
The Start of Thunder Girl

Serena Strong is a young woman living on her own with her sidekick dog Smokey. She Has been an orphan since she was 14 years old, growing up is hard in the years of 2078. Now she lives in a small abandoned home. Serena has learned the truths of the world around her. The economy is worth more than the people running it. She learned to sell items, valuable items. But that would mean stealing things sometimes. Serena enjoys stealing from the rich. But nothing like jewelry or any other item worth money. she steals technology that is worth millions! Most of the money is sent to the people while the rest is used for groceries and other items. When Serena is walking to the grocery store one day, she finds herself cornered in an alley way. She can't fight back because she doesn't want to risk her identity being leaked. Serena then meets a strange man named Hunter. After stealing a weapon that night, a sort of energy gun. She ends up getting shot by the weapon. Giving her powers. She joins an organization to stop evil. And learns more about herself. And learns to love everyone else.

GraceSpafford · Sci-fi
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3 Chs

Chapter 3: Adjusting

After all that time being held by Hunter I went back to my room and laid down on my soft bed. Something I had not had in my entire life. It didn't take me long before I fell into a deep sleep.

The next morning I woke to the beeping of my watch again. This time the warning said that I had a meeting to go to. So I got up and got ready for the day. After eating some breakfast in the cafeteria I checked my watch to see where the meeting room was. When I finally entered the meeting room I saw my group sitting there patiently. Alessandra, David, and Hunter. "Hello Serena we have been waiting for you. As you can see we are not training today. Instead we are discussing who the face of our organization should be before we make it public. Most would like it to be me since I am the Commander. But I think it should be our Hero," Hunter said.

"Hero?" I asked as I sat down at the table.

"When I found out you had powers I saw it as a chance to start a project for the organization. Our organization's focus is protecting the people of this country. Especially against supernatural or other unique cases. So to start off I wanted to create a project that would show the people that we know what we're doing and that they will be safe. So I created something called the Hero project. Which means we will have a soldier trained to fight supernatural beings. And I want them to be the face of the organization. Lastly I would like to make it clear that I want you, Serena Strong, to be our Hero. Of course I won't just hand over your identity like that so we have come up with a name for you. Thunder Girl!" Hunter explained. I stood completely shocked for a moment.

"Are you serious?! You want me, the tech thief to be your Hero? I am not who you want, I am not a hero!" I exclaimed.

"But I am serious Serena... you are a hero. The poor love you. They basically praise you! All you need is to believe in yourself," he replied. I stared at everyone in the room and then shook my head and left. Hunter was about to chase after me but Alessandra stopped him.

"Give her a moment Hunter. She needs time..." she said.

After leaving I changed into some athletic clothes and went out for a run. Running through the forest gave me some comfort as I cried. I felt safe and protected. I felt like I could let down my guard. Eventually I stopped running so that I could sit down on a bench. At that point though I had stopped crying. I felt like I could finally breath. That the bricks on my chest were finally being lifted. I took deep breaths. The forest had a certain scent to it that was different from the city. I loved the smell of sap and plants. It gave me comfort.

After a couple hours of sitting on the bench I ran back to the building. I returned to my room and entered. Suddenly I was greeted by the wet tongue of a friendly beast. I fell to the floor by the impact of the beast. I laughed through the licks. "Get off!" I giggled. When the friendly beast backed away I could finally open my eyes. In front of me sat a dog that looked like Smokey again. Which filled me with sadness again. For a moment I thought it had to be Hunter's dog or some random husky. But then I saw the collar and tears began to fill my eyes. "S-Smokey?! Smokey! Come here! Oh my goodness I missed you so much! You were all alone and I didn't know what to do!" I cried as I held my dog in my arms tightly.

Suddenly a friendly voice spoke to me, "we found him in the forest behind your house. He traveled quite far to find you" Hunter said with a small smile smile on his face. "Listen... you are going through a lot... and I am not going to force you into anything. Because I really care about you, already... so, if you-" he continued.

I jumped to my feet and threw myself onto Hunter. My arms wrapping around his neck. I stood on my tippy toes and sat my face on his shoulder. "Thank you..." I whispered softly. He hesitated a moment before wrapping his arms around me too. He rested his head on my shoulder too.

"You're welcome... I just wanted to help-" he began.

"Shhh..." I shushed quietly.

"Okay..." he whispered in return with a smile on his face. After we let go I invited him to hang out for awhile.

"Hey, Serena?" Hunter asked.

"Yeah?" I replied as I was making snacks in the kitchen.

"Mind if I go get something from my place real quick?" He asked.

"Sure! Go on ahead I can handle these snacks" I answered as I continued cutting cheese and placing crackers on the tray. He ran off.

When he returned I heard the bark of another dog. I placed down my cheese knife and turned the corner of the kitchen to see Lucy, Hunter's dog. She and Smokey were sniffing each other and saying hello. "I know the first time you met wasn't really the best... so I brought her here so that you can have a better introduction!" Hunter said.

I smiled as I walked over to his side. "You are so sweet Hunter, I would love to say hello to your beautiful girl" I replied. Then Lucy excitedly leapt onto her hind legs and placed her front paws in my hands as I caught them. I giggled as Lucy jumped back down on the ground. I pet her behind the ears and she closed her eyes in satisfaction. Hunter smiled as he watched me.

I stopped petting Lucy and turned to Hunter, who was still staring at me. "What? Why are you staring at me like that?" I asked.

"Like what?" He asked as he continued staring at me.

"I don't know but it's weird" I replied with a nervous smile.

"Sorry... I- you're just... never mind..." he stuttered and then looked away. I lifted a brow but left it at that.

After some time of hanging out and eating snacks it was almost midnight. "I should probably get back to my place... Remember, I won't force you to do anything. But please, at least think about it" Hunter said as he got up to leave. As he made his way to the door Lucy followed, "goodnight Serena," he said.

"Goodnight Hunter," I replied before he left. After he and Lucy were gone I sat in silence for a bit. I missed his presence already. And there was something about Hunter, that made me feel warm inside. I felt safe. He reminded me of the forest. Safe and comforting. A place to let your guard down. Oh what am I thinking, I barely know him. This is just your loneliness speaking! I sighed and stood to go take a bath.

I sat in my warm bath, my knees to my chest. I grabbed a bucket and poured the soapy water on my head. My hair clinging to my back from being wet. I ran my fingers through my hair as I moved the soap away from my face. I sat listening to the water drip and move. Thinking. Hunter wanted me to think about his proposition. Well being a hero wouldn't be that bad. There had to be a reason why the universe chose me to have these powers. Why deny what the universe wants? I sat silently before getting out of the tub. My soaking body being wrapped in a warm towel. After dressing in my pajamas I went to bed. Climbing under the covers.

I will make my final decision by morning...



"Sir, we haven't detected any energy signals. It seems like Rogue hasn't used any of the power yet."

"That can't be... That can't be!" A man shouted as he swiped his scientific tools off the table. "I need my serum back now! Those powers were meant to be mine!" He added before standing up straight and sighing. He pushed his hair back and turned to the young scientist.

"Doctor Jones?" The scientist asked.

"Fine... if she won't use the powers so we can track it. Then we will just have to drive her out of hiding..." Doctor Jones said.


The next morning I woke to my watch for training. I sighed as I slipped out of bed to get dressed. I got into my uniform and went to my kitchen to make breakfast. I found a cook book and looked at it for a moment. I couldn't understand all the words because I hadn't gone to school since when my parents disappeared. But I could understand some. So I found a breakfast recipe and began cooking. After making and eating my breakfast I left to the training room. "I hope you're ready for training today Serena, we don't need you passing out again" Alessandra laughed. I smiled and shook my head.

"That won't be happening Alessandra, I ate lots of food so that I can have lots of energy for training" I said as I threw my jacket onto a couch. I began walking toward the doors to the training simulator room when Hunter stopped me.

"Wait! Before you go in, how are you feeling on being our Hero?" Hunter asked.

I turned and stared at the group for a moment. "I- I will be your Hero," I replied hesitantly.

The group's faces lit up with happiness. Hunter excitedly smiled, "then I will begin preparations for your super suit!" He exclaimed. I smiled slightly and saluted before walking into the room. The doors closed behind me. This time I knew I was ready. Suddenly bots appeared all around me. I forced energy throughout my body. My veins glowing. Energy poured from my eyes and I began shooting energy blasts at the bots around the room. Some dodged and others got hit. I then leapt into the air and flew around the room. Continuing to blast bots. I grabbed one of the bots I hit and threw it at another one. Bringing down that one. Suddenly through my earpiece I heard Hunter speak to me.

"You're doing great in there Serena! We are very impressed. Would you like us to continue sending in bots?" He asked.

"Send in more, I've never felt more ready!" I replied as I took down the last bot.

"Yes ma'am!" He replied cheerfully.

I practiced for a couple hours before I needed to eat again.

"I need to replenish my energy" I sighed into my earpiece. The energy was no longer glowing in my veins and was no longer pouring from my eyes. That only happens when I have too much energy.

"Alright we'll pack up this simulator for the day. If you want, David has created a second simulator just for you if you want to give it a shot?" Hunter asked.

"How about right after lunch?" I replied as I grabbed my coat off the couch. He nodded happily.

"Speaking of lunch..." Hunter began before nervously looking at Alessandra and David and nodding for them to leave. They rushed out of the room. I looked at Hunter with confusion.

"What about lunch?" I asked.

"Would you like to go out to the city for lunch? Y-you know, w-with me?" He asked nervously. I stared at him with flushed cheeks. Trying to figure him and his proposal out. Did he mean a date? He was almost as red as a tomato.

"I-I mean... of course! B-but uh... I've um..." I stopped, wondering if I should ask if he meant a date.

"What is it? Are you okay?" He asked. Gosh he was so sweet. Always trying to make sure I was okay.

"N-no! Everything is alright! I just... I've never been on a... date" I replied.

He stood shocked for a moment, "o-oh... that's okay! We can just hang out if you want?" He replied.

"Hunter, it's really okay... take me on a date silly man!" I said.

He chuckled, "I'm going to get ready real fast, pick you up in thirty minutes?" He asked.

"I'll see you then!" I replied before heading out.