly.

"FUCKING MIND CONTROL YOU IDIOT", He rolled his eyes at his own sarcasm, "I will literally fucking lift you up by your hair and chuck you out of this classroom if you don't move. NOW." 

"I have always wanted a weird bald patch from someone like you." I smiled sarcastically.

"It's a two seat desk Blake. Can you please not tantrum?" The teacher asked of him.

"I don't want a desk mate!" He growled. This time it was like full on Wolfblood (old tv program, don't know if it's still on). Like jeez, calm it!

"Well I didn't want the cushion thro- Oh wait....that's a lie...I totally wanted it" I smirked at him.

"THAT'S ENOUGH BLAKE! I WILL NOT STAND FOR YOUR STUBBORNNESS ANYMORE! YOU ARE TO SIT ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE DESK AND YOU'RE GOING TO LIKE IT!" She exploded. Damn. This should be on the discovery channel: awesome teacher blows up at her emotionally-angry-diarrhea student. I can imagine it already!

He glared straight through me as he made his way to his seat. 

"Give me your pillow! NOW!" He whispered.

"Hell to the fucking no!" I retorted.

"You leave me with no choice" He mumbled. Soon after, he yanked the pillow off from under my arse and takes it for himself.

"You started a war with someone who you can't win against." I glared.

For the first time since I had met him, his thin line actually had...emotion. It was an annoying one but an emotion nevertheless. You guessed it: HE SMIRKED! UGH! SMIRKERS! THEY ARE THE DEATH OF ME! .... even though I constantly smirk... technicalities!"I doubt I could lose against someone with that little muscle mass" He said as he examined my thin arms.

"Oh you have no idea." I said with a smirk.

The bell rung loudly, causing me to go deaf for the bittersweet time of 2 seconds as I was right next to the bell in the classroom.

Everyone started pouring out of the classroom as I picked up all of my work as well as my trusty hedgehog pencil case. 

"Andrews! Summers!" The teacher called out to us from the front of the classroom (we were at the far back) just as I was almost ready to go.

Me and Blake simultaneously looked up and yelled "What?"across the room. Then we looked at each other.

"Please don't tell me you're Summers!" "Please don't tell me you're Andrews" We both said to each other in almost perfect unison.

"That was creepy" I said, voicing my opinion.

"Mhm." He answered simply. He was done yelling now in case you couldn't tell. Instead he now only answers in grunts and random sentences.

We both slowly made it to the teacher after gathering up the rest of our stuff.

"So...Miss, what can I help you with?" I asked kindly.

She smiled back at me then turned to Blake the giant snake. 🎶My friend Billy had a 10 foot willy so he showed it to the girl next door. She thought it was a Blake so she hit it with a rake and now he's only 6 foot 4.🎶 Seriously, he's 6 foot 4 (I'm guessing from how tall he looks) so that song kind of worked perfectly. Sorry, sidetracked:

"Blake, as you are probably aware, you've been failing English for the past 3 years." He sighs quietly and makes a gesture signalling for her to continue. "And since the beginning of secondary school, Addison has only gotten H+'s and 9's..." She trailed off  hoping that we'd get the hint. 

"No." I said bluntly.

"Addison Summers!" Mrs Briggs begged "No one is left behind!" She said hoping to appeal to the humane side of me that finds it depressing imagining him having to repeat this year until he's 60.

I sigh "I'm not the only person that can help. Pearson Sears is really good in English!" I exclaimed to her rational side, "Plus, it's pretty evident that Mr Grumpy and I aren't the best of friends and that I won't be able to motivate him to get off his arse and try." I add.

"You are the only person who I trust enough to change his F's into... C's? at least." She said, somewhat questioning herself at the final grade. Even she knew that an F to a C was wishful thinking and that it was almost impossible. Especially for people like Blake who disregard any type of school work.

"What makes you think I can help him?" I exclaimed, exasperated. "I can't perform miracles!" I added.

"I don't need help" I heard Blake mutter angrily under his breath. 

"Yeah, because we're just here for the fun of it" I retorted.



"So....do you guys agree to the tutoring sessions?" 

"You still haven't explained what I get out of this." I said.

"It will give you an edge if you want to get into Oxford University!" 

At 'Oxford University', Blake obnoxiously laughed at me. "You. Oxford? Keep dreaming Storm!"

"First of all, what the hell do you mean by that? Second of all, Storm? Bitch i'm sunshine! I am so fucking sunny that I am a literal ray of sunshine!" 

"Sure Storm."

I scowled at the nerve of him. I'M considering helping HIM and he isn't even trying to be pleasant.

I roll my eyes over dramatically at the name. "I'll tutor him", I sighed. Before Miss could start gushing and thanking me, I stopped her "But if he puts me behind on my work, i'll drop him. That sound fair?" 

They both stiffly nod. 

"Looks like we have a deal little miss Teachers pet."

OH HELL NO! "WHO ARE YOU CALLING A TEACHERS PET?!?" I hated that name. teachers pets are called that because people can't actually think of a personality for them other than their tolerance for paying attention in class. Who wants that? "JUST BECAUSE I WANT AN ADVANTAGE WHEN APPLYING TO UNI DOES NOT MAKE ME A 'TEACHERS PET'!" 


"It's fun pissing you off." He smirked slightly and walked out of the room. Not before ruffling my hair first.

"Dick." I muttered.

"You two are cute together." My teacher beamed. I heard she was a bit of an obsessive shipper when it came to her students but as I have never had an "actual relationship" before because apparently i'm "too scary", I have never witnessed it first hand. 

"We have known each other for less than an hour and I already want to drink bleach!" I told her bluntly with a face like stone.

"Honey, that sounds like a love hate relationship to me. Give it 6 months! I bet you two will be together. If you aren't, i'll give you all of the spare lollipops I have. If you are, you'll bring me a giant chocolate bar!" 

"What is it with me and deals recently?" I asked more to myself than the teacher.

"Life has a mysterious way of bringing you exactly where you need to be." She replied with a smile before saying "Deal."

"Deal" I shot back.

"See you next lesson." Mrs Briggs told me with a beaming smile. I nodded in response before turning away from her. 

Today has been weird. What with Neutral Deer dying, child locks, using self defense in a classroom where we were neglected by a teacher talking to her sidepiece, being sat with the arsehole, being forced to tutor him and now i'm making a deal with a teacher. What the hell is life?

I'm not even sure I know anymore.

Bare in mind, I am trying to stretch out this book so it will take a couple of chapters to get better.

Isabel_Gannoncreators' thoughts