
The Statue in City Square

Atlas and Felix take a small trip to the middle of their city to see if the legend of the statue is true. Atlas decides that she needs to put the fear behind her and go to the statue. Felix just moved to the city and wants to visit the statue, so he drags Atlas along. They have no idea what’s in store for them.

oliviaahlemeyer · Teen
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19 Chs

One Soulmate

"Who else was in the lab with the statue? We need to know," Jasper takes a few steps closer.

Rhett puts a hand on his hip, " I mean James had an assistant that didn't die in the accident."

"Do you know the assistant?" I try to speak a little calmer than Jasper.

Rhett nods, "He's my grandfather on my dad's side. He's the whole reason I have become a historian."

The universe is shining down on us in this moment, well, at least that's what it feels like. He must still be alive. A new hope has come into my body.

"Um, do you think we could speak with him? If that wouldn't be too troubling," My voice has a hopeful tone to it.

Rhett looks at all three of us, "It might be possible, if you tell me why you want to speak with him?"

Felix steps up and explains our story. Rhett seems shocked that one of us is his soulmate. It might be a wonderful thing to tell his grandfather, since this is his work.

"This is incredible. I can take you to him right now, if you would like. He'll be so happy to see his idea worked," Rhett speaks quickly.

We all nod vigorously. This is great news.

I look at Rhett, "Would he be able to tell us who is Jasper's soulmate?"

"Uh, I'm not exactly sure," His smile falters.

He leads us out of the building and we make our way in the opposite direction that we came from. This way has a few large neighborhoods that retired people reside in. Houses here look like doctors and lawyers would live in them. They are gorgeous and very large.

We walked down a few streets that lead to the large neighborhoods. The smaller one of the houses come in to view. We walk up it's stone path and Rhett holds the door open for us.

The house is very bare. There isn't a lot of things hanging up on the walls or a lot of big furniture, there was couch and three small chairs with blankets on the arms.

A voice come from the kitchen, "Rhett, is that you?"

Rhett shouts in reply and tells us to follow him. Once we are through the archway that leads to the kitchen, there is an average sized old man hunched over the counter reading a newspaper.

"Oh, who are your friends?" He stands up a little straighter.

Rhett points at each of us as he introduces us to his grandfather, "Atlas, Felix, and Jasper. They are the two that broke Jasper out of the time rift. They need your help figuring out who is his actual soulmate."

The man doesn't speak, but he does walk around Jasper, almost as if he is observing him. Once he comes back to the front of Jasper, a huge smile creeps onto face.

"It's you! It's me, Charlie. I don't think you would remember me since I think we wiped a little bit of your memory." Charlie's smile soon falters, "I don't think I can help you guys figure it out. We never thought this would happen, so we never planned for it."

Jasper's voice rises in anger, "How do you expect us to figure it out? A person can only have one soulmate. I need to know if it is Felix or Atlas so they can continue on with their lives. They never expected this to happen, so they shouldn't have to deal with it. We need to figure it out. Do you have any idea on how we could do that?"

Charlie looks shocked that Jasper got angry. I feel the same way, except we should have to deal with it. I actually really like Jasper, so I'm glad this happened to us.

Charlie shakes his head, "I'm sorry, Jasper. I don't know how you can solve this problem. What have you tried?"

Felix explained the kiss and searching through the books to try to find an answer. Felix also tells Charlie that we thought he was our final option.

"I might know what could work," Rhett looks at me with wide eyes.